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AFPOINTMKNTS OK MF.SSKS. PI.L'MB AND HOÜGH, OK UT1CA, N. Y. At Hnstings, Messrs. Plumb and Hough will unitp, and pursue the rest of thcir tour in conuuction, uuless they end friends on the spot deern it best thnt they should snparnte occasionolly. The will fiil the fpllowihg appyintments : ION1A COUxVTY. Wedncsday, October 14 at Portland. Thiirsdny, " 15 at Lyons. On tlic lütli and 17tli nt snch places as may bo appoiuted, by friends at Lyons. CLINTOx COUNTr. They will apond in this County th week, commenoing on Monday the 19th at De Witt. to Snturday evening the 2 itli. De Wilt frionds wiü make tho neecsaary appointnients. SHIAWASSEE COUNTY. They will spend in Shiawassee the following week, commencingon Mondoy ths26th at Owasbo, and endmg on Saturday evening the 31st.j Lach oppointment will be at carly canrfirlizht. except at the Mass Convcrrfrons art K-ilamnz. Pow Faw, and De Witt, in conneetion with Messrs. Bïbb airf Treadwell, These will rom menee at 10 ff'clock A. M. (See appointmeius ofB. &T.) We apíiin ctnnmend these Tiaitors to ibe enre nr.d hospitality of frienda, and reqaet ;he laiter to forwHnl tiiem on tlmjr roofe. Messrs. Plumband llough, nroalso nntFiorizud to receive contribuiiona to tfic Stn'e fund. We have to throw ourselves on frionds to sustwin our eili)rt, and we eolicit from ench hi-' contribitiion, no matter how stmnll. Evcryoniritmtion p rer nlarly pnhlished ín the Sicjnnl. M-iili or witiioui he dor.or's nnme, occordine to circuinsianc:8. - It is probnble however tli'it som? part of the culleciions nmdf by tlicae gnmlemen cannot bc publislied un'il their return to Detroit. C. 1Í. ST KWART. Chn'n. St. Cen. Com. Detroit. Sopt. 2!, 184G.