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NEW COOKING STOVE. And Stoves of all kinds. The eubacriber would cali the attejnion ol the public to Woolson's Kot Air Cooking STOV23Which hc onti coniidenily itcommmd os bcin dccidedly superior to any Cooking Stove in ns For simpliciiy in opuraium - ecnümy in hiel and Tor u:u-qualUd Baking and Ruasting quiili ios. it js tiniiv.illcd. Tho new and iinporiant improvcmem introd'.iccd in its consmictton bfijjig iii:h as to ineure reat ndvauiuges uver all othtr kinds ti Cooktng Stoves. WILLIAM R. NOYES, Jr. 7i 'iVoüdvvard Avenuu, Ue;roit. Dec. 12, lt}45. 2 12 ' J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS INSTAP! A.ND FANCY DJ&Y GO O DS, JPry Groccrivs, Carpeting and' paper Jtlungings, No. 63 Waodtcard Avenue, Larned's Biock, Detroit. 3. ujlmls, Neie Vork. ) S HOLMES. Dit ruit. } WF. take thismethod of informingour frienda and customers throughuut the State, th we arc stiil pixreuing the eveu tenor ofour vtys, endcavoring to do our business upon icit and honorable principies. We would aleo tender our acknowledginents for the patroneare ex tended to U3 by our customers, and would heg leaya to c-ill the atteotion of tht public to a ve:y well se!ectel assortinent of stasonable Goods, wliich are otfere-d at wiiolesale or retail at very lov priecs. Our tacilities tor purchasin Good are unsurpassed by any concern in the Siate - One olthelirm. Mr. J. resides in the city of New YurU, and f rom !is long experience in the Jobbing trade in that city, and Iroui hi.ihorough kno wiedde of the maiket, he i enabied to avail himself of the auciions and cny decline in prices. We also purchase froni the Importers. Munufocturer's Adonis, and ftom he auctious, by the parkagv, the snrne aa N. Y. Jobben purclmse. thus savin tlieir profits. - Wiih these facilities we can sníely eay that our Goods are soid ciikap for the evidence of vhich vo invito the atlention of the public ;o oui stock. We hold Ui the great cardinal principio of iltJw greatist good to the ichf:l nvuber." f you wantto buy Gods ehtop, and buy a larpe qunnt'Uj ibr a Vlt'c 7oi;ygive ua a trial. O'Jr tock isas extensive as any in the city, and we are cnnst'intly receivmg ncw and freálf'Goods iror.i New York. 50,000 Ibs. Tl7ool. Wanted, ifieaboVfi quaniity oigood merclinntable Wool for which the highest market price wil] bc paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, May 28, 184G. 214-tfTo Woo! Growers. WE beg Icnvc to inform our Wool Growing frípndá, that v(í.shall be prepared for tile parchase of 100,000 Ibs. of a gcod clean merchnntable article, as soon as 'he season fa sellingcummences, as we are connected wiih Eastern woo! dealers, we shal! be able jo pay the highestpric. the Eastern market wil! afford. Great coniplaint was mntJe last season amonas! tbe Eastern Dealers and Manufaetnrers. in referencc to the poor condition c Michigan ViJl - much of it being in lnd ordei am! a considerable portion being h ..'. We woutd here take oecnsion to request thathe utmost pains shnuld be taken to have ih sheep we!l wasbed before shenringf, that tlie Tag Lóeles be cut olí. and that each Fleece he carefuüy tied up with proper wool iwine. (cost 183 to'ó cts per Ib.) heinp Jwine is tlie best: it v.ül 6e found greatly to th-odv-intoeeof Wool Growers to pui up their wool in ttiis manner. HnwasIiL'd wool a not merchantnbte, and will be rejected foy mostif notall ofihe Wool buyers, it being diflicult lo r-lenn. J. HOLMES & Co. WoOUWAIlD AVK.VÜE, Larnerda Block. Detroil, March26, 184G. 2')7-tf Ï8Ï6. WHOLESALE & R E T A I L. A. JSVFARREN, BOOKSELLEB &HD S í ATIONER. SMART'S BLOCK, 1S7 JKFFRRSON AVENUE, DETROIT. KKI'8 con8iantly for salea complete assori ment of Aliiscellanemis. Schooi and Classi cal liooks, Letter ;iiid .Cap l'npcr. piain am) ru! ed. Quilla, lnk. Sealing Wax, Cutlery. U'rap ping Paper, Printing Paper, of all 'éi'es: an Book. News and Cannister Ink. ofvarions kinds BLANK BOOKS, full and hall bonnd. of ev ery variety of (luling, Memorandum Books, S:c To Merch'jnts, Teachers, and others. buyin in q'iantitic-s. alnrge discount made. Sabbath School and Bible Society Depositor 247-tfLIDIES SCHOOL MISS OIIÍFFIN will commence herechou lor Young Lndics. on Monday the 25th of September, at the Cowage recently occupicd by Judgc Thomjjson. T::RMS : For the Primary Studies, $3,00 ' hiyher English Studies, 6,00 for n term of eleven weeks. For Latín, an extra charge of 2.00 For Freneh. 4.0d For Pencil Drawing, 3.d' For Painting. ?,M Instrucvions on the Piano, 8,00 Germán may be attended to if desired. Competent Instructora are provrded for the diii'-reut departments. Young Ladies from abroad, can obtain board in private families. . Ann Arbor, Scpt. 1846. 233-tf LINSEED OIL! ! THE Subscriber is mnnufacturing Linsecd Oii on an extensivo scale and he is able !o supply MERCHA XTS A MD PA JNTEIiS. on türin8 more fav (rabie tor thcni than have ever beforo been ottered Jn i!)i country, and he i prepnred to supply orders fr iarge or email quantiiics t prices txtrcmcly low. O Communications by mail vill be promptly attendeJ to. D. L. LATOURETTE. Long Lake, Genesec Co. Mich. 28:i-ly TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. R.1PLRY would s-iy to his friends and the Iriends of Tempen nee. that he hae taken the Tertiperance House, lutely kept by Wm. G. Wheaton, where he would be glnd to wait upon them. Hay and Oais ind Stabbling to nccornmodate tcatns. Detroit, January I, 13-5o. MEDICAL B00K8. A NEW lot of Medical Books. just opened and for sale cheap for cash ac Juno 15. 270-tf Erbt'.S:fl ANNERY;. I j ; .KBffljwsopwrsjTr ■■■■ ■. .„-.;-., SHrLEATHERrijËATHE"! ELDRED & CC, No. 1'23, Jefíerson Avenue, "Eldred's Block," Detroit, late this opportunity 10 inform their customers, and the public generally, that they till continue to keep on hand a full assortmentof Spanish Solc Lcather, Also, Lasts and Pegs. Curriers' Tools, Ac. Slnughtcred do IJorspc nr.d Cüllur Lemlier, Homlock tanncd Upper Leathcr, Cqrdtvun Ua Onk '; " " Morueco Skins, Frenchtanned Cntf Skins. &! d Oah. and Hcrnlor.k tnnnetí do Goal RindiiiL', Hemlocfc tanned Harnees and Bridle Lenther, Deer un-1 Lnmb do Oak ; S '- " White and Coloied Linings, ]tsg and Top Lenther, Printed do Skinins. Phihidelpiiia nnd Ohk; Shoe Russet do ming, and Kit ol nll kinds. As the Subscribers are now manufocturing their own Leather, they are prepared o sell as low asenn be purchased in this market. Merchants and manufacturers will find it to their advantage to cali and examine our stock before purchnsing elsewhere. (XCast and Lealher exchanged for Ilides andSkins. Detroit, Jan. 18-16. 24-lyNEW GO O DS! Chcap for Cash!! THE Subscribers beg leave lo ir.forrn their old cusioincrs. and the public ftenernlly. bat they are now receivinga large and &pl"nr!id nssortmcnt of English, American and West Lidia. GOODS. Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Pai?ite, Oils, Dyesluffs, Drugs and Medicines. Also a general flssjrtmcnt of IROiV, suitable 'or Ironing VVaguons and Buggiea, Nail Rod 6, loise Shoes. ana Horse TíuU, Sheet Iron, Tin Ware and Tin JPlate - a)so a general a;aortment of BOOTS & SHOES, hick and thin sale work, and custom work to uit purchasers. All pf whtch ihey wül se!! on he Inwc3t possible terma fur Cash or Bai.ter. reeling confident as we do, that we can make t {qt ihe intcrcei ofa!l ihuse wiehino; to purhase any of the above mentioned Goods, wc 'o most earneetly solicit at lenst an investigation of our Goods and prices beiure purchasing elaevhere. JAMES GIBSON & CO. .Vo. 3. JExchange JSlock. Ann Arbor, Jower Town, Sept. 14, 1846. 2?2-tf CLOCÍKSAÑD WATCHES! ! JqÍ fTiriE Subecriberha8 just :s J_ receivcd. (and 8 con'SÉffrfJstanily receiving) from mEm[ New York an elegant ard $ uiw wcll sclected assortment Jewclry, Clocks, TTatclies, cc. &c. wliicli ho irnenda to sel! as uw ae at atiy otber establishment this side o Buftalo forrcadij ay onbj among which may be )"ound theiollow n?; a ood assortinent oí Gold Fingcr Rings. Gold Urenet pin. Wriatlets Guard Chaina and Keys. Silver Spoon3, Germán Silver Tea and Table Spoons (first qaaüty.) Silver and Germán do Sugar Tongs, Silver Sah.Mustard and Crenm apoonF', Butler Knivfcs, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens. " ' Penci Ie.Silver and Germán Silver Thiniblea, Süver Spectacles, Germán and Steel do. Goggles, Clothes. Hair and Tooth Brushes, Laiher Brushes, Rnzors and Pocket Knives. Fine Shears and Sc:s?trs, Knivrannd Forks, Brittannia Tea Pote and Casiore, Ptated, MrasB, nnd Briuania Candlesi'icks, Snuflers &. Traye, Shoving bnxesnnd Soape, Chapmati's Best Razor Strop, Calfand Morocco Walleta, Silk and Cotion purses, Violins anc Bows, Violin and Base Viol Stringg, Flutes fifes, Clariúnets, Accordeons - Music Book lor the 8arie, Motto Seols. Stoel Pens anc Tweezers, Pen cases. SnufTond Tobacco boxep fvtiry Dressing Combs, Sido and Bnck and Pock ei Combi, Ncod Ie cases. Steletloe?, Water Paint nnd Brushes. Toy Watehes, a grent ariety o{ Dolls. in short :he gr'eniest variety of toye ever brought to this market. Fancy work boxee, children'6 ten sctts. Cologne Hair Oils. Srsiclünc Snlts. Court Piasier. Tea Bella. Thermometers. Germán Pipes. Wood Pcncüs. BRAöS AND WOOD CLOCKS. Sic. in fact alinost every thing to picase the fancy. Ladies nnd Gentlemen, cail and examine for youreelves. Ciocks. Watches and Jewelry repaired and w.irrantcd on short notice. Shop at bis old stand, opposite II. Becker'sbrick Store. CALVIN BLISS. N. B.- Cash paid for nld Gold & Silver. Also Pernfs Book Slore in the same room. Arin Arbor, July i6t, 134G. 271-lyFíre ! Fírc ! ! T7' J. B. CRANL would respectfully notify Jj the citizens of Ann Arhor, nnd thc surrounding cnuntry, that he continúes lo actas Agem of the HARTFORD FÍRE INSURANCE COMPANY, and will insure Property ígainat 'osses by Fire, at Ihe lowesr rate9, and witli dc-spatch and accuracy. Tlie Hartford Insurance Company 8 one of rhe oliiest and moec stnble n (he country, and all Ioesc9 sustaincd by thcm will he - aa they ever have been - PROMPTLT paid ! Firc is .' dangerous element and not to le tritlecJ wi:h: íhorcíure. rnnke up your mind to guard ag;iins. it nnd do.v't uelaï ! A few houisdelay may be your ruin. Mr. Chárb's Office ie in Crane's new Block, corner of the Public Square, Ann Arbor. 280-tf Ij OOK HE REU THE Suliscriber ofiers to 6ell Forty Acres of rood Land in the Cotinty of Iyivingston - The land is timbered, and vviihin iwo miles of of vvhere a steam Sív mili is ereciing'. 'JVn acrisare clearcd, and ihere are len ncres more rendyfor losging. Tbere is n good log houne and some fruit treea on the prenilses. The terms wiil be liberal, and peyment may be made in carpenter's woik, lumber or n good team. Apply to the eubscriber in Ann Aihor. S. D. NOBÍ.E. Ann Arbor, July 18, 1S4G. 274 12w NOTICE. WashtevaW Coustv, ? CeeRKS OlFICE, S TFÍE annuni meeting of the Board of Supervisors, for ibis County. wil! be held at the Coatt House in Arm Arbor on Wednesday the I2ih day oí October neit. B. KING, Cleik. Ann ArW, Sspt. 4, 184C. Van Irbor THfc undeisigued ba ving uun liosed me itilcrcstsofhia partner in 'he Murbie Business, vould inform the inhabiian'a oí ihisand adjoinin: ouniies, ihat he coniimies the ínifincs Dt che !d stnnd i o Upper l'own. ntnr the Pre-byierian 'hnrch, wlirre lie will innnu'acnire 't'o orfior, Momunents, Grave Stones Paint Sione, Talléis, $c. $c Those wishing to ob'am nny anide in liis line f business, will find by calling thnt lie has an asortinent of Whiio aiui V ni u-sia icil Mirble (rom lie Enátern MqrbJe Qu-irricu. .'Hich Will be vrouglit ín Moilcrn siyle. and pold at en'stcrn prices. hddíng only. Cali and gct heproof. J. M. ROCKWELL. Ann Arbor, Jnjy 8, 1Ö46. 27]yCENTRAL LAND AND TAX AGENCY, Jicksos Micmr.AV. OJJicc Second Story of the Brich Block adjoining American Hotel. THE subscnber8 under tlie name of HurSbut & Trcadwell. huving csinhlishcd an office at Jackson, lor ilie purposeof transiciing bu?i nc-BS os General Real Ksuite Agente, will givc thcir personal atiention to The purchase and sale of Real Estáte, Faytnenü of Tura on Land, Iledctming Lands scll for 'Faxes, Examinutitm of Tilles, Convcyanccs, and sucli oiliur husiness as pertains to a General Real Estáte Agency. íntendin permanently to 10 continue iho abuVo Agency. arrangement have been made wiih ex{ehmve Real Esiaïe Offiets at the East. through wbicli tlie salo ol improved Iands mny be tnaterhilly fucihtaied ; and déslribg to rendar ii as bent fi "ial as pussible. a rt-jrister ol such re.l propeny i'or sale, aa mny be iurnifihed us, willi pnces, terms, particu'ai description. &c. will be kep; for the inspection of purchasers, and when a aile id eílectud. a co.mruiaaion of 2 per cent ia expected from the seller. A catalogue of Lnnds, Farms, or other real property i'or snle will be publishcd and extensively circulatcd by our ofilc!, and owuers of such property, desiring to find owners. cun avail them eelvea of lliis medium, by forwarding to ma particular deBcription of the proporty, wnh pti ces, terms. &.c. and One Dollar foreach dcácrip turn advertiscd. O ii r charges for all services, will ip. all cases be reasonable. OCT All letters must be posipnid. H. IIURLBUT, J. M. TKEADVVELL. Jackson, Sept. 1816. 2ö2-2m The undereicned will continue to attend to the practice of bis professiori, and will devote particular attention t' the collection and securing of claims, Forcclosurc of Mirigoges, nnd üraft ingofDeec's, Mortguges. Contracis. &c. J. M. TRF.ADVVELL.Cheap Hardware Store. THE Subècriber takcs tlns meihod 10 int'ori liis old customcrs and the public genera!! that hestill continúes 10 keep a Inrgeand genera assortrnent of Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. AIpo. Spike. Wrought, Cut nnd Horae Sho Noilfl, Glafi, Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron, Sheet an Dar Lend, Zync, Bright and Anenieii Wire. Mo !asse8 Gatee and Foesette, Mili Saws. Cross Cu Snws. Hand and Wood Snwe. Bnck acid Ke Hole 'Saws, Anvils. Vices, Bcllows.Adzes.Coop er'a looli-, Drawin? Knives, Spoke Shaves Tap Borers, Cast Sieel Augurs, Common Au lïitis, Augur Uitte, flollow Augure. Steel nn [ron Squares, Ground PInstcr, Water Lirnc Grind[Stones, Pouish.Caidron and Sugar Kettlti Culilc, Lost. Trace nnd Halter Chains, Bronc Hand and Narrow Axes, Spirit and Plumb Lev da, toifCllier with a general aesortnient of Hol ew Ware, which will bc sold low for Cash o approvcd credit at J 23. Jeflcrson Avenue. El dred'B Block. R. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. lGth, 1846. 248-1 y CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHINES and Seperator are made and sold by ihcsu! iheir Ma chino Shop, ncar tlie Paper Mili, Lower Town Ann Arbor. KNAPP & HAV1LAND, Jon. 19, 1846. 247 tfTPHE prcccding ligiro ís gtven to rcprepen the Inseiirtibie l'erspiriiiiun. h is ilic urea cvacintion for t!ie imjurn:cs öf ihe body'. It wül be notiecd tliat a thick. ctoudy mist issues froin olí poinis of tíie Miraje, whicli indícales iliai thla perspiratión flowa unmicrruptédty wlu-n we re in hcnlth. bul ccases wlien we are sick. Li e ■tr.noi lie sustalneü without it. It is thrown off om the Mouri and otlitr juicea of the boii. id dispoaeb hy thie meiins. of nearly all the tn uritie within ua. The blood, by i!n. iihmiik nly, woik Í!sh;1i pure. Tli; il Scrip iiiii, -'in tli Bluod is :lie Life." If it cvtr ecomea rmure, t inny be traced directly to the opp;jge of the Ineenaible Terspiration. It neve equircb aiiy miei nul medicines to deaneu n, as italway purifica taelf by it own heat andnc tion, niid tlirows iAÏ u!l the offendinij hninoii, iliroii'li the Insensible l'eropiration. Thuswe süc; dl [fiat 8 necesöary when the blood is tngnunt, ir iniected. is to open the poits, ondif teli'jvcK ilaerFfroni til impuriiy ins!an:ly. lisown and vi: iliiv are euilicieDt, without ont-pnrticle ot iiicdicinc, except 10 open the poitf upon the sui face 'Ilias we tte the fully oí t.tlung so itmch imeinal icnu-iJics. All praciinonerc botvover, d'Ci their cffjite to restore the JriBvnsible. perepiratiötfi bat il to be not alwnye the proptr out-. The Tlioinpaom.m, :or inatancc steairs. iVeífydropathistahrondá "in wet blanketn. thej lloüiopath Bi denla out ïnrinitisiriials.ihe Ailop.itlr.Hi bleedsand domus wuh mereury.arid the t)ius:euiig Quack gorges us w.ih pilb, uills. ullttfcTo givc sonie iden of the nronunt of the Ineen siblo Peu-pirntion, wc will state ;liat tin leariied Dr. l.ewenhock. umi the gie;it lincriiaave. ascertained that lïve-eighthsol all we recetve into the stomach, passcd o!i' l.y this nieuns. In otlier worde, il wc oat aiul drink eilit pjunds per dajr. we evacúate five pounds of it by the Insensible Pcispinilion. TI1Í8 is nono other than t'ie uscd up pnrticlee óf the btóóa, and other juieta giving place tothe new and Iresh ones. To check th;?. theieiorc, is to ïetain in iho system fi v-ci ht h oi il the virulent matier that nature demainis shouldleavc the body. And even when th6 is the c;ief , the bbod is of so nctivc a principie, tliat 11 determines t lose particles to the ski.i. where ihey t.rni écabs, pimples, ulcers, mid othsr sjmta. By a euddcfi trünsnion irotii heat tu cold. the po-res re topped. ilie pcrepiiarion ctüiee, and disense begins at once to devèlcpo itself. Henee, a Stoppngè of this flow of ihe juieee, originales so inany eompÍRints. It is by stopping the pore6, hat overwhelms mankind wiih couglis, colds, and oonMimptions. Nine-tenths of ihe world die trom d!M?ae indaced by a etoppagc ot the Iruenible I'ersptra tiun. It is casily socn, thorefore, how neceetary 10 the flow of this subtlc hutnor to the surfiicc. lo preserve heshh. It cannot be stopped; it cannot be even checked, without iiiducing diaensc. Let me nsk now, every candid imnd, what course sectns ihe most rcasonable to pursue, 10 unstop the (fDres, auor tliey are eloted? Would you i;ive physic to unsiop the poreaT Or would you ñpply something that would do this upon thé Burface, where ihe cloggin actunlly is? Would n u tljis be common senetT And yci I knowoi no physician who inakes any e.xternnl application t éiïé: it. The reaaon l assign is, that no medicine within their knowledge. is capablc of doing it. Under tlmse circumstancef, l presnt to p'iy.sicians, and to all others, a preparation that 1 ts tliis power in ite fullest rxtent. It is McALSTEll'S ALL IIEJLING OINTMENT, orthe WORLD' S SAL E! h haa power to restore pereptnittun on the leet, on the head, aröund o!d sores, ujion ihe chest, in short, upon any. panol the body, whether diseased tlightly jt wveriily. It ha? power to cause all extmal sores, Bcrofulonghuniors, skin diacafefl. poiyjnoua wound, k. discharge their putr.d matter, and then htalsUl'MTl. It is a rernedy that swecps off the wholc catalogue of ctitancoiie disorders, and restores the eniire cuticlc to its henlthy iunctions. It is a remed lhit forbids the necessity of so rnany and ddeterious drugs taken imo the stonïacfr. h is a rcmedy that noither sickens, gives inconvèn'.ence, or ia dniigerous ti the intesiines. Il preserves and dclends' the surface fron all derangeiuent of its t'unctious. wliile it keeps upen the chanaels Ir the btoo'd to void all iis mptirities. and dispose of all its useleas particles. Tbö snrface is the outlet or fivc-cihths of the bile and used up. matter within. It is pierced wi;h miliions ol openings to relieve the intestinos. Stop up these pores, and dcath knocka at your door. It is rigbtty termed All-Heaiuig, lor there is scnrcely ü disease, eiternol or imernal. that it wül not benefit. 1 have used it for the last fourtetih years, for all diseases of the clicst. consuinption. liver, involving the utinoei doger and reaponsibility, aud I declare before fleaven and mnn, that not in one single case hae it fuiled to benefit, when the patiënt was wi:hin the reuch of mortal ïncans. l h ive hnd physicians, learned in the profession; l have had ministers of the Gospel, Judgcson the Hench. Aldernien and Lavvyere. yen tlcnien of the highest ertidiiion nml multiiiidt-s o) the poor, use it in every variety of way, and ihcre has been but one voice, one united, universal voicc, saying, "McAlister, your üintment is good!" COXSUMPTION'.It can hnrdly be crechtet) that n salve can have any eflF.'ct upim the lungs, ueated us they are within the syetem. Bat vesay once for all, 1 this Ointhtent will rench the lunge quicker than :my medicine ihatcn Ie given nternally. Thus. if placed upo tlie chest, it penetrales direcily to the runga, scparatce tlie poisonous piruetea ihat are consuining them, and expcls iliein from the sysism I noed not say that it is curing persons of Coneutuplion coirinuatly, althougli we are told it is fooltshnesa. I c;;re not whnt is said. so long ue I can cure sevcral ihuusand peraons yearly. HKAD ACHE. This Salve hascured persons of the Head Aclic of lü years Btanding, atid who had it regularly evcry week, so that voniiiing ofieñ took place. Deafhësa and Ear Ache are helped with the like 6UCCC6S. as also Ague in the Face. coi.d fki:t. Consumption. Livcr cotiiplaint, pnins in the chest or ide, fnllin of tlic hsir. oneor thé other alwayn nccompünics cold fect. It is a sine sign of diaease in the syetem to have cold fcet. The Snlvc will restore the Insensible Perspiration and tlius cure every caso. In Scrofula, Êrfsiptelns nnd Salt Rheum, and other diaeases of tliia nnture, no internal rernedy has yot heen discovered that is ko good. The game may be said of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sore Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseascs, Broken or Sore Breast, &c. And as for the Chest Diecascs, such os Asthmn, J'ain, Opprcssion and the like, it is the most wonderful antidote in the "World. For LtverCcmploint it is efiially efficacious: fur Bnrn8 it hns not has its equnl in the World; -i!so, Excresencea of cvery kind. surh as Warts, Tuinors, Pimples, &c, it inakes clean work of tlii'in all. SORE KYKS. The inflammalion and disease always licsback of the buil of the oye n tLe socket. Jluncc ihe virtue of any medicine must reach the scat of the inilamntion or it will do lilllo ood. The Salve, if rubhed on the temples, vvill penétrate directly inio the socket. The pores will bo open ed, a proper perspiration will becreated and the discase will soon poes offio the suriace. PIMPt-ES ON THE FACE, FBEC&fffcS, TAN, MASCUI.ISK Í-KIN, CROSS SURFACK. Itefitet actiou iito éxoel n!t humor. I: wihlot cense drnwir.g lili the face ís frec from nny natter tliat may bo lodged undcr thfl skin any requénily bréaking uut io the surfacc, lt tlicn icils. When ihoro s nothing but grossnesa, or lull repulsivo suilace, it begins lo sollen and ■ii tt io ii uutil the skin beeomes assinontb and c'eli:iac as a cliild'a. lt throwa n frealiiiess and jlushing color upon the riow white, trnnspnrcnt jkin. that is perfect I y orichaïning. Home times in case o) Froekles it wiil ïnsi suirt out those ihot !i ivo lain huiden and seen bui seldom. PurSjtíu ilio Salvo and all will 8Óon disappear. Ifpurcnts knew how íhial niO9t medicines were to children laken iinvardly, ibty wóuld bc slow to resort to ihem. Especially "mercurial lozorgfis," culled 'Mnedicated lozcnges," pilla, &c. Thotrutli is. no onc cnu teil, invarinbly. wlion worms are present. Now let me sry lüpareiitB. Kut this Salvo will alwiys teil if a cbïld luitwonns. It will drive every vettige of tbeni awav. This is a pimple and sale cure. Tiiere is probabiy no medicina on the face of the enrth at nee ao surc and au safe in the expu'sion of worms. Il would bo cruel, nay wicked, to give inter nal, doubttul medicines, so long as a harmlesü cxicrnalone could be liad. T01I.1-.T. Allhouch I have said litile ahout it aa n hni rsHtoralive, yet i will üiaki; it ngoip'si the World They mny bnflg tboir Oils (ar and neiir. anc tnine will restore iho hair iwo cases to theirone OI.O SORKS, MOK'IIKirATIo.NS. ULCKR8, KTC. Tlint sonie Sores aro an outlet to tbc Ifnpuri tie-? of tho fysii'in, is bccause they cannot pnss uil' throuüh ihe nam nl channcls of the Insensi ble Per.-piríHi.wi. If such sores are healed u tito irnpiiriuefl must hnve sonie other outlet. or will endnnger Ufe. This is the ronsun whyiti impoüiic to use the comnion Salve of ihe da in such cescs. For they have no power to opei other ovinuea, to let off thi morbid níátler, aiu the eonsequences are aiways fatal. This Sa! will ahvays provide for such eniergencies. DrSÉÍÍSKS OF CH1LDR;.ilow many ihousunds are swept on by gmng ifitfrnr 1 medicines, wlmn thoir yonng bodies nil tender frnmes are unable to bcnr up ugninat ihim? AVhnie armies are thus sent to their graven meroly tr. m pourinc into ilieir wenk stoinnchs powrrfnl druqs ond physics! It is to Bticli ihnt the All-Hcalm" Ointnient tenders so snfe. pleasant. and hnrmlesa n cure Such can Sf8 as Cioup. Cholic, Cholera Ini'antum, Worm, and all funmer Corttplpints, by which so many children die. the Ointmcnt wiJl remove s spcedily and surely, that a pbysicinn wil! never be needed. Molfaeral throughout all ihia land. we now solenmly md sacredly declare tb you that the All-Healing Oiniinent will s.ive your children irotn in early if' you vvill ue it. We are not now actuated by the leas' desire to gain; but knowing as we do that vast bodiea of inlants and children die carly; which is suppo8cd to be inevitable and itiipusaiblc to prevont, we hold up our warning voice, iind declare ri the face of thcwhole world. CJIILÜREN NKED NOT DIE .MORE THAN OTHERSÜBut it is fromthe wont ef proper nounsbment and the con&tnnt drugging they umiergo which inowe üietn duwn as the rank graas falls belore the wïythe. Mothers! wo repeat again. and f they were the last wenda we were ever to utter, nnd of cour8E past the reach of all interest, we would say. "use the AU-flealing Ointtuem foi sicknets among children." RHEUMATISM. It removes al moat mmediately the inflamation and sweüing, when the pain of course ceaacs. FEVERS. fn enses of fever, the difficulty lies in ihe pores bcing Inckod up. ao that the heat and per.-tp:rntion cnrii)ot pus off. It the least muisture could be s:;ir(cr!. the cris8 ia passed and thilHTitfr over. The All-i!euling Omtment will in all oecBof fcvera utmost instanily unlock the akiu and bring forth the perspirmion. Fr.MAi.E CUMTIAIMS. Influmation of the kidneye, of the womb, and itilallinsr duM-n, w?nkness. and irregulority; in ühort. all tliosc diificulucs wbich are frequent with femaies, firid rendy and permanent relief. vVn hrive had a;ed ladies teil us they ouid not live sixnionths without it. Bui to femjaieaabout lobecmnc üK'thers. itused forisoriie weeks antecedt nt to their confinement, very few of those pains and convulsione which altend thrm at thiit period will be feit. Thisfact ought to be known ihe world over.SCALD ïir.AD. We have oured cases thnt nctually defied everytliing known, as wel! as the abiliiy of fifteen or tweniy doctors. One nmn told us he iind spent $500 on his cluldrtn wahoul nny hcncüi, when a few boxos of the Oiniment cureel tliein. COKNS. Pcopie need never be troubled wilh ihem if tliev will ue' i'.As a FA.MÍLY MEDICINE, no man can meaaure iis valué. So long as the stars roli iloiií over the Hcavens - so long jis man trends the earth, subject 10 all the itifirtnities of the ilesh - so long as disease and 6'ickness is known - just 8 long will thifi Ointment be used am esteemed. When min censes from offthecarll) then ihedemand willecase. and not lili ihen. To nllay all apprchenstons 'on account of il ingrediente, in possessinr such powerful proper tics, we will state thntit s eomposed of somo o the most common and harmless heriis in exist enee There ia no mercury in it. as can !e "sec from the tact t lint it does not injure the skin on partiële, while it will pass throuch and physi the bowcls. JAMF.S McALISTER & CO. ■168 South ftreet. N. York. So!e proprictor of the above Medicine, t whom all cuinmunications must be nddressec (post paid). Price "5 cents and 50 cents. ETCAUTION.XD As the AHIIeoling Ointment Ins been grent ly counterfeiicd, we hnve given this caution t the public, that "no Otntrhent will be genuint unless ihe nnmes of James AícAlister, or Jame McAlisicr & Co., are writien wiih a pen upo every label." The label is a síeel ensjravinjr wiili tlic figuro of "Insensible Perspiration" o the face. Now we herehy offer a rcwardof $500. 10 b paid on conviciion, in ony of the constiiutet courl8 ol the United States, of eny individua counterfeiiing o'ir name and Ointment. MAYNARD'S. Ann Arbor, Wholesale A genis; Pmith & Tyrell, Clinton: Ketchum A Smith, Tecumsch: D. C. Whitwood, Dcxicr If.t Bower, Manchesier; John Owen & Co. Deroit; iïarman &, Cook, lirooklyn. Dec. 18, 1815. 244- lyEXCHANGE HOTEL TERPERANCE HOUSE. (Dircctly opposile the Cataract Hotel.) BY CYRUSF. SMITH, NIÁGARA FALLS, N'. Y. Th8 House is not of the Iorgeet clase, bat fwell kcpt. upoti the snmc plnn t hut it hos heen f'or Bdveral yenrs past, and nfibrrlH 'imple v.nd very comfortahle accoinmodaiions for iJiose stopping nt the Fülle. This Hotel is 8tuntc(l in the plenantest pnri of the Villne, on Main Street, nnd but a few minutes walk froni the Cataract, Goat Island pr the Ferry. Niag.ira Falls, 1840. 2G2-(5m Hats and Caps, IN all their vnrietics. also Cams, Silk nnd Giflghnm as. Suspendere, rich Sil!; 8carts oud Cravats, Silk, Linen and Kid (ilovts with every awiclc in that line can be liad at l;iit lrices nnd warranied to snit by sendinj: yonr wishes by letter or by cal!in at No 58, Wood ward Avepuc, 3 doors north cf Doty'a Auction room. Detroit. N. B. Ministers and Liberty men supplicd at ;i small advance froni coet. 26C-6: JAMES G. CRANE.FOR SALE CHF.AP kor CASH, or every kind of counii y Pioduce, Saddlés, BricHcsJIarness, Trun es, Valisesy Trunk Valises, Carpet Bags, %c. Also a aood nssortnient of Wiurs fc Lashks, wfaich wili be solü vcry low, oml no mistnkc, at COOK & ROMNSON'S. Ann Arbor, Aiifust 1?; 1840, V:? ;fBOOKS! BOOKSÜ #?■ tÍ# At IVrry's Book Store. TO THE PUBLIC TUK unlcrsi-iicil laviiig returned fioni New ' York wiili n new, Iniye and valuuble stock 3ooks, Stationery and Paper Hangings, s now rcaly to scll for Cush, niiy (hing in liis ine at bis m y tand on Main sticot, oppoaito H. Brick Store, tic will sny to Uook piirc!in6cis. tlini. hy liis effiris l;ist fnll on iis re' urn frocn New York. iJiu price of nearly ovcry ihinji in his line hos been sold less ifiéri ïerctdfuro. and had t not been for him, purchasers woultl have conlinucd to pay the priecsheretofoie charged. Ije enn say iilso. tlint his sales Imve been beyó.jjd hin most sanguine exp.ectoiions. sKowiqö conc!usively that a )ublic benefactor, ttlf hóugli ever so small, will not go unrewardcd in thiöcnlighiened comnninily. Ho ij ih:ii)Ulul fir the favors alren.iy bestowcrl, and woiilii respecifully 8'!icita continuunce of the trade; aiulhe woutrl s;y to thóse who ncver liavc parchascd books of hirn, thnt he will show therri articlës and prices wi(h p!e:ifure a' ny time ihey mny cali whether they wish to purchase or not. Cash ordi-'isfrom tho country will be atiende; to, and the bópka pftckéd as we!l na if the perdono were present to nttend the purchasps. " H will also teil to children as cheap aa their pa renta. Purchasere will do well lo examine his atoe and ;rica heforc purchnsinsr elsewhere. Doii't; bc surc youcall aiPERRY'SBOOK STORE, o Mom Street, a few doors South of the Public Square, in the same room wilh C. Bliss, Watch Maker and Jciccller. WM. R. PERRY. . Ann Arbor, June 27, 1810. Ü69-tfTKUSESIUNO MACHINES. HPilK undöraigaed would mtonn ihu public l i ihat he manufactures Horse Pow?rs and ' 'hreshing Machines at Scio, of a euptriur kind l nvenied by bimselt. Thesj Powers and Machines are particulnrly dapted to the use of Farmers who with to usr hem tor ihresliiníí iheir own gr;:in. The powr, thresher nnd rixtures can nll be loaded iuto a common aized wagon box and drawn wiih nc pair of horsea. They are designed to be uri with four horste. and are abundantly strong )o? ' hnt nurnber, and may be sáfeíy uyed with six 01 ' eight norses with proper care. They work witii essatrengih ol'horse according ro the amotn? b( ' )UHÍtie3ü duno ihnn nny oiher power, and will ' bresh generally nhnat í00 bu9bel ht-at per dny with four hor.-es. In one in;tnnce 15? sabels wheat were threshed in three hourë with four horaes. This iJower and Machine contain all the ndvantajrea neccssn ry to make them proritnble to hu purchaeer. They are stront and durable. - They are easily moved froin one place to another. The work of the nooes ia e;my on thew Dowere in compariaon to oihers, and the price i LOVh)R than any other power and mnchine, tiave ever been sold in thu Siate. according to ibe renl alue. The terma of payniont will be liberal för notes that are known to be tbsolutely good. I have a number of Powers and Machine now reariv for sale and persons Wishlrig to bny ore invitèd to cali soon. CLKANERS. I e.xpect to be prepared wihin a few days to make Clftners for ihoae who may want ihem. The utility and adventagea of thi Power and Machine will appar evident to all on e.xaiiiinini: 'he recoinrneridatioïi.s beiow: All perrons are cauiioned against makine these Powera and Machines: ihö imdërsfgnetl ba ving adoptfd the necessary n)ea9iires lor eecii ring letters pi'.'.eiu for the same within the timeetjuirea Dy law. S. W. FOSTER. Scio, Waahtenaw Go., Mich.. Júnelo', 1316 RECOMMENDATIOXS. Dnrin? the year I15, cpcIi ol ihè undersigned nurchased and used cither individually orjnintly with othersr. oi:e óf S. VV. Fostor's newly in ' vented Horse Puwcis nnd ihreshing vinchincs. ; nnd helieve ihey are botter adapicd to the use o! ' Fnrmers who wuni Powers and Machines Tor iheir own iie tlian any other power nnd threeher within our knuvrledgo. -Tlny are calculutei) 10 be usfd with four horscs and are oí nmplc strengih ior tiiat immber. Tliey appeur i-j bl constructed in sucha mnnnor qb to rendèr therr vcry dtirnble wïih liulu liabiüty of getiing out oi . order. Theyare eisily movod from one place to anotlier. They can lie worked wiih nny num bcr of hands from four to ughi, oud will threuli abot't 200 l)ushels wheñ: per dny. J. A. POLHtMUS, Scio. Waalitonaw co G. BLOOD. ' rt T. RICHARDSON, SAMUKL fïKALY, ' ' 5. P. FOSTER, " " N. A. PflELPS, ' " ADAM SMITIÍ, " J. M. BOWEN, J.irr.a, VVM. WALKER. Wehicr, TIJOS WARREN, " D. SMALLE Y, Lodi. I threshcd last fall and winter w.'ih one of S. W. Fostnr's horse powers. more than fifteen thonsand buslicls gram The repairs bestowet! upon tie power aniounted to only C cents, and it was in good or!cr vvhen I had done threshing. 1 invariably used si.v horsPs. AA RON YOUNGLOVE. Marión. June 6, 1S46. I purchased one of S. VV. Foster's horst powers last fall and have uscd it for j-ibbinff. J have used inony dtflereiu kino's of povvors and believe iliis is the best running power 1 liavc evereeen. D. S. J3ENNET. Hnniburg. June, 18 IC. We purchnsed one of S. W. Foster's Horst Powers last fall, and have uscd it and think it h a first rate Power. JESSE HALL, DANIELS. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg, June, 1846. 2(59-tl1846. 1846. MILTON 1JARNEY OP THK Steamboat Hotel, DETROIT, ÍS now re dy to nccommodatc his friends and ilie 7'rnve.ling Public, wiili nll ilicse convenieiicescnlculated lo'mafce tliein conilortablc, and wiih pi i'.cs tu snit thr'tiine:. Meas Iwenty-jive Cents. Best f urn n üir. Cilij for lie same Moneij. General Sttpc Office. Slcamboats lenve Detroit for Stiffalo rerry Ectning, at huif pust G o' doek. (Usurrlhj.J The Railroads are withinfivc minutes ride of the Steamboat Hotel. 272-tf AÖ7TrGKAW "&CO.', Are now receiving thcir Fall Stock of Boots &l, Shoes Which have been sclccicd with niuch enre for ilic Trliolesale Trade. f I iIIF,Y now rcspectlully rcqunst the MerX. clianis of Michigah nnd adjicent States. n exomino tlieir extenaive stock wliieh willbfesdld at vcry low pricea for c' A or npproved credit. Mavinc for tho lost iifteen yenra nold n,ore Gooda at retnil than any other House in Michigan, tliey feel fully porsunded tliai their selection f.s 10 pricc, tuality, and sizes, wül suit tho wants of the people. Their stock of Lcather and Findings is also complete The retnil trade continúes as usual on tlio firsi floor, Coknkr or Jeiferson anü Woodwarü AvENütS. V. C. MrGRAW, & CO.This excellent rornpounil is lor sale by tho rprietor's Agentó. MAYNARDS. 263-1 y 1$. Willson's Corn Mili, (Mc'Knighl's Patent.) The snbactiber WÓtíld liercly say to tlio publit íliat is now preparí d to luruisli on ehort notice, those who wibIi. o portable mili, cnpablc of iiriiulinií 'M) bushels ofeora of corn per hour. or gricid oiiier coarso grain lor lecd.r ehclled corri, (willi a lush.) rub out clover eted. &v. &c. cnlloii 3. L. McKnights patent corn crubheraud clover rubber, &c. The sübscriber is nlso propared f o sell town and couiuy r i i h t s to smd pulent on liberol in mis. Thd machine woiks like a chiuni, npplicnble to 'tii.rso. water, or stemn power: one Jiorse, is sufficierit to perform the nteesa.nry griuding for any t'ann or pihei" establishment lor home consumpiion. hut more power is necessaiy to do custom work to a profit. The sutsc-ritier has nqw in operation in lno shop a! h8 Tempernnce Flouau. in Jnckeon, a iwohorte pmvcr, by which. witli the force of one horso (on!y ut p;tLcní) he diives aaid machine. The advantnges offeedino: corn and colib ia thia woy ie now too vvell nnderstood lo necd rtht-arsing. Öufficeit to say, that to the south, whero they inise corn easy. and worlh rii''l"ip8 lOcents per bnshtl. they think it nn oliject to eci)nonn&c by thus feeriing corn and cöbb nienl, :ind thní too whern they give irom 1 to J for for Kr'ndiny eiihor fhr fèéd t distillation.Une. fwo or three comparen! snlesnien wont[(! 10 sell rL'lits to s-nid nííichinc in iliis Sinte and Ohio, and rn"$ellnghá to Tbomkih'á niorticing machine in Una State: the best ïww in ase. J. T. WILLSON. Jackeon, March 2, 1346. 2G0-Gm IVolice. GD. HTLL would respectfully nform the ciuzens f Ann Arbor nnd viciniíy ibnt iho firm ol G. D. Hill fe Co., baving dissulved, he will conrinue ihn bna'nesy at the oíd tíiund n Hawkins' Block, on tlie oíd nnd established principies of the house S.MAI-L PKOFITS ANl PKOMPT cay." he veill he able to offer to his cuetomers on or nhont the 2í)ih duy oí Mny, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SPRING G00DS it the loMrest posible rates f'or Cnsh, Wheat Wool. ahí! all thor kinds of prminci'. Al! persons vvnntin to buy gúods wilj fmd i: to iheir adviintnge to hold on their Oíd Clothes, nntil the nbovc namod iissortnieni is received, as thv wülbe soldot verv low lüíes. The Subscribijr will aisp p;iy ihe hiuhest market piice fot KíO.OOO POUNDS OF WOOL; G. D. M1LL. Ann Arbor. May TI. 1846. 2i4-tf"Crockery at Wholesale." TpilEDLKICK WETJVIORK. hnn constuntly 1 on hand. il.v Inrgesl ntuck n the Wrgi of Crocktry, China, Glaasrure, Looking Gassex and Platen, Britaunia Ware TrajfSt, Lumps and Wicking, F la led Ware, China Toys, r. t. Mis Ffoek includeg all the vatieties of Crocki-ry ind t,'liinn, f'roni the ftnest China Diimcr und Tea Setis to ïlie iikisi coiiunon and low prjeed wnrr - froin the richesi cut glass to ihe ;liiinest glaes-warë. Biitiwinúi Cnmors ol'everykind. Britannia íe;i Setis. Golfee Pote, J'on 'o's. Lamps. Candlesiicks. fee. Sular Laud Liami's of every desm'ption froni the most costly cui Purlor Lunip to ilie cheapest Stort; l:inip. All the nl)ovo anieles are importrd hy hiinself directly from the nianufacnircis umi will be Kold ai Wholesale, a. low ns al aiy YVholesale Houtc, expenses (rom seuboard tfrfdéd only. A liberul discount given or cn.-l). Men lianis and oitifra nre invited to cali nnd exnmine th; nliove nriicK-s ai ihe'old tand, No12.". Jefil-rsoii Avenue (Eldied'e Block.) Detroit. 248-1 y Select School. MÍSS J. IJ. Smitji, nssistcd ly Miss S. Fn;i.p, nnnounces to ilie public (hal flie is prepnred to receive young laiüts inio lier bchool in thebiisc-ineni room of the Epieiopol Church. Tkkms. - For quaner of 12 weeks, for English branches from $2,tO 5; Fieneh oncl Laün caeh 3 extra if pursued (ogeiher with ;lie Knpliah uiilit's, or separntely, .-5 cach. The school wUl be fiirni&hcd with n Philosophicnl tus; nnd occnsionnl lecturcs givcn on the Natur;j i'S. Mis. llujjhs will zive nstruciion to all wlo ilcsire it, ín Music, Drawing, Painiingand Needlework. Miss Smiih refers to the followinggcnltpmen: Profesora Williams. Ten T rook, nnd Whecdon of the Unive'sity; Rev. V. S. Curtii, Rv. Mr. Sintons, Rcv. C. C. 'lajlor, Hon. E. Mundy, VVm. S. Mhytïnrd F.eq, Ann Arbor. April 29. 146. 2()2-tfMICHIGAN LAND AND TAX AGENCY. II. D. POST, Mason, Ing ham . County Michigan. WILT, attend to the paymcnt of Taxes, examination ot Tilica, purchaee and salo of Lancls, Ac. &c. Any business entrnsted tohim will be transacti d witli promptness and nccuracy - Address hy mail. Iicfcrcnccs, (bij jtermission . ) C. Huribtit. Detroit, J. C. Ilcüiit. liruiher & Co. ) n. Wilder.: Snow, lroV' Wood+iury. Avery &. Co. ? v v , uSSeawa Fonndry%" TUK imdörsincd Imving bouHt the entire interest ot' M. &, It. P:ir:ridge and Geo. F. Kent in the 'Stcam Koundiy," An Arbor, will mnnufacture'nll kinds of Cnstings to order, and will ho h.ippy to tuniiyh any kind of.Castinga to the old cti8iomera ol I larris. Paitridge &. Co., II. fe R. Piiitritlge, & Co., and Partridge. Kent & Co., and to all others who may favor thö witli a cali. H. B. MARRIS. E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 26, 1846. 244-t. FOR SALE. ATLOW PRICÍES AND EASY TER MS. THE Stibscriiiei oiToie lor t;ile a Farm, in tho Uiwn of De.xtcr. of Kil) acres, tibout 80 neres itnproved. Afo a Fiirm at tho mouth of Iloncy Creek in Scio. 3 müos f;om this villoge, of I '1(5 acres. 90 .aerrs iinproved. AlsoaTarm orw mile frow tbivillnge of ICO acres, 100 acres iniproved. Ench of these Farms are dcairably locatrd Ur resldences; have Kood buildings and are all well wniered. AIso two dwclling houso and Inis ín lili' vüliiLO. 200 villnac lols; ?4 out lotsof about onc aero onch, in ihe inirnediaie vicinitv f tliis villnge.- 10 acres irrhberéfl land. and 30acrs iniproved. ij of a nulo from this villagc. Also 5 slips in the Presbyierian mee'ing houso. Any of (he nbove men:ioued prnporty will bo $old at fair pricoa nnd on n credit oi j of the purcIidsp monfy - Titfc Perfect. ÏWatteil - a srAN op good HorSES IN rAYMKNT. WIIJJAM 8. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. May U), 184(3. 264-6iu Chattcl Mortgagcs, JUST prin'cjand for rale atthiW '(fic iií'any. qoantiiy.