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O YSTERS ! O YSTERS ! ! OYSTERSÜ ROWE & Co., having thoroughly completed their arrangements, are now preparcd to turinsh ihe cuizeus of Detroit and vicinuy with O YSTERS! Of n superior quulity. at iho loweat prices. They intend making n regular business of it, nud will reccive doilv. by exprcas, nnd keep constanty on hand, SHELL and OPENED OYSTEÍlS ol a quality tliat cannot be surpnssed. - Thcy will be put in Cana or Kcijs tliat hold from ono quai i to two galiana. VVe do not wish you io take our word for the above, bul to cali and ty us. (D AU orders left at the Rnil Road Hotel, or sent by mail will meet with inmediato attention. ROWF. &. Co. Buflalo, WM. MATHEWS, Agt. Detroit. P. S. Oysters delivered to any part of the city Iree of charge. Detroit, 1S4Í5. 2B5-3m E. G. BURGER, Denlist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT STORE, CRANE Sí JEWETT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHINES and Seperators are made nnd sold by diesubscribers,at their Machine Shop, ncar the Paper Mili, Lower Town, Aun Arbor, KNAPP & HAV1LAND, Jan. 19, 134G. 247 tf WOODÜ WOODÜ! SÜBSCRIBERS who nrè topay in Wood will picase cali immediatoly wilh a few loads at the Signal Office. Sept. 2G, 1846.THE LIBERTY MINSTREL ONE HUNDRED COPIES of the lifih edi lion of this highly popular work are for sale at the Signal office at 60 cents single, or $4,50 ner dozen. Tomi8 Cnsli. Now is the time ior Libcriy choirs to supply theraselves. Cliattcl IWortgagcs, JUST printd and for sale at this office in anjquantity. TO LAWYERS. JUST opening, a first rate lot of Law Books. for salo at the publishers prices. for coüA at Perry's Booistork. Juno 15, 1346. 270-tf FRANKLIN COLD WATER HOUSE! Bates Svkeet, onc door ATar of Juxrzssov Avzmtb, DETROIT. 26n-ly S. riNNF.r.A DINNEB SCÈNE. Child. - "Fatlier, some one raps." Father. - "Walk in' [Stranger enters] The Mistress ariees to set a chair, Straivger. - " Don't rise, Madam, keep your seat - teep your seat. Lxcuse me, Ladies and Gentlemen, for callingat this unseasonable hour. I intended to have been her e earlier, and not disturb you while at dinner. [ perceive it is past twelve, nud I will soon leave. "I am here, however, at the earnest solicitation of Diir mutual friends, G. & L. BECKLEY, of ANi ARBOR, LOWER TOWN. "They have just rcturned froni the East, and are now in the receipt (direct from JXevv York) of a richand valuable stock of STAPLE AND FANCY BEY GOOD8."Their selections have been made with great care from the most recent impor tations. They would only name the folluwing articlea, assuring the public tbat their assortment will be complete : French, Exglish, ano American Broadcioths, Cassimcres, Satinetts, Vestitigs, Linea Goods, Sheetings, Shirtings, Damask Table Cloths, Napkins, Bird' Eye and Scotck Diapers. Crash, &c. ; Cashmere, Brocha, and Cotton Shawls Cashmeres, Da Lames, and almost every species of Dress Goodsof new styles and patterns; Lac Groods, Hosiery, and Buttons. A large variety and large nssortment of Prinls will be found on hand, cheap, no mistake. Bleached and Brown Domestics, Bleached Shirtings, Sheetings, and Drilüngs; a good supply of Summer Stuff, both Linea and Cotlon ; Ticking. Checks, and Ginghams, Cottou Yara of the best kind, Gotton Batting, Wicking, &c. A good assortment of GROCERIES a "Teas from 3 to 8 shillinga per pound ; Sugar, Molasses, CofTee, Spice, Cassia, Raisins, Cloves, Nutmegs, Indigo, Copperas, Logwood, Madder, Alum, Rice, Saleratus, Lamp Oil, &c. &c, together with a large and choice lot of " Knives and Forks, Butts and Screws, Door Locks, Steel Pen-, Files, Brads, Hoes, Hay Forks, Shovels, Scoops, Spades, Fire Shovels and Tongs, Spcons, &c. "Common Teas, Assorted Teas, and Tea Setts, Plain and Fancy ; flowing blue a most beautiful ware, and very fashionable ; a large lot of edged Platea and Bowl Sec. &c. They have the largest and best Stock of IN TOWN. They also keep excellentMEDICINES. "Cathaatic Pills of Varioü9 Kixds: Also DR. JOH9J BAKZSTER'S FEVER. ANO AGUZZ PtfJRELY VEGETABLE, " This Pili may justly be censidered the Oran d Catholicon in the following Diseases, viz : Fever and Agüe, Dl-mb Agüe, Chie.l Fever and the Remittext and Bilious Fevers of this country. The above pill is warranted ro cure in every instance where the directions are followed, or the pay will be refundedLet none be so foolish as to suffer for months with any of the above diaeases whea an infallible remedy is at hand. "Now Ladies and Gentlemen, the above Goods, with mnny orhers too numerou to mention, are for sale, asi have told yon, by G. & L, BECKLEYr Ño. St Hurón Block, Ann Arhor, Lower Town. "They are ready lo receive in exchange for their Goods, Wheat, Rye, Oatsr Corn, Peas, Beans, Cash, Barley, Flax and Flax Seed, PorkT Beef, Butter, Lardr Cheese, Eggs, Wood, Wool, dsc, in short, almost every thing the farmers produce. " Their prices will be medium - not the highest, perhaps not the lowet - but reasonablt, so that no one can in justice complain. "I am nov through - excuse me for my long speech. I have said much mor than I expected to when I carne in. So I bid you adieu, by simply adding, (E?' DonH forget the place, No. 3, HURÓN BLÖCK, ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN:'- [Exit Stravger. N. B. After a short consultation, the whole Family leave the table, and RUSH to G. & L. Becklev's Store, find Goods and Prices satisfactory, pinchase liberally, and return home joyful and satisfied.TO COUNTRY MERCIIANTS. THE Subscriber hos constimtly for sale good nssortment of hcavv WOOLEN CLOTHS, well adapted 10 thecouniry market which lio will sell at wholesale or retnil, vkry low. Cali and see them at the Mamtyttan Store. W. A. RAYMOND, 275-tf Detroit. PAPER HANGINGS. A LARGE lot of Paper Hangings, and Bor. dering, for aale cheappr than ever oflercd in thi Village. at PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. June Ió. 270-if NOTICE l" rpiHE Co pnrtnership herctoforc cxisiing by X. the name of J. A. Twisa&Co.. was dissolved by mutual consent on the fifteentb of June last. J. A. TWISS. ELTJAH MOUNT. Ann Arbor, Scpt. 2ó, 1Ö4Ü. 284-3w COUNTY ORDERS. fTJHE highestprice paid in cafehby G. F. Lew X is Exchange Broker, opposite the Insurance JJmk, Detroit, for orders on ony of the coumias in the State of Michigun; aleo for Staie gecurjties of all kinds &nd uucurrent fuads Cui and !. Vee Ij 1545. C41-tfCHEAP STOVEfl AT YPSILANTl! I 9- COOK1NG & PARLOR STOVES, ■ tl juat recoivcd, Uy the Subsciiber, (mosty Trom Albany) mnking a good asaortment of hc lateM and best patterns, wlu'ch will be sold at Low Pricesl not tú be undersold thie side LakO Lrie! Also, Coppcr Furniture, Couloron Ke;:les, ïolluw Ware of all aizes, Stove Pipe, Shet ron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Manufncturcd, ond constant! y kept on band vhich will also be sold very low. S. - Purchasers will do well to cali an examino for their own sali&tnciion. J. Al. BROWN. Ypsilanli, June 20, 186. 271tf BE TTER LA TE TffANNE VERI 'T 1 1 IC Subscriber h:ia the pleasuro of announcing to tita Public, thot he hns just rcceived from New York, and oponed a choiea and well e$lected nssortment of NEW GOODS, consiöting of Dry Goodsy Grocerics, Crockery, Hard' tcarcy Boots and Shots, which he will sell ai Very Low Pnces for Rcady Pay in Cah, or Produce. Cash or Gooi will be paid for WOOL in ny quaauues. ROBERT DAV1D5ON.. Ann Atbor, .'une ]0lJS4-'J. ' _. Q6