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TUis excellent compound is for sale by tl proprieior'. A6eo.S. MAY:fARDS. SGJ-Iv -JV HOLMES &“., WUOLESALi: ANO RETAIL DEALT-ItS IN STAPLK AND FA.NCÏ DRY GÜODS, J?j vj Groeeries, Carpctiag., nntl paper fltsngittss, Jro. (33 Woodward Avenue, Lamed' Bíock, Dclroil. j h n.Mi'.s. ZVíW York. s m Detroit. WÈ take thismèthöd oi inlormingour íneiidf and cuál imers tlir?ugluut ihe tít.ite. Hi, we are s-ül pursuiiig t!:e .'ve:i ter.or ofoit: w,,v8. eñdeávoring 10 lo our businc-w i!ptn íi. and hondrablo principies. Wt roi:!il nlüu :-:itlor du.' nc'xnow!cjiueai3 ï-n tiio patronage ox te:i;!cl lo us by our qustbmwai, ondwoaW béj Icive to cali ihe nttentio.p of lic public to a vci) well se'.ecie-l ttssóriinènt of' stnsmable Gyixis. which aro ólferèd at wholéaale or t-etatl at ver. loV pricos. Our iacil:iies lor pi'rcliasint; Gouri are unsurpaásecj by aúy concern in ihe Staic - Osic oí' tlj'o lirni. Mr. J. Ilohucs resides in the cuy oí' New Yrk. and from his long experienct in tlie Jobbing trnde in tint ciiy. una rom iir ilioroug!i kn )vleil.:e f tho niaikfit. he s .:-. ■ blod u avail himsclf of the aucuons anJ an) decline in prices. We n!s) ptirchase from tlit Impofters, Munufacmror's As;piis. and ftont tl: aur.üous, by ike faíkaae, ihe si:fc .".3 N. Y. 3obb'ers purctiase. tluis saving their profia..-rWith these faeiliiirs we cin sn!c!y sny t h .-. r nn Cl i i:lstre B9Íd cukap lor '.he evi-.leiKO o( whc)we invite tlic nticnlion of the iniblie tooui Stock . We iu!d to tiie grcaí címinia! piin'-iple t ■■(.' frrrnt:! goód l't Itic irá :l. ni'iifjcr.'' s.i :l J'Ol w mt to l)iiy G lods cfieap, and Imy a lurge Jiiañt'fj lor a itt'c nojicy:gio us a tri;il. Our sfocV is as extensivo as any in íl:c city. nnd we nri ci:ist;intly recciving new atui fresh Goodalïon Kcw Y-rU. 50.OÖÖ ibs. WOO1Wniid, ilic a'iove '■jaaníity 01 jood rnrclinnt able lor which ihe highesl market prici will be naid. J. HOLMES Jt CO. Detroir, Mny 23, 184'3. 2M-:(TO WOOL G3GW,BS. WE begr cave lo Mif.irni oir Wool Growinp friends, t lint wc shail beprepared for tht of 100,000 Ibs. of a good clenn merchaninblo artide, os eooji as thosenson fo aelliogcoinmenees, pa wc air connectei! ivith Ëaster'n woo] dealtrs. wo shaü be abie 10 pay (!)e Bigtièst irirothe F-astcrn mar I;ei uill alíbrd. Great comphiot was made ];;si Beasp'n oíiióngltlhe EJasiérn Do.ilers n:id Maiiufact'ircrs. in rclcrcnce IQ ibe poor conditiöa Michigan V.)y! - rnucb of ii benig in bad ordean i cönsiïferable poition bcing unteath 'lVVe w..m;i1 hcre fake occisiofi r reuëflt iln the Uljnost pa'r j!ü le tiken lo hnvc rh( 6lie-?p we'.l was 'iVre Bbeftrins Chai tlic Tag Locts be. cm ii. ui'I.lhai cwcii Fleece lic carefulty Eied up wnh propor won] iwitie. (eost lJ to'ó pTsper !i ) !icm) i'.vino is the lies: i' wi;: 6e tountl grea'.ly to rtipodvanuigeDf Wool Gfow erstu puf Óp their woo! in ihis mnnner. ('n wnsiied wool is not mcrch-tnf-ibie. mi wiH bf rejected by niosiit not all ofibe Wool buyers, il being difEcuk 10 Hean. J. HOLMES & Co. WoOOWABD AvFM'K. Larncrds Block. Detroit, ?.ínrc!i26, 18-1G. 2ó7-tfWHOLESALE & RETAIL. i M' PARREN, BO9XS3-LL". " ;'." I'J S ñT!3?O. SM ARTS I3!A)CK, ÍS7 J F. F F R B. S O N AVESDE, DETROIT. KBEPS cónstaritïy forsnlen co'nipleie a?sori ment oi' Miseellaneoiis. Schooi and Ctassical ilaoks, Letter and Cap Rapcr. plain and rul e.l, Q-iills, lok. Seating Wax, Cótkry. Wr;ip pin:; Paper. Priiiling Paper, of all sizes: .nnfl 13) k, Ncwsnn.l CVuinisicr Ink. of vnrions kinds. BLANK Jï)OKS. full and íiulí bo'.ind, of ev ery variety t liaüni:, Memorandum liooks. &c To Mercliants, Teiclicrs. and othersv buyrag n 'i'inniiúes. a lare düscduirt made. Sabbath Subool and Bible Society Deposiior. ♦47-tf Medical Kotice THE undcrsigiied in offcring-hia services to s hionaw aiul the adjoiniCKg Commies, a HojnoBopatbic phyücian, wöuld s:iy. thit alter havifig practiced u.edic'me on die principies os Uui"htui llo ol'l school, nntl trca'cd diseiwa (ut thÍast twó i yeprs acoordiis !" tnc 'nw "' "" niceopatby. - (ïi.ulüa si.uililus cvnmtur. ) ta;i_;H in i!ie new .ñc!ioo1 of nu-dicine ; and bai ing cos1ñpñíel the auccesaof ihe two sysiein? heunliesitniiivjly belic-ves Honiteopaiby to lic the most safe, certaip and successlul r:ieihod o cure. üisensps. Iilihorto incurable, aro now in n:o?; cases, (lennoneniiy cradicaieil liy HuraceopaÜiV; AÏTuciiiuis oí ihu epine, beid, tneriis. stoinach. &c. &c. liiivc no.v iheir certoin remedits. I ' ileps, ninnia, neuTáljjia', bondiH:. liver and !u:ig dTSease; scarlct fe(-r. chofer; black m-.-aUes. mallnant sore tbroat. erysipelöi or black toi)guc. cMup. inflamrnocions t llx brain, Biomnch. bpwcls. &c. iVc. arooiiiy a lc of the innny Hls, tint hnvc becnstiipt ol" ibeii terrorsliy ilio timt-ly aiipücaiion ol homcRopailuc luetücimcnts. . , Wiibont furthcr essny,ihe unriersigncri wouln leaveu Ut the aillictedto s:iy. on trial of tbeero' clie;, wliether llumoeopatby is whaut claims 10bc or nou i wouli! also staie 'lint lic hnsjtist refurr.eo irom New Yurkaiul Plul-ideliihia. wnli a com.ptete assrtdicni of MKDICAMENTS, jusi importe 'I oin Leipsic, t ibis .l;n:e. wherè lie wilU.tcnd to all cilb.and funiish RiedjcHtnem. bo1is. &c. atilie lowcst prices From tüecio mul exclusive he ís ivin:: i il)R stu:iy nn-1 r,raciice o!' Hoínceopail?; lo [Boblo 10 eivf satishiction to thosc who mny Javor lilm wilh tiieir pnironn;e. Comiminic'i'ioiis. pest p.mi. from pnticn:s"at a wijl reccive iud -pattention. Those who mny wisii to place ihempclves nn 3er his trer.unor.'t f ir aiiy clironic ditonsc, rnn obtnin lodsinirs ci:l:cr nt his house, or in otiier places. "ai low uicci?. T1I0S. BLACKWOOD, M. D. JIo(r.fD'jp'!ilii?t. ' Ypsüanti. Snih IVnv. IS45 S '9-1y_ BE TTER LA TE THANNE VER THE Subscrbpivh'iB ie plc.-isurc of 10 ihj Public, tliat he has just recciveii from New York, nri! oponed a choicc and well cslccted naortineni nf NEW GOODS. consïsting of Dry Goods, Groccrics, Crockcry Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Y.-hicb he wdl sell ai Very Low Prices for Roady Pay in Cosh, or Produce. Caí-h or Gooüs will bepnul for WOOL in any quaniilics. ROBERT DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor. June 'rt K-40. --:C3 W00DÜ W00DÜ! S'IRSCRIBF.RS who are topay ín WoodwiM o'eae culi immtiiaitly wiiU a Levr luade at l Signa! Office. Sipt. 26, K-43.- ■ '■ ■ ' I Wm -■■■.-, pï DREDlS " ÏArrHÉÏÏTlJTHERri.EATHER! TT LDRED & CO., No. 123, Jeflerson Avenue, "Eldred's Block," Detroit, take üA this oppormnity to nform their customers, and the public generally, that ihey -lill continue to keep on hand a full assortment of Spaniali S.)!c Leather, Also. Lasts nnd Pers. Cnrriera' Toob, êtc. ' Slaiiitliterftl do llurse and Coltar Lentiicr, Henilock tnnncd Upper Lcnther, Cordcvnn do O.ik '; " 'f Morocco Skins, F.-vnch tniincd Calf Skins. Seal do O.nk n:id IleinlocU (nnncd do Goat BirvJing, Iioöik-ck tanncd Harnessand Bridle Lenthcr, Deer and Lnmb do Oak i; ; " " Whiic nnd Colored Linings, l-j nnd T.ip Lont tier, Printcd do Skirimg, PhUacfeïpï'ïa a'nJt)lsioj Shoc Ilu6sct do álMlg?; and Kit of all kinds. Astlie Subscribers are now manu fnet uring their own Leather, ihey are prepared to scll Of low asenn be purchased in this market. Morchonls and manufacturers will fifid it to their advantage to cali and examine our stock before 'purchasing elsewhere. QCr'Cash and Lcaiher exchanged for Hides andSkins. . ELORED & CO._ Detroit, Jan. 1816. 2 iS-lyNËW'GÖODS! Chcap for Cash!! TÜK SuiistTibeis Ll-íi feavê fo irtförni ifceir !! custoiiicrs. and ihè public jener.illy. ilnt thi-y are nów recéivingru lire and pjrnihc! iss'irimeni ui Engkéfi, American and IFesi Am, GOODS, CtgcUctiJs SheJf Ilardicarc, Pahits, Oils, Dyestujfs, Drugs and Medicines. A.'jo p geiiernl ;i#sjrtmeni of IROif. snitaMc for ironinir Waggons and Buggie, iV.iü Ro I .. Ifn.'s SIirtCB, mul Rbrie Naiis, Sheet Iron, Tin V;:rc n;)ü Tin jl'late - a!so a general asoriTieiu cf BOOTS Jj SHOES, lrck and tliin scilc work, nnd custom work to fUiipurcliasc-rs. All of wliich they will éèïï on (ie inweot pnssibic lerma lor Cash or B.iktfr. Peelin.cubfíden'i os ure do, lint we Dloke it for i!ie interes! of al! ihose Wlshing to pur.hnsfi nny of the abovc mentioned Goods. we rJo most enrnesily sólicit at lensr au inVeatTgatïon iií'our Guodáand {liccs Ucfore purchasim clsewiicre. JAMES GIRSON & CO. U S. Exchange ISloch. Ann Arbor. Jiower Town. Öept. 14, 1S-Í6CLOCKS AND WATCHES.'f , JLfc rpílE Subscribcrhas jus! "V -- rece i ved, (and is con ■iWs';1IU'y receiving) from c - 5$ Xcw York an clsgant ar d ' " lág wtll soluctcd asLortmcnt Jewelry, Clocks, Watchcs, Jtc &c. w hiep lio n;ends to sell as í lo ns ni n i ' y ' jthcr establishment -iliis sido oí BufTaio forranltj f tiuy oy aiuong whicii may b'ï Jfound UlPioUpW ' 1115: n iTtiod aisorïriciit pi Gol;! Pingar Iíüils. Gold Iïrens! pins.VrisiIcts ' GiKird Cti.'iins and Keys. Zilver Spoons, Gemían Silvcr Tea and T;iblc Spoons (first qualiiy.) Silvc-r oud Geramn do Sugar Tongs. Siiver Snh.Mueinrd nnd Creairi spoon?. Buticr Knivxs, Gold ad Silver Pencil CaLes: " G..ÍJ Pens, 4i '4 PencilB, Süver and Germán Silvcr Thunbles. Silver 'ppciack-s. Gern:nn nrid Stoel do. Goggíes, Glot,hea, H;iir anti Tooi h Hrushcs, Jntlicr Brüshes, Razoisniid Pocket Knivos. Fine Siioars nnd Si:isirp. KniVpfl and Furks. Érittarinra Tea Po'.sai.d Castors. Plated, nr.nse, and Brittanin Cantüosticks, Snuflcr .& "Ttays, Sliavins I)ixc6and Sonps, Clnpmau's Best Razor Strnp. Caü'and Morocco Wtiliets. Silk and Cotion pursr-s. lolins and Bows, VioHti and Bnss VipJ $trins, Flu'.ea, i-'ifes. Clarioneis. Accortirons - Alus-ic Bö'oks lor tUc EOine. Motto Scnls. Steel Pcn9 nnd Twcez'ïrs. Pen cases. Simfi'nnd -Tobacco boxes. Ivi.ry Dressing Combe, Sidc and I3.'ck and Pqcket Conjbs. Ncfidle cuses, Stclcnoe; WnierPoinls anl l;us!ictf. Toy VaJche$, n irrcQt varitty of DuMs. in siiort the preatcst varicy tíí toys err 'oroüght 10 il. is mnikel. Fancy vvork bnxes. c!n!mii's tea sciis. Coioone flair Oils. Pniellüii; .-mIis. C-iirt'ór. Tea P.cils. T!:erniome!eis. fiennan Pipes. "Wood Poncilá. BRAíiS AIS!) WOOÜ OLOCKS. itc. in fact almost cvery ilung to piense the Tancy. Ladics and Gentlemen, cnll anci examine lor yoiirs=e!ves. Ciocks. Watclies and Jcwelry repnirecl and warrnnttd on short noiice. Shop at Wis old stand, onpusiic H. Becker'p brick Store. CALVIN BLTSS. N. B.- Cn?h paid for nld Gold & Silver. Ann Aibor. July lat. 18-1CÏ. 27!-1yF. I. 11. CflAXr. wotjld ropeetliilly noiify the citizcns of Anu Arbor. and ihc Eurrouiidins Cfinntiy, tbal l)c continúes lo acias Airi'iii of ihe HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, nn! wil) insurc PrupiTiy .-ninsi 'osscs by Fire, at thciowesr rajes, ;md witlj despntch and occür r;try. rI lic Hnriford l!!st!-.""-o Cootpany 3 onc rj he ol!cst nnd trost süiMc ïli the country, and ili usfs 8usfninel by ibein will bc - os v r liave bien - pkömptlV pau ! Firo is :. ■ oiis i!(.iieni nnd 1101 {p Uu irifM v.i:!i: Tiir.iciorc. nnke up yciiir jiiiiu! 10 guarr] agninat, it :inl dcn't ):i.ay 1 A few homs dc!ay n:cy le your rutn. Mr. CiiAXk's Office ís in Crnnc's neiv Block. corner ol the Public Square, Ann Aibor. 2,-0-: f LJNSÊËiTÖJL f f THE Subscnlicr is nmnnfucliiring Linpccd (jii (ju an exicnsive scalc and he is üble to MER r? ƒƒ . J -Y'AS' yl .ir) P.i ÏNTËttS, on terins more 0;v ïr-'ible fur tiiem ilmn bave ever ■c.'orc leen oflToréd I n flu's country, mul lie w prepared lo FUfípty or.'!ers Ut urge or smnll qnnntilles nt prices loio. [TT Communications by mail vill be promptly at'.cnded to. D. L. LATOURETTR. Long Lnko, Gcnesoc Co. Midi. 283-1 y TEM P ERANÏE IIOUS E. PB. R1PL.F.Y wouIJ sny to his fiicnda nnd the ricmta of Temper; nee. iliat he hns inken the Tcmperancc House, litcly kept by Wrri. G. Whcatoti. where he would bc plnd to unit upon tliom. Mny and Oats 'nid Stabbling to nccornmnrlnte tenniB. Detroit. January lr liJ. Chattel Ittortgases, JÜST printoi and for eal at thia offic in any q&intity. Tl] i. undeisLncd linving nnrchisiít: i!k; m;erèstsofhïa partner in lie MaibJe Business, woulti riform ilie inhabhatvaoí ihisand ndjoiriirig (■ni i; lies, ihat he coniinucs the business ai the oíd stund in Up; Tov.n. near the Prelyter:ui "'litirt!i. wfieVe he wil! tr.-nii';ienre t- qrrter, Monwncnts, Orive S iones Paint Síonc, Talléis, c. &-c. Those wíshing i obtnin any .riiclc in hisüne of business wil] find ïy cüllii1 (lint he has an assorirnn t iifWhité ninl Voriegaléd Mirble frorn tlic Ensicrn Mnrblc Quini. wlncli will le wrounht in Moileiti siylc. ónd raid ;ii enstern pni-t's. cdiing transponoüon only. Culi and je iheproof. J. M. KOCKWKLÍ,. Aun Arbor, Juiy 8, 84G. 272 ly CENTRAL LAND AND TAX AGENCY, Jack-o.v Michu-as. Office Sccond Slonj of ihe Brick Block adjoining American Hotel. rVHTj eu'jsciibcrs urulcr t!ie nainc of UuHliii! 1 &?-T-readWeIU linvirig 'esiablíotved au pffico .il Jacks-in, lor ilits purpose oí trnnsacüng busi riéss os General JloaJ Estntc Agents, wiil give ihcir persunal aiieniion to Tlic purchase tnl sale cf Ttcnl EsUtiz, l'íujfíienls "f Tarr.fnt Lana, llalrt niiiiz Iai mis si II t'or Tazcs., Kxuiiihuiiioii of Tilles, (Jonri vnm '. and siich oiher business ;is rcrtan3 to n Genera! Real Ms'ni e Aí:p. iicy. ínteridíng pcrmanciuíy tu io con'.inuc i lie ibove Ageríbp. anangements have bei-n wnile wiili CfXtci8vc Real Ksia'c Otíices at ihi'. Kis;. Lhroügíi whicii t lio sale ol im 'yroved 1-inds rn:iy be iñaíeriaUy EieinFaièd : and di-siriiig to YendiT tt as bentfi-iü! as possil.-lc, a register ol .sucli real propeny l'or sale, r.s inay be lurnish(;d u$, wnii [i.ites.. lertnp, panidulAi dtscí ipnon. !tc. Nvill bu ep; íir ihe iuspectiúb ol' piiicliíisers. and w'ien u ailfi ís eílecied. a coiuniission of Í2 per cent s expicied fronii thc seller.A cainloguc of Lnnrls, F-nrnií-, or o:her rea propeny lor snle will lie published and e'xrerwively drculaied by our office; and ówn'ers of such property. desirniE; !o find owtiers. can uvnii iliem sc-Ives ot lliis imdium, by fpr Wording 10 U3 a c!c;f:i püon of ilic pro])crty, whh pri ees, léVñisi &c. and One Dulhir lorcach duicrip lion ndveiiibcil. Our clmrges for all services, will in all cases Le rra8uriali!e. tt All leners must be postpnid. H. JIURLIiüT. J. iM. TREADWELL. Jackson, Scpt. 1816. 2o2-2m TJic undersigned will coniinue to altend to the pracrícfl of liis professinn. and will devoto par ticulfir atluntion to ihe colleciion and securinj. ol cluims, Forcclosurfl of Mongacs. and drafi ing of Dect's. Wortgsges. C.ootrociSj &c. J. M. TRKADWKLL.Cheap Hardware Store. Til 10 Subicriber mkcs ilns mcihod 10 inform liis old ciistomcrs and liio public yencrally ihnt hestill coniinues 10 keep a largeand general assprtrncm of Fofrtign .-mil Domostic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also. npike. Wroiigln. Cut nud Horsc Slioc Nniis. Glaps, Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron, Sbcot and Uor Lentl, yac, Dnjlit ind Anciïou W'ire. NloInssca Gates nnd FtiíSfllK, JMilI S' Croís Cu! Sisvs. Jland nnd Wood S'awB, Unck nnd Key Hule Saws, Anvils. Vier?. B]lo'wé.Adzc;Cóop. et'a 'looi., DrowiflC Knives, Spukc Sh;ivcs; Tup Borers, C:ist Steel AugiuB, Cümmon Ausriirs. Augur Bíi's, Hollow Auuis. Siet-I and Iron Squarrs. Ground Piaster, Witter Linie. GrindjStorte, Poinsb.C:iIdron and Sur:irKeltle?. Cable," Log. 'I' and llalicr Cbaitis, Broad. Ilnndand Narrow A.vcs. Spirit and Pltunb Lcvels. loucthcr w'iih n uoneral nssorimcnt of Ho!Icw Ware, wliich will bc sold low for Cash o: npprnvcd crodit at J23, JeiTcrson Avenue. Eidred'sDlock. R. MARVIN. Detroit. Jan. IGih. 184C. 24H-Iy CLOVER MACHINES. TÍIRASF1ING MACHINES and SepcrntorF are made and sold by ibeir Maeliine Shop, near tbe Pnper Mili. Lower Town, Ann Arbor! KNAPP & UAVILAND, Joo. 10, 1846. 24T fTiMíE prccedmy iiyuro ia given to reproscn ihe Lrucusible Ferejiuifüöh. It is ihe gre; uvacuiiion for tlie imp-.uitiea of the body. It will bc Büiici! Uial a üiicli cluiuiy mist issues Trom uil points of Uic euiiace, wliich indícales ihai tilia perspiruúon (lows uninieri'.:(U(ü_v when we uro in licallb. but C(.aea when we are sick. Li e cannot le guaiarinèil vyilhonl it. Il is tnrown off rom llio b!ood umi olher juice3 af the body. and diiput by lliis nieun. ( ncnrly all ilte iinluiinos vvïibin u. Thu tloud9 by lili mean üa!y, vork thfll pure. The tangtfogé of öcnp ure is. "in ib Bjood ii thpLife.1' Ii it evtr ocoines iinpure. il ïr.ay bc trnced directly to the lUjppagQ ol (he Insensible Tcrepüation. Itnever loquires ar.y inlt'innl inudicincs to cieunso it. a ( iwnys purilk'6 iinelf by hh own heat nndactiun. ;ind iliiüws uii' u'l c oiTerulin" hnmo;i. tlri)iijíii ihü Insensible l'erspirMiun. Thus fl ee ali that ie n&ce&ary when ihe blobd is 8!amuii, or iniecicd, is tü open t!ie poree, nnti it rlujvce iiscli liom uil inipurity inatantly.. lis own hem and viialitv are sulücionr, wiihiut one part c!e of nudicino. except to oj-tn tlie pptèp upbn tliéaurface. Tn.ts wc sce diu l'olly ol luking so lüiuh itiiemul remedies. AH pinc'.itiüners. howcver, dui-Ct tlicir cffjr: 10 restore the Inrnsiblt porppirution, but t scciiis lo be uot ulways the proper olio. 'J'he Tlioiñpsonlan) or ins'iatice steame. ilit Hydtyaihil tluoudb i'sin wc: Ihnket, the Hoiiiop:iih st deals out infiiiitisal mala, ihe Allopaih 6t Ulccdsiind doses us witli nirrcuiy, nul the blusterins Quack yorge us w;ili piüs, i.illsr piÜH. To qo soniu idea of theamnunt of the Tnsen iblc L'eiepiration, we wiü stuie that thv le.irjied Or. Leweuhock. and the gieat Boerhaave, flscèrinincd hat fivc-eightlis o! uil we recc-ivc intoihe st-Jinach. pnescd off by (hifi UKnna. In other wpnis, if we cat aml drink eiyht pOuods, we evaciiatè iive pounds of u by the InsensiblePeisiMfiilion. Tiiis is none oiher than tlie used up pnrticles ■ if ilie lii'Hxl. and othcr juices giviug place to tlie new and froah unes. To check ihts. iliereibri!, is lo reiain in the systcni ilv-eiyluhs ol uil the virulunt matter tliat nature tfcmons'sriouldlêavt) the Dudy. And cvtn wlicn tiiis is die cose, ihc Uhod iè of so active a principie, lint u ilcicrniines t ose p;n ticles tu tbe slui, wliere they orm Ecalife. ptt:i)lc6, ulcere, and otter srVats. By a 6udilc:i trnnsitiun (rom lieat to cold, the pores sre etoppcd. ihc perspírarion censes, and disca8elicgin6 ut once to dcvclope itself. llcncc. a stocp.igc of tliie tlow of thc juicos, originalesso inany campiaiiiis. It is by stopping the pores, hnt ovcrwlieltn mnñkind whh ciuylis, colds, nnd poiisuTripúoní. Nine-l:n:h of tlie wurld dic from disensea inJjctfd by a etoppuge ot the insensible Perspira tijn.It s casily seen. thcrefore, how necessruy i (ha ftowpf iliis subile humor lu the ourl.icc. to prcftL-rve heahh. It cannot bc stoppcd; it cannot bc even chetíked, without nducing disenso. Let mo ask now. cvery candid uiind. wlmi course seeniB the most reasonablc to pursüe. 10 unstop the pores, alter they are closed? Voul! you jgiyp physic touniop n.e porca? Or would you npply somcilung that would d this upon th surfice, wlicre tlie dogging actU'iify 9Ï Would n i this 1! conuiion scüsc? And yet I kn(wot no phyaician whd malies any exu-rnal appticolion t efle;t it. The reasün I aign p. that no intdicüiü wnhi their knowledgo. ia capuble ol doing it. Under thse oircumstanccs, I pres-nt U p'iys'cinns. and to all others. a prcpnrnuun iliat hi tlÜ3 power in itp fullest ft.vent. !t isMc.lf. STERS ALL HEAUNG OINTMEST. orthe WORLD] S SA LI E! it has power to restore petspiraiion on the fcet, on the head, ar.iunrl oíd b'jres. upon hc chest, in short, upon anypnrtol the body, whether diseased slightly or severely. It has power to cause all externa! snres. scrotulous huniors. skin diseaiè. poisun-uis woiimls. 10 dÍHciinrge their putr.d ma Uer, and ihen luals ihéni.It is a remrdy thnt swocps off the wlioic catalogue of CUtnneous disorders, nnd restores ific entirc cutidc to ifs licalihy iuncions. It is ;i reniedy tlm fúrbíds ilie niees=ity of se in.-i: . ;ind deluteriuus drugs taken nto tlie stoninch. Il is a remedy that neithcr sickens. gives ine.ouv or is dangcruus to the interines. It preserves and delende the surface frpnialj derangenient of iü hinunons. %vln!o t keèps operi the chnnnels tor t!io blood to void all 113 impurities and ilispose of all iia useless particlcs The snrfi'.ce is ihe outlet of fivc-eiiitlis of üubüe and usud up matter withui. It ja picreci v' h niiliions ol opLMiings to relieve tl:e intes..jcs. Stop up tlu-se pores. nnd dcniii kripcUé at your door. It is righjly tertned A!l-IJealing. tor ihere s scnrcely a dist-ast', extcrnal öf intermi!, that it will not heut fit. 1 linve used it for the last fiiürieen years. for öll dispaaës of llic etiest. consumption. liver, rtivölving ine utmost danger aml respnibility. njd 1 rfè'clnre before Henven and m:ni. 1h.1t not in one singie caso haí it failcd to hem ff. whci ihe patiënt was '.vj:hin ibe reach l nioruil moans. I have hnd phyiicinns. learncd in the profession: 1 have had ministers of ihe Góapeí, Judg♦■soii ihe I&encli. Aldermun oud Lawyt'is. gen flei)ien ofilie higlmsteru'liiion nnd mült)yjda ol the poor, use if in every varieiy if way. and Uif.-re been but one vice, ono nniird. uiiivor snl voice, saying, iileAlistcr, yuur üintusent iegood!" CONSUMPTrOK. Tt can liardly ue credited ihat a salve can hnvcany efleci lipón the lunas, seated as they arwiihin ihe sysicm. lïnt we sny uce tor all, ihni this Oinlmcnt wijl re;icli llic lün-js qniclcor iIkiü t-ny medicine that can be givcn intcrnally. 'lMms. f placed upon ile chcst. it penetrales (iircclly lö the lungs. sepuraicb ilc pojsonpus pirtiolea tliat aro eonsuiuing ihein, nnd expuls thein from tin systein I need not sny ihaj it in curin?; persons of Con suniption cuiriiiuaily, aitlion-ii wc are lold it i;loolisliness. I enre nt wlmt is said. so long af. I can cure sevetal ihuusund pertons yearly. JIK.VD ACHK. Th!s Sulvc ha3Ciircd persijnsof the Hcad Ache ot ivJ ycars stuiKÏing. and wiio had it regularly evöry weck, so ihat vomiting of en look place. DéafrieflS and Eat Ache are hylped with the ükc sucecss. os also Ague in the Face.cot.v k;;ut. Consumption. Liver complnim, pains in the che8t or tmle, fnllin.; ofthc hair. nneor the oihei uïwsyaaccornnunies cold fret. It is o eure sign of' rtiiease ín the sys'em tu hnve cold fcer. The Salve will ir-store ilic Inservible Perspiratuia :mJ tlius cure every en?e. In Scrofula, Krysipelns and Salt Rlioum, nnd oilier dipni,e pf tliis noturc. tm imcrnnl rcrncrJy lioa yet botn deco.yercd ihnt is so pood. 'Vlir snirtè may bc enid of Bronclntie. Quincy, Son; Tliront. Pilfs, Spinal Diseascs, l'roken or Sore Brenst. Are. And as forthe Chcst Dii?ea?F. suc!i ns Asthma. Pain. O'iprrfsion nnd ilio likc, it is (hetnost wonduriul aniidole in thé World. Fr Liver Ccmplaint it is cqnnlly rfTicnrions: f;ir Burns it Ins nol hau iis cqua! in the World: rilso. KxereseneeB of every kind. sneh as Warts. Tumors, Pimples, &c., it rnaUes clean work oi ihem all. SORK KYK3. The inflammation and disease alwoys licsback of the ball of thecve in the eockét. Hcnce ihe virtue of ony medicine must rench ihe seat ol the inflnointion or it will do littlo frood. The Salve, if rubhed on the templos, will penetróte dircctly into the eocket. The poros will bu open ed. a proper perspirntion will becrt'aied and the disense will Boon pinss nfFiothc snr'ace. PIUri.KJS OV THE FACE, ÏUKCKI.KS. TAN, JKASCULINE SKIS, CROSS SUUKACK. Ik firitaction to exeel all humor. Iiwjljlot cense drauir.g lili the face is free from nny natter that may üe lodged under the skin ;my Yequently hrenking out iq the aurluce.i lt tiicn ic:ils. VV'liei time t nqihing but grossnrss, or iull repulsivo surf ce, it bogins in solion and soiteii uutil tlie skin becomes ussmotli ond i'cli:nte as a child's. Il tliruws a Ireshness inid hlushing color upon the now white, tronsputént skin. that is peilecily enchnnting. Sume áajes m case of Frcpkiefl it wijl lir&t stnri out ihOse tUnt tuve lain hirfclen nli'fi scen hutseldoin. Pursuu ilierialvc uni uil will.soon disappcar. wokvs. Ii'pnrcnts knew hmv Total most medicines werc to chüilren taken inwnrdly. ilxy wouïd Oc flow to r-.-soit ip them. EfpeciaHy merouri;i! lóirfriÍe9." cilli-cl "inedicuted lozengos," ]ills, fcc. The mul: is. np one cm teil, invuriohly, when wdrrfis nr;t. N'cV let nic suy io pitrcot, tliiit tliis Salvo willalvviys teil it' a child huiw'orma. It wül drivo eveiy vestige of them away. Thia isa simple and sale cure. There is prohably no inediunj on the focc of thé carih at once so sureand so safe in ihc expulsión of wonr.s. Il wouïd be cruel, nny wicked, to {jive intèrnal. t'oul'wiil nipiiiciiics, po longas a harinlcst, exicnial one could be had, TOir.KT. Aliliounh I hive snnl lntlr about t as n kïi rsetoraiive, vet Í will slöke itnguinst the Woild! They inny brïng ihir Oils fnr and neñr, nni mine will rector tlie hair two cases to their on;. OT.T) ÍOTtKS. MOTi'llllC'M IONS. Uf.CKRS, JCTC. Thnt some Sores are an outlet to the iinpuritie of the synte'rn, is becansc tliey criiinot pass otf throuah the nam al cliatihels of the Insensible I'erspiration. If 8iich sores are henled lip the i:n;iur:iie!i miiüt have soine other outlet. or i wi'l endnnger l'ife. This is ih.o rooswïi wliy it i f m politie to use the common nlve of i lic du in such ceses. For they havo no power to opei othsr aviinica. to let offtlii.i morbid mntlef. nirjd ilie cn3eo,uence? nre always (nial. Tlits Salve willal-.vayö providc for such erueriicncics. Di4Ásks or cuir,DRK.N.Hovr mnny thousantls ure swcpi off hy givinp inferno] meilicines, vhrn t lic tr young borlies iind tender (ramea are unable to Icnr up ugainst thtm? V'ho!e irïnies ure thus seiu lo tliRÍr raves mereiy trom pouring mto their wenk atomacljs po-werful driigp ond pliysics! it is fo Biich Ihnt l'ne All-Healins Oiniincnt tenders se 8;ife, pleasaittj ündharmless n cure Such can íhs aa Croup. Cholic. Choier.i Infanjum, Wonna. nnd ail Suïnmor Complaints. by whicli so mnny chilhen die. the Oimment will remove so speedily and surely. tha: a physicion will never be needed. Mnihers! throughotii all this rand wc nnw solnmuly and sncredly doclare to you ihat the All-Hcaling Oin;inent will 6-ive your children f rom on carly grive i(' you will use it. We are not now actnated by the lens' desire to inn; but knowing ms we do tliat iHst boriies of inlnnte and cliü'.lren die early; wliich is pupposed to be inevitable anti i;nj)osiible to prevent, we hold up our warming voicc, nul derl.ire In the face of the whole world, CH1LDÏIÈN NÊÈD iNOT DIE .vi( RE THAN OTIIKRSÜBut it is fioin ilic want ef proper nourisbment .nul ihc constant druj:;:in;: ilicy unJTgo which mows (.hem down as ilic rank grass fulla before the scytlie. Mothers! wc repeat again, nnd f they. wcre the last wonJs we wcre ever lo utter, nnd ol coursc past i lic rcach of nll interest, we would any. '-use t)ic AU-ilculing Oiniinent for sickncss atnongliildicn." UHKiniATlSM. It removca almost iinmcdiately the infinmaijon aiul swclling, when ilie pain of course ccabes. FEVKRS. Tn cnscs of fever, the difnculty lies in the pore? heing locked up. so tliat the heat and pcr.-■p:rntiin ennnot )U6s u(K It' the lenst moisturt could be started. ilie crisis ia poësed and ihf 'liiriL'er over. Tlic All-Hcaüng Ointment will in all cuses of fevcra almost i nsianily unlock the skin and brmg fbrih tlie pprspiration. FE M I. K CO K I' 1. A I N 1 S . Inflaroatiön of ilió kidne'ye, of tho womli, and 19-faHihg down. wrakncsH. and irregulnrity ; in short, all tliose clifllcuh ics wbiMi re frequent ■Mth teníales, lind rendy nnd purtnanent relief. VVn have had rigod ludiea teil ris tliey enuld not live sixii'.or.ths wltliuut it. liu lo fernales nbout tobecome mothers. if used forsonie weeks nieceilcnt to iheir confincnicnt. very few pains and convnlsions which atiene! thcni nt thm period will he feit. Thisfact ought lo boknownhe orla over. SCAT.D TIEA.D. We hnvo curcd coses tbnit acttmlly defied everythirig well as the nbiliiy of fifteen or twenty dbc';óra. One iTinn tolcí us he hnd peni $ñ()0 on his children without nny benefit. wlien a few boxes of tlie Oirilment cured tliem. cor.ns. Pcople nerd never be troubled wiih jhem if ihcy wilt iisn it. As a FAMILY MEDICINE, no mnn can mensure its vnlue. So long os the stars roll iIoiiíí over tiie Heavcns - so Ion? ns mnn trends the enrth. subject to all the ínlirinilies of the floh - so long os (lisen.ic and sickness ia known - jiist so lon will ihis Ointtnent te used and esiL-emcd. When mnn ce:iees from ofrthe earth, then the 'iemand will cense, nnd not íill then. To ailay all cpprehensions'on neconnt of ite ingrcdients. in possessinp such powerful properties, wo wtllstnic ttial it is co'npoicd o' some ol tlie most common atul harmless herlis in exis:ence There ís no mcrcury init, asean he icen friim ihe fact tliat i t does not itijnre lito skin oiie parúele. wliilc it will puse rliaugh :ind physic ;he bowels. JAMFS MrALIS'I'ER &, GO. 1(8 South street. N. York. Solé proprictor of' the above Medicine, to whom all Communications miist be uddreesed ([H)st paid). I'rice '' ccmiis and 00 cenia. tnrcAUTioN.m As tho A1I llealiníi Óintmont has been greaily counterCeited, we have iven f his caution t (lie )tl)lie. thnt 'mío Oiiiiincnt will be enuine unlcfis t lie ñames of Jarnos YicAlister. or James NIcAlisuT & C.. are wriiten with a pen upon evèry Inbel." The lubel is a sieel enjrnving. .viih ihe figuro of ''Insensible Pcrsplr-.::on" on thc face. Now we hereby oíl'or a revard-of $500. to b' paid on convicMon, in nny of the constiHufifi coiír(s ol ihe United Stntep. of nny individual coiiritêrfritine o';r nanic nuil Ointment. MAYNAUD'S. Aun Arbor, Wh.-lesale Affí-nts; Sniith & Tyrell, Clinton: Kfifhum & ñniini. Tecumseli: I). C. Whil'wood, Dexior; H.t Bowcr. Manchcsier; John Owen & Co.. Dcioit; Harman &. Cook, Brookiyn. Dec. lö. IH45. " 24Í- lyEXCHANGE HOTEL TEMPERANCE HOUSE. (Direclhj opposilc the Calorad Holel.) BY CYRUSF. SMITH, NIÁGARA FALLS, N. Y. Th's ÏIousc is not ol the Inrgest claas, tút 't wel! kopt. upo ihe snmc plan (bal i hna been lor aeVefol )enrs pdfit, nnd nflbrcis imple nnl vcry comiort-ible nccommodatiuns for iliose stoppinp n! the Fulla. This ilota] is sitinlc'] 11 the plenvnntest pnn of the Vill."ic. on Muiti Street, nnd but n few minutes wnlk Irom ihc Catarnct, Goat Jsland or tbe Ferry. Niapnin Fnlls, 1840. 2Í59-Cin Hats and Caps, I?í nll tlicir varieties. n!so Cnine, Silk nnd Ginghiiin Umbrdlas. Suspende rs. n'ch Silk rfcprfsond Cravats. Silk. Linèn nnri Kitl Glovcs wiih every nrticle in thal line can be hnd at fait irices nnd wnrrunted to snit by undtn; yoiu wishes by letter or by cflljing nt No H, Wood wiird Avepne. 3 doors north cf Doty's Auction room. Detroit. N. Jï. Ministers nnd Liberty men suppüed al n 8mall advance from cost. 2GG-(Jm JAMES G. CRANE. FOR SALE CM F. Al' for CASH, or evcry kind of couniry Producé, Sadáles, BridïesJTarncss, Trunlcs, Valises, Trunk Valiscs, Carpet Bags, fyc. Also n !'oo nssorm:ent of Winps &, Lashks which will be sold vcry Imv, nnd no mistnke nt COOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor, Antfuat 12, 1846, 277-tfBOOKS! BOOKSn AT FERRY'S IJÜOKSTORE. TO TUE PUBLIC f f rjpHF. undcrsicneil having rotiitned from New JL Yurk witli a ncw, laigo and vuluabic atock Books, Stationery and Paper Hangings, ia now ready to stil lor Cash, any tiiing in liis line :t iiin ncw siaml on Main strect, öjipoailo H. Beckcr'e Brick Store, lio will sny to IJook purch.isiMS. ïhnt. ly liis íFji-(s last t'nli 01: liis ie1 urn from New York. the price of beftriy oyéfy l)ing in his line hus heen sold .-} less thnn hereioforo. nud hud it nol been for liim, pur'chpr sois wauld li;ive connnued ty pay the piiceeheretüfoie ciinrgcd. I Je t;in say iilso. i!at his s;iles liavc been bevond hia most sanguine e.pecla(ioiis. eriDving "conclusively ihat a public benefactor, njthough ever so small. wil! nut gö untewarded in tliiuenliglnened cofnnipniiy. He 3 thankful (ir the favors alrcady bestowed, and wi)ul'i respecifully solicita eivrttinaonfce ofUu trade: uui bc Wduld boV t those wbo ncver hnve piiulii' :! boqks ofhim. iliat ie wil! show ilieni nriicles nnd pricos witli pleisiire a nny tiiiu1 ihey tuay cali sv!;ether tliey wiah to purchuse or not. C,?h orders from tho country wül he attended lo. and the books paeked s well as if the persons were i)reí3nt lo nttend the purch:i38. flu will also t.t-11 to ohild'cn ns choap as thcir pnrents. PnVc'Hnsera will do well to examine his stock and pricos before mrclinping elscwheie. Doji' forc.t the place; bc surc yon cali ai FERRY'S BOOK íjORE, on Main Street, a few doors South of the Public Square. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Jun 27, 18 1(5. y69-tfTH RES H I NG MACHINES. TUF. underuigned wou!d infornï tho public ttiat he manulncturrs Morse Pawers nnd ['lircshing Marhinrs ot Scio, of a superior kind nverned by hun.-: 't. Tiles Powcra and Machines nro particiilarly ndupteÖ io the use of Farmers who wish to use hom lor threalting their un grsin. Tlie power, ihreshcrand fixiures can nll he loaded a:o a coüimon sized wnQn bos and drawn wiih onc j;iir rif horses. Tiiey are designed lo be uaei wiih four horses. ana nre nbnndantly sfrong ioi hul (iutiiber, and may bc wfely ueed rith si.x ii cighr norses wiih proper care. Thty work williessstrengih oí horse.s according to tneomoLiit of jusiness clone than any other power, and will ihresh gcnorally ahout 200 Inishela wheat per ]nv with fi)ur liorses. In one insinnee J5S iiieliels wheat were threshed in thrue hours wiih lour Imrscs. Tliis Power and Machino contnin nll 'the ndvnntnges necesenry to make thprn profi:.-ble to the purchiser. They are arronf? and durable. - They are easily moved from onn plnce to aimther. The work of the normes ia er:y on iIhühpowets in cotiparison to hers. and th price is LOWKR ihnn nny oiher poww nrd rmcbine. have ever been sold in the State, aeeording to ihe rea! valué. The terms of payjaent wiH no libera! for notes thit are known tu be abolutely good. I havo n mimber of Power nnd Mflehines now rady for s.tle and persons vrishing to buy are invited to cali yoon. CLKAiNERS. I expect to hc prepared wiihin a ftw dnys to mnke CMeaners for iho?e who inay v.-:nt (hem. The ulility and advantaee of ihis Power and Machine will a;pear evident to all on exaniinint; he recommendniions helmi-. All persona are cautidned aijr.inst mnkirii: thfM Pover ond M;ichints: iho undersignei) havinjj adoptet] the necesaary measurea for aecu rin lewera patent for the eatnc wuhin the time rtquired by law. S. W. FO9TER. Scio, Wa8htenaw Co., Mich.. June Id, I3J6RECO.MMENDATIONS. Durinpr the ycnr 1845, cnchof ilie nndersicncd purchased and used cithcr or jointiy wiih otliera, one of S. V: Foster's new!y in vented Horse Powcrs and threshing vinchines. nnd bcliövo thcy are l-cttcr arinpicd to th ue óí Farmers who want Powera md Machines Poi their own i'se tiiin r:ny other power anrl ihreslier witliin our knowle.'lpi). 'J'liey nre eáknlnteá 10 l)c used wiih four horeoj :ind nre of amplf Btrengih for that rirtruber. 'f'h-y oppëiir io bi consiructed in such a mantier as to ronder thci veri' dur;ille wiih linie ünbüiiy of gstiing out o' order. 'Ihey nre eisüy movrd frotn one placeto anotlier. They enn ie worked wiih nny numbcrofhnnda froni four to ught, and wil! thresL aboi'l 200 bushels whent por f);jy. J. A. POLHtMUS, Scio.' Washtsnaw co G. ELOOD. M " T. RICHARD.SON, " " SÁMUEXi HKALY, " 3. p. föster; " " N. A. PHRLPS, " " ADAM SMITII, " J. M. BÖWÈiV. Lima, '■ WM. WALKF.R. Vebstcr, THOS. WARREN, " D. SMALLÉY, J.odi. I thresher] last fáll and winter w.'ih one of S. W. Foster's linrse powers. more thnn filiern tlionsand bushels grain 'J'he rpnirs hrstowed upon the power omdunted ro ony G} cent,?, nnd 11 wns in good onler when I had done threshing. i iuvaiiübly used six finrpfs. A A RON YOüiVGLOVE.Manon. June (i, 1346. I pjprchneed one of S. W. Fosrer's horec powers Iíisi f-ill nnd hnve ued it for jibliinir. J luive used mony difieren i kmds öf powers and brlievc tliia is the best running power I hav ever peen. D. S. JJENJN'ET. Hamburg. June, 1810. Wc purchused ono of S. W. Fostcr's floríc Powers í!8i lall, and huve used l nnd ihink it ic a first rale Posvcr. JF.SSR HALL. DANIELS. HALL, KEUBEN S. HALL. Homburg, June, 184G. 209-if 1 840. 1 8-iO. TBMPERiLMClS HOU8S. MILTON BARXEY OP THE STEAMBOAT HOTEL, DKTROIT, ISnowredy to necommodnie his friends nnd ihc Trnvc.iing P.ublic. vviili ni! i lióse conven icncescnlculnlcd lo inake (hein coniloitubie, and witha.cí ti tiiit tlivttvici M'als twenty-fivc Cents. Ihst farv, n llm 'City' Jorjhê saine Mnnaj. (ivtral $ngr. Offirr.. b'lcfimfioals Icen Detruil for Bitffido ectry Kr,n'vr. ai Lu!f '- (! ó'clocli. (Umiatly.) The Raüroads are with'mfive minutes rdc of the Steamhoal Hotel. 272-tfA. O. M'GRAW & CO., Are now roceivingtheir Fall Stock of BSOots & &hoes 'Vlwcli liavc been selócted witli niucli caro for i he Wholesale Tradeí rpiíJEY now respectfully roquest ihe MerJL chnnls of Michigan nud nr'jicent fíintes. to exniiHiie their cxiensive stock wnich wiil be sold ■it very low prices for cash or npproveil credit, ílnvins for tho laat lifiefii ynrs sold rr.nrc Goodd nt rciíiil tbnn nuy other House n Michi;m, tlicy fcel fully persnrulcrl ihat iheir sjlcclion p lo pricc. quatiti.anú sizrs, willbuitthc wants f tlic pciplo. Tlieir stock of Lnathcr and Findinge is also complete. Tlic mtnil tnulc continnee ns usual on the first loor. CoHNKK OF JkVPKIISON AND WüODWARD Avk.n(ii:s. . C. McGRAW, &CO. Dtroit, Ag. 22, 1846. 218-lyNEW C GOKING STOVE And Stoves of all kinds. The subscnbür would culi the uiteiuiuii oí ihe piililii: to Woolsoa's 5-Iot Air Cociring STOVC Which lie cnti coniitienily lecónirnnd as bcin dociiiediy stijicrtilr to nny Cpoking Stc-.M ir me For flimpliciiy in öpbVntion - ec'onoihy jn f re l ■mil tor luu-qunllrd Baking and Roastihg juali ics. u is um iviilieij. The new nnd inipormnt improvemenj iniroilucod in its construciion !.r,n sech es to insure yrent advaninges over all othcr kind of Cooking Stoves. WILLIAM R. 3SOYE9, Jr. 7 Woodvvaid Avenuu, De ruit. Dec. 12; lH4o. tö GD. HILL wouid rfupocïï'ully infbrm ikt ciiizenö o f Aan Ahor end Tcnny ikat the linn ot G. D. Uil) & ("o., h:iTÍn; dieolvei. lie wil! continue ihe Ims'ness nt ihe o!l land in Huwkins' Block, on ;he o!d nnd rainbliahed principies of the honse iMAtL pkofits and rmixrr pav." he wül he alIe toofier lo li;s ciiáioir.ers on r .-('ïont lli; ?0ili dny of' V!ny, A SPLEINiDIO ASSORTMENT OF SPRING 8C0DS nt the pos-sible rtes lor Cfrsh, Wheat Woiil. and all othor kinds ol produce. All persons wnnting to Uuy goods N find Í: to their arfvnntnfé to hold on their OU Ciothes, until the nbore nnnied npsurtmem is received, &■ thay v,i!l be sfljdal verv low mies. The Snhscriher vv 1 1 1 .il.o pny tlie hignrat mnrket price lor 100,000 FOUiNDS OF WOOL. G. D. 1HLL. Ann Ar!nr. Mny II. Ifi. 2'i,'-tf"Crockery at Wholesale." T?KEL1:R1(.K WETA1ORE. has coiwramly JC on bami. tbp JnrceM iork in the Wt-at of Cmgfïrr?, China, Glassvare, Look' ing Gnsses and ríales BrUannia ff' a?' e Trais, Lampa and Wiek' ing, Pjfited Ware, China Toys, c. c. IIÍ3 s;ork ncludcs ai! the aiie(ics of Crockery and China, frora the finpet Chiua Dinner and Ten Setts to the nioat conimon end low priced ware - from the rieheet cut glas to thü )!ninest glasé ware. Rritnnnin Cnstoraof ercry kind. Briinnnia Ton Sctts. Coffec Pol, Tea Fots. Lamp. Cnni!!es(icka. &c. Sor.AR Lafd Lamps of evtry dcsrr'ption from the mooi cuatly cut Purlor Lamp io the chropest Store lamp. All the abovc nrticles ore importpi? by himieff (lirectly frotn the nianiifactnrcrs and will he o!d at Wliolesaie. ap low ns at any Wholcaale Houw, expenses Irom senboard addid only. A liberal discount iven for caah. fifèrchants and others are invited lo cali nd exnmino tbc nliove nvfiele til the old stand, üo125. JeiTcrson Avenue (Eldieii's Block.) Detroit. 24-1 y SELECT SCHOOL ' MISS J. 1Í. Smitd, aflJ8tcd by Miei S. FiKf.p, nnnounces to ihe public thai the ii prepnred to recétv'e yóuhg lairies into hr bchool in thebn8.ment room of the Epiuaopal Cburch. Tkrhs. - Fur (juarier of 12 weeks, for EDglish branches from .S2,to $;?; French and Latin each .$:! e.xtra if ursueti togfcthcr with !he Kngltali üiudte, or separatriy. .■3 each. The school will be furnished v.-ih o PflHosöphical nppnranis; nnd ocnaaional Jccturca giveji on ihe Piatural 3cienocs. Mra. Hughs will ,?ive nsfra'ction to al! who dtsire it, in Musicj Dravriug, Pnintingnnd Nee'liework. Miss Smith rofers tr the foüowinggcnhomen: Profassurs Wiüinnis. Ten ; rook, 'lid Wliedon if tlie Univetsiiy; Kev. ' . tí. Curtí?, Itt-v. Mr. Simons, ftov. C. V. Tnylor, ilon. E. Mundv, Win.". S. Maynnn! Kfq. Ann Arbor. April 29. 1 846. 2"2-tfMIUHIGAN LA NDAND TAX AGENGY. H. D. POST, Mason, Ingham County, Michigan. WII-L at;cnd to xc pnymcnt of Tnxes, ex aminauon ot Tules, purcliaae and sale of Lamia. &c. &c. Any buainesa enmisfed lohim will be trar.sact ed witli promptness and arcurncy - Addrcta hy mail. Ilrfcrcnccs, (',nj permission.J C. Ilurltiut. Detroit, 3. C. Jlcarit, rküilicr & Co. ) m WílderA Sqw, TroV' WoaiJlinry. Avery &. Co. ,T v , Stcazn Foundry. TUK iin(Jcrsined hoving Imughi the entire interest ot ÍI. & R. ï"ar:ndó and Gto. F. Kent in the '-Sre.-im Foundry." Ann Arbor, will mnniilacture all kinde f ('npiint-s lo order, and willhe happy to iunn.-!) nny kind oiCsstingi t the old customers ol llnrris. Pnnrid;c & f'o., U. (Si II. i'nrtride, A Co., iind Pnrtridge. Ken1 k"v: Co., nnd to all otht-rs who nmy favor thu witli a cali. IJ. n. IIARR1S. E: T. WJLLÍAMS. Ann Arhor, Dec. 2(ï. 1H4R. 244-t.FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES AND EASY TERMS. THE Subfcriber offers hr tr.úc n Farm, in the lown of Dejctér. ol 1(56 ücicp. ulout L0 icres mprcrvcd. Aleo n Form ni tbc fnoúih of IN iry Creek in Seio. 3 miirs fiom i his viünge, of 1-1(5 ncrc-8. 00 ncrs iirpruved. A Icon Tarín nv mo. frotn ibis villnpe of 160 acres, 100 ncre nitpmverl. Enrh ol' iheee are -riesiifthly locn.ictf Tor rcsldfncps; Imvu jrood Imildines nnd ire n!l vrll wnicrffl. Also two dweiling hou6 nnd lots n this vilhicc 200 vtllnrrc lots: 24 out lotpof nbout onc ncr e;ic!u in the imnirdinic vtcinify "ftliis villnpe.- 10 ncres timbered lond. ,iud 30 aerts iiüproved ot'n iTulf? f rom ihis vil!n.'e. lso5.lips in tlic. Prt-piiy'erinri nirr'inglioitfle. nv of ilirs nlioyo iripntioned propër.ij' wijl lO sold nt fnir priros :it:d on n credit ol J of tho purehne' inorièy - Tilc Perfect. WJHtEfI A SPAN OF GOOD HoV SES IN PAYJI1CNT. VVILLIÁM S. MAYNARD. Ann Arbnr. Nlny 19. 1646. 2f54-6iu CHHSAP STOVES AT YPSILANTl! lOt COOKINCx &PARLÖR STOVES, 1 LáJ just rpofivcd. ly the SubfCiiber, (mostly frnm Alhnny) nmking o good nssortuiont of the lntcft nnd best patterns. whieh will bc eold at Loto Pnces' not to bc undcrsold lliis sidc Lnk# Erie! Also, Copper Fnrnitiirp, Cnulclron Kettles, flollow Worc of alJ sizas, Stove Pipe, Sheet hou, Zink, &c. TIN WARE Mnnufnctured. and constnntly kept on hand whicli will nlso 1)0 so!d vcry low. P. S. - Purohnsers will do well to cali and examine for theirown sntisfncüon. J. M. BROWN. Ypsüonti. J:'ne20, 1S46. 27Jt WEDWAiTïfÖÖKs7 A NEW lot of Mcdicnl Books, just penéd and for sale chenp for cash ai June IS. 370-tf Pr