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Maine: The Star In The East Rising!

Maine: The Star In The East Rising! image
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We copy Jrom the lnst numbcr of the Bnngor Gazetto tha folluwing tablo of the result as farns licard frotn in Maino. Tho Liberty voto of Mainowill ríse to 10,(;00 votes. Well done for onc year.Majority against Dana, (Dem.) 4710. These returns are by no means accurato n de lail, na acareo iwo pnpors agree - but tliey do nut essemiully vary from the Iruth. The Liberty votes are prohably more fnlly returncd thnn usual, ns tliey were too importan] an eloincnt to be omiited. Thore are hundreda yei to como in, and hencefonh tlie impracticable band is to hold the balance of the popular vote in this State until il is regenernted. Dying away suro cnough I In seveml towna tbc liberty party ia larger tlian buik 1)10 otliers. In tibout twelve itisthc first party. In about fifiy it is the stsond -party. In the State thfo party novv holdsthe bulance of power, not by a mere :a?ua!t, but by reüable conversión to our principies. It holds the bahince in scveral Congressional diatricts, in a number of senntorial district nnd in a largo number of 'owns nnd reprtaoi.taiivc