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League Of Universal Brotherhood

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Elihu Burritt has commenced a League agoinst all War, whicli he internis to make universal, or as ncarly so as ir.ny be. The mcmbeis sin the foüowing Pledye, which s citculaiing i Engiand and the U. States :"Bdievine all war lo be inconsistent wïiji the spirit of Lliristianiiy, and destrumiveof the lje.t inte.estso: mankind, I do liereby pledge niy&elï ncver to cnlist oj emer int any army or navy. or to yield any volunta ry support or sanction to tbc preparation for or prusecuiion of any war, by wbomsoevcr or for whatsocver proposcd. declarcd or wngcd. And 1 do hereby associate myselt wiih nfl persons, of whotever couniry condmon, or color, who liavc signed, or shail hercafiersign, ihie pledge, in a "Lcasue of Uniresal Brotherhood ; whoie Object sliall be in employnll Ingitimatc and moral ineans fur ilie abulition of ñll war, and uil the spirit, and all thé nianifestntions of war. throughout the worid; for thcabolition of nll restrictions iion interna tionul correspondunce and friendfy iniercourse. andof wliatever elsc tonda to niake enemit-s of nations, or pi cvent thoir fusión mío ooè peacé ful broiherhood ; for the obolition óf all insiiiutionsand customs which do not reco"niü nnd respect the iniae of God an I a human brother movery ifion. of whatcver clime, culor, or couüition of humanity."ít wil! be seen at a gl ince ihat tliis pledge eni - braces the Aboiliion creed and has also a very strong Icaning towatd Frcc Trade. The name and residence of the signers of this plcdge, of al! counires and nntions, are published wc-ekly in the Christian Citizen, at Woicestcr, MoEsaclnisctls. AH persons over 12 years ofnge of both sexes are invitcd to send in their names. Uurritt intendsto visit Fronce bcfore his return and set lus Penco machinery iu motion in ihat country, and ulso if practicable, in other Europcan States, Ijv furnishmg circulara íor railroad distribution and in other ways. In tuis wny he liopcs to nmke his knawledgeof Iungruages sülsidiary to the greyt cause oí humsniiy. in ihe departmeui to which he has devoted himself, Burritt Í9 doing all that c;in be done by unsiriug diligence ond persevcranco.