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Report On The Marine Camels

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We cali the attention of our readers to the foJIowing very important Report of the Committeo oppointed by the American Institute, to examine Captain Taylor's Marine Camels, for lightening vessels over bars, or offshore when oground. - Tribune. Tl)is invention consists of a series oí cylindrical India Rubber Camel?, iive feet in length, and six in diameter. - These Camels are composed of Goodyear's Metallic Gum Elastic or Vulcanized India Rubber. The article is not affecled by heat or cold, '.vhich adds much to the stróDgth and durability of the aplaratus. The air chambcr or interior of the Camel is composed oftwo thicknesses of thesfrongest canvass, heavily coated with the composition alluded to. Out of this, is a covering of duck, somewhat smaller in diameter than the air chamber, in order that the latter may notsustain the whole pressure when inflated. - Externally to these is an ingenious network of ropes, three quarters of an inch n circumference, which come to a focus upon one side like the meridian unes upon a globe. Each of these ropes will sustain the weight of seyen hundred )ounds. At the poiDt where they unile hey are attached to a ring; through thiáring a fíve inch rope is passed, which a ter being carried under the veasel ís mad fast to a stanchion on deck. The hos by which these are inflated is of th same material as the camels, than whic nothing can be ncater or better adaptec to the purpose. These, when properly applied to the vessel, íorm a perfect cyl inder, the end of one camel fitting to the nexl beyond. The forward one isadapt ed to the shape of the vessel for reasons obvious. VVebelievc thern fully competent to raise a merchantman of the largest size, or a ship of the line, and to float them over bars whh about two-thirds of their usual draft, not impeding their progress through the tvater more than the snme additional breadth of beam. One thing which adds materially to the value of this invention, is the sitnplicity of its arrangement, and the facility with which it may be applied in rough wealher. - They are inflated simultaneously, by means of a forcé pump; the air passing through a large hose which communicates through the medium of T couplings with each camel. Each of these couplings are provided with stop-cocksto cut ofFthe communication in case of iupture. The Committee were highly gratifieci with the experiment this afternoon, and consider the value of the inveution as completely settled. The time consumed in adjusting the apparatus under the vessel was a minute and a half to each camel ; two of them were inflated in one minute, as timed by the committee. The vessel, measuring 100 tons, was lifted bodily two feet out of the water, by means of twelve camels, which was equivalent to being lighlened from thirty te thirty-five tons The CommiUee regard the invention as having an important bearing upon the commercial world, inasmuch as it willopen a communication with those porls and places which are now unapproachable on account of bars, shoais, &c. Another thing not to be forgotten, in estimating the value of Capt. Taylor's apparatus, and upon which too much siresscannotbe !aid, is this : these camels, if placed in the hold of vessels anc inflated, are a perfect safeguard in case of storm at sea, as it is ulterly impossible for them to sink while they are thus arranged. If the vessel is dashed to pieces they still offer the means of escape to the passengers and crew. What an attainment - and what an important desiderátum for all those who " go down to the sea in ships," and trust themselves anc property upon that treacherous element ! This is someth ing which the far-famec humane society never thought of, or if they did, neglected lo put it in operation; which last supposition we are not quite ready to believe.