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Slavery: Its Political Evils, And Their Remedy: No. Vii

Slavery: Its Political Evils, And Their Remedy: No. Vii image
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Last weck we explainod the nature of the representation lor Slaves established in tliis gvernnient. Through lhis rep rescntation the Slave Power has obtained its ascendency. Had tliis special privilege been restrioted to the six original Slave Stal es, it would have been coniparatively poerless. 1'hero was nothing in the Consíitution requiring a representation for -laves in any new State that imght'tUercaftcr come in. Yet one of the first acts of Congress was to admit Keutucky as a Slave State, and the practico has been continucd, until it is claimed as a niauer of course that a new Slave State skall bo admitted as often as a new Frce State ! Yet thision is all geatuitous on the part of llie 1-Yec States ; and thcre is no other reason why it sliould be granted, except the insolence of tlie slaveholuers, and the cowardicè of our northern doughiuecs. But if this special privilege of property representation ought to be bestowed on our Síaveholdérej wliat shadow of a claim have FOREittX Slaveholdcr?, why it shoud be estended to them ? Yet we of the Free State?, have admittedthe Slaveholde;-s of Tesns to a privilege not enjoyed by our own Qitizénsj arid have agreed to keep ihcir slaves in subjection for them, and deliver them up when they run away into ourTms Paivilsók made Profitahle. In thedistributionof the Surplus Rcvcnue, iu 1837, the Federal Ratio was ndopteJ. Tliis vasa Wliig raeasure, if wc remember rightly, and was carricd by the Whigs, although in the minority, by the help of southern votes ; and these votes were obtained on the express condition that it should be dividedon the represèntaüon principie. So íhat every Slave State received a bonus or premium fr;m the nntional treasury tbr Iiolding slaven, in proportion to this number of slavcs held. By the contrivancc, the Sauíh, with a nee populaiion of 3,323,239. received $16Ö58OB2 85, while the North, wiih a free population of 7,003,451, received but 621,410,77. Vi. So that forcach free iuhabitant of the North thero was but 83,06 : while thcre Was received for each free person of the South.jsi,-20. Tíiáá each Southern Free person di-c%v $1,14 more than each nortiiern free person. This single instance of calculation cleared íbr tlie South, for her slave represeníation in Congress 84,353,549 ! Tlius each free inhabituntof New Jersey drew frotn the Treasury, $3,29 : of Georgia, 61,80 ; of South Carolina, 65.27 : of Louisiana, -;G,00 ; of Massachusetts. two dqllars and ninety-lu-o cenia! The sane privilege is conceded in apportioning the Cadeís ut the Military Accademy at West PoinL The number from each Slate is determined, not by the free population, but its representaron in Congress. Ánd this has now beconie the established rule for proporlioning national offices and monies. A billwns proposed in Congress last winter requiring the national offices to be distributed among t!ie States on this very bnsis.Natios.vl Offices. In distribotiftg national ofacers through a large country, a faijrule would be to proportion them in tlie different sections according to the numher of the voters by whoin all offices are crcated and filled. How stand theFree and Slave States in this particular? The Presidential voie of 1844 was, In the Free States, 1,899,745 In the Slaveholding States, 41,875 Excess of votes in Free States, 1,057,770 The proportion between the two isabout as 9 to 4 . Does the Norlh have uinc offices to the Slaveholders four ?- The reverse of this, the slaveholders having iwicc os many as the whole Nortb, every or.o knows to be thetruth. Ve inlcnded to show the vast ascendency of the Slave Power in this nation by a detai'ed statement of ihe njinber ofnnlional offices fïïrirf by slaveholders, nnd the periods for vhich they have occupied them ; but our limits forbid more ihan a glance at tlie subject. Perhaps there is notliing that we could write that woold wcigh as much with our readéfs, as the story told by the slaveholders hem'iétveï, In the Charleston Courier of1844, a prominent Whig paper of Soulli Carolina, we find ihe foilowing stateir.cnls : the laliciáing is ours. 'Our past experience, too, has shoiyn thal the weight of the South has been HEARLY pelt in the politicr.l balance, an'l bas almost ulways MONOPOLIZAD high' federal ficc. The Sout-hejrn o;JSÍaveholding.Siíitcs hnd six out ofour ten Presidents, (Wasfiingtoh, Jeflerson, Madison, Monroe, Japkson and Tyler) of the Union- the Norüiern or non-sleive!)olding States have given but four, name]y, Jobn Adams, John Qumcy Adams, Martin Van Buren, and VV. LI. Harrisun ; and of thebo four, the two last were dwscu hij a Ijggg nuijorHy of Southern roles, and i!r last npmed was a natïve Virg!nian, Hlially devoied to the rigbts and rníerestá of the land ofhis birth - and even the two first named enlistad a strong Southern support. "Again, of the six Southern Presidente, i'iE werc rc-e)ected to their high oilice,nnd cach occupied it for eight ycnrs, nnd onlv one, the present incumbcnt, [Tyler] wilt hae occupied it for four years, giving in all lö the slavehohling n:eret tiie possessior. and control of tho Presidency for fort y koi:r ye&vs out of fiftj six ; while of the tuur non-r-iaveholding Presidenta, tlircc occupied the Presidoncy but four years ëach, and duo, the lomentod Harrïsob, only n litile moro tlian a month, giving in all to the nnn-shiveholiling inteie.-t the posspssion and control oí the PresidcQcy for onlv twklvü years out of tho fiftv---iv. -So of Ciilef Jusüues .f the Union : the South has had tliree, ( llutiedge, 3Iarshall nnd Tnnev ;) and the LNorth but two, (Jay and JSJlsworth,) out of t!ie fivo incumbeaia of that nugust judicial scat. frAt this nionicn!, the Snnthcrn or SJfiveioIding tvicrrsl enjovs a MONOPOLY ok uic.ii KEUEBAL, OKFIOi:- KXECL'TIVK, JTJDlCt.ÁL, LKC.ISLATIN K,[TARYAND .XAVAL.]) John Ty'.er, a Virginia, is President ; and his ori'iinct qpnsisis.of Jolm C. Caliouiij a South Carolinian, Secretary ql State ; George W. Bibb, a Keniucki;in, Secretary of the Treasury ; John Y. M;ison, a Virginian, Secretary of War; Charles "A.Wickliflb, a Kéniucki'ah, Posjtmaster öeiieral ; John Nel-sou, a Maiylander, is Öhief Justico of the United States : Wilüe P. Mangum, a North Carolinian, h President of the Sonate, and John W. Jones, a Virginian, Speaker of the House of Representad ves ; and CQSouthern men stand at tho head of ihc most important Cornmittees of botlj branches of Congres. Winfield Scott, a Yirginiun, is Major General óf aur army, and James Baron, a Yirginian, senior ofticer of our Navy ; nnd (Ïto crown all, Henry Clay, a, is the Whig, and James ïv. Polk, a Tennesseean, the Democratie candidate for the ne.t Presidency ; secvrivg to US tho fi tl-rk as we!l as the past. íf this be nol ihc LION'S SI-IARE OF POLITCAL POWER, words have lost their meaning - f THIS bc not cnaugh to salisfy the South, sur. must be insatiable indeed."Picase to bear in mind, render, that ihis the production, not of Abolitionsts, butof a prominent Southern man, originaíingat thc 'residence of Mr. Calhoun, and representing the views of Southern Statesmen. It síioivs most conclusively 4 - whétfrór the North can be made to believe it or not. that the slaveholders believe that they linve "almosl alicays moxopolized highfcdcr al office; have had "the ïion's siarc of political power ;" and have secured the fitcre as well as the past" Can it be possible the whole body ofnorthern freeraen will aïways consent thus to ba mere underlings to a few slavcholding aristocrats : deliver up their bcautiful country to be uscd by ihem at will as a conquercd prov ince, and seltle down into a mean, base.contemptible subjeciion to thec cunningand arrogantiticians ? We may belicve it hereafter ; but we cannot yet give up the hopes oí a general and noble rally of the freemen of tlie North for the perpetual overthrow of these monopolizing usurpers. Let all who are íbr vindicating their rights, and those of their enslaved couutrymen, meet at the polls at the coming election, and manifest their faith and hopes by giving their suifrriges for the deliverance of our country frorn the Slive Pover, and t'.'e proinoiion of the cause of Human Freedom. IL