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T Iffedical lotice HE undersigned ia offering his services to Waahtenaw and ihe adjoining Counties, a HomcEopathic physician, woutd say, that aiter liaving practiced medicine on the principies aa taught in the old echool, and treated disease for the last two years according to the law of Homceopnthy, -- CSimitia simiïiinis eurantur, ) taught in the new echool of medicine ; and having compared the succcssof ihe two sysiems ho unhesitatingly believes Homceopalhy to bO tlie most safe, certain and successful niethod of cure. Disenses, hirhcrto incurable, are now n mosl cases, permanently eradicated by Humreopathy. Aficctionaof thespine, head, Uterus, stomach, vfce. &c. have now their certain remedies. EpJlepsy, mama, paralysis. neuralgia, bronchitis i ver and lung diseases; ecarlet fever, cholera, black rneasles, mallgnant sore throai, erysipelas or black tongue, croup, inflammations of tli brain, stomach, bowels. &c. &c. areonly a few of the many ills, that have been stript of their terrorsby the timely application of homcEopathio medicanients. Withont furtlier essay, the undersigned would leaveu to theafflicted to say, on trial of the remediea, whether Honioeopathy is what it claims t be or not. Ho would also etate hat he hasjuet returned from New York and Philadelphia. wiih a comptete assortment of MED1CAMENTS, jnst imported from Leipsic, to this place, where h will aitend to all calls.and furnish medicaments, books, &c. at the lowest prices. From theclo60 and exclusivo attention he is giying to the study and practice of Homoeopathy to be ablo to give sati8faction to thooe who may iavor hm with their patronage. Communications, post paid, trom patients ac a distance, will receive prompt attention. Those who may wish to place tbemselves under his treatment for any chronic disease, can obtain lodgings either at his house, or in other places, at low prices. THOS. BLACKWOOD, 11. D. Uomoeopathi8t. Ypsilanti, 20th Nov. 1845. 239-1 OYSTERS ! OYSTERS f ! OYSTERSÜ ROWE & Co., having thoroughly compléied thetr arrnngements, are now prepared to lurnish ihe citizens of Dotroit and vicinity with OYSTERS! Of a superior quulity, at iho loweat prices. They intend making a regular business of it, and will receive daily, by exprees, and keep constantiy on hand, SHELL and OPENED OYSlERS of a quality that cannot be eurpaesed. They wiil be put in Cans or Kei;s that hold from one quart to two gallotis. We do not wish you to take our word for ihe above, but to cali and ty us. E? AH orders left at the Rail Road Hotel, or eent by mail will meet with inmediato attention, ROWE &. Co. Buffalo, WM.MATHEWS, Agt. Detroit. ? S. Oysters delivered to any part of the city free ofcharge. Detroit, 1846. 2?5-3m JUSTARRIVED B Y EXPRESS. THE Mozart Collection of Sacred Music, by E. Ivcs Juo - containing the colebrated CbrÍ8tusRnd Miscrero by Zmgrelli with English words. Teachers of Music will pleaso cll and examine the work at Pehrt's Bookítore. October 7, 18-16. 266-tfWArVTED, at Perry's Bookstore, 5 Tons cleaa Cotton und Lincn Ragt, 1 Ton Beeswax, and 3500 Dollars in cash, for the largcst as sorlinent of BooUa and Stationery ever offercd in thi Viliagc, and at his usual low priccs. Ann Arbor, Upper Village, üct. 7, 1846. 2ae-tf E. G. BURGER, Dentisi, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT's STORE, CRANE & JEWETT'8 BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. WOODÜ WOODÜ! SUBSCRIBERS who are to pay in Wood will please cnll immcdiatebj with a few loada al the Signnl Office. Scpt. 26, 1846. THE LIBERTY MINST REL. OE HUNDRKD COPIES of the iifth edl tion of ihis highly popular work aro for eale nt the Sitrnal office at 60 cents single, or $4,50 per dozen. Terms Cash. Now is the timo for Liberty choira to supply themselvcs. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber hns constantly for sala good assortment of hcaw ' oWOOLEN CLOTHS, well adapted lo the country market which lie will sell nt wholesale or retail, vekt low. Cali and seethcm at tho M nhvttan Store. VV. A. RAYMOND, 275-tf Detroit. COUNTY ORDERS. THE highest price paid in cash by G. F. Lewis, Exchaime Broker, opposite the Insuranco Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of the countis in the State of Michigan; nlso lor State securities of all kind uiid uncurrent funda Culi and set. „.. . Dec 1, 1S45. 24I-li


Signal of Liberty
Old News