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This excellent compound is for sale by ilic propricior's Agems. MAyNARDS. 263-1 y ■■ "jTIiolmes & co., WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALERS IN STAPI.B AND TAS&t DRY GOODS, Dry Groccries, Carpeting, und paper itattgiings, No. 63 Woodward Avenue, Larned's Btock, Detroit. 3 il M.MES, Nr.2O York. J s m holmks. Di-lroit. S WE tnke thismcthinl olinfoniiingour friends and custöüicrs tliróugtiuut the State. ih;i we aro sull pursumg the even tenor ofour w„ys cndc.ivoring o do our business upon kir und honorable principie. We would nlso tender our acknowledgmen'.s for me p.itronnge ex tended to us by our cuátomers. nnd woüld bcg Jeave to calí the nuention of the public to a veiy well se'.ecieA assortment of sfcasonnl)lc Goods. which are otfereá at wholcsale or rotail at ven Ijv prices. Ourlacilities ior purchasin? GooH aro unjrtrpaisáed by any concern in tlie Stnte - One ofihelinn. Mr. J. Holmes resides in the city of New York. and from his Ipng pxpenence in the Jobbïng tradè in tlial city. nnd (rom his jhoroueh knowiede of tho market. hc is ena bied 10 avail himself of the aucnons anJ an decline in prices. Wc als) purelnse from tl.v rtnparters. Manufacmrer's A?ents? and ftom the auion-, by üie Ln2k!Íjp, ihe same as N. Y. Job',ers parchwev ibua snving .he:r vf.Wiia these faciUties we can s-.lely say ilmi m Goodsare oid chkap for the evidence of we invite the attention of the public room ncTr. ■NVe hold to the grent cardinal principie pf t't nrcaf-st croad to the ichdz nvubcr." sd ü you wmtto buy Giods rMap.. and buya lárgt qu.mtt,, for a Uto mona, ?vc na a .nal. Our stock isas extensive a any in the city. and we are coíltínííí rTcciving and fresh Göodsftort, New y.M-k. 50,000 lbs. WOOÏ. WinioJ. iheaSove quaniity olgood morchantnble Wo.i for'which the highest market pnce wülbopaid. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, May 23,1 845. 214-tftFwool grüwirs. WE be leave io inform onr VVool Growing friímís, ihat we shall be preparcd for the purchase of 100,000 ïbs. of a "cod clenu merchantable article, as eoon ns iheseason scllingommences, as wc are connected with Enstern wool deal rs. we aha!! beable 10 pay the hig'ieètpricn the Eastern market will affurd. Great complaint wns mrtde taai scason amongsl tbö Ëiern Déniers and I Manufacturera, in reference to the poor condmon o MichigjnxWpuj- n?"ch of it boing in had ordo " and a considerable portion bsiug nmcashzd. We woald here lake occasion o request thm the utmost pnins shoüld be taken to have ih siieep well w?hcd bef.ire êbnrine. tbat the Tag Locks bc cut ofT. anJ Ihat each Flecce he carefully lied p with proper wool twtne, (cnst leg to ló cis per lb. ) höinp iwjnè is tli? hest: it wil! 6e found greatly io Uundvantaiieof Wool Grnw erst.) put'up their wool in this manner. Vn waslied wool is not merchantable, and will bf rejected by most f notal! of tbc Wool buyers, ii being difficuli io clean. J. HOLMES & Co. WÖOUWARD AVKNOE, Larncrrls Biock. Dctroii, Mnrch26. 1S46. 2"7-tf 1S46, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. 1WFARREN, BOOKSELLER AHD S ATÏOMER, SMART'S BLOCK, 137 JKFFKRSON AVE.M'E, DETROIT. KEKP3 con3tantly for salea complete assori ment of Miscellancous. Schooi and Cl.issiCil Houks, Letter and Cap Paper, plain and rul el, Qaills, Ink. Seaüng Wax, Cuilery, Wrop ping Paper, Prinüng Paper, of all sizes: and UjTk, Newsand Cannister Ink. ofvarions kinds BLANK BOOKS, fall and halt bonnd, of cvery varicty of Rulin?, Memorandum BoókB, &c To Merchanis, Teachers, and others, buying in q'iantities, alarge discount made. Öibbaih School and Bible Society Depositor 247-if medical Moticc TIJEunderjiigneJ in off-rin!; liis services tf Washtefjaw and ihe adj-nning Cj".niies, ; IlomcEJpathic physician. would s;iy, thai atte having praciiced medicine on the principies a taught in the old school, and treaied disense (o tho'last two ycars accordiny t tlie law of Ho mceopathy, - (Similia siilibus curaniur, ) taught in the new schnol of medicine ; and hav ingcompare'l the successof (he two sysiems. be unliesiwtïnglx believes Homosopatliy tobe the moát safe, certain and sucecssful nièthöd o: cure. Diae.ises, hilherto incurable, are now in most cases, permanently eradiented by Homceopathy. AiTcctions of the spine. hend. uterus, stomar.h. &c. Sec Inve no.v their certnin remedies. Epilepáy, manía, paralysis. neuralgia, bronclutis. liver and lu:ig d'seases: scarlet lever, cholera, black meaajes, mallgnint sore thro.u. erysipelas or black tongue, croup, inflanima:ions of the iin, siomach, bowels. &c. &c. arconly a few of tlio inany ï lis, that have been stript of tlieir tcrrurb.Vilie tiniely application of hoinosopathic jno' cann_n:3. Wunont hirther essay, the undersigned would Icaveiit. thcatflicted to sny. on trial of the remedies, wheihcr Homceopathy is whatit claims to be or not. He would olso staic 'lm he hns jnst retnrned from New York and Phil.uMphin. wiih n coinptete assort.nent of MF.DICAMEN'J'S, jnsi importcd from Leipsic. to this place, where he willacttjud to a!t calis, and furntsh medioaments. books. &c. nttlie lowést prices. From the clos and exclusive attention he is giving to the sturly and of Hornasópathy to be abie to civp satiafactïon to thosc who inay ftfvór liirn witli their patronage. Comtnunicaiions, poet paid. from patient8at a distance, will recelve prompt attention. ' Tho"se who may wis!i to place ihemselves undcr his treninicr.t for anychronic disense, ran obta.n lodginga either at his house, or in other places, aiïow prices. T1IOS. BLACKW0O0. M D. Homceopnrhist. Ypsilanti. 20th 1845 SW-1vB ETTER LA TE THANNE VER! fpmi Subscr.ber has the pleasuro of annoiin■ cing to tha Public, tlint he has jnst received from New York, and opened a chuicc and weil eslected fissnriment of NEW GOODS, consisiing of Dry Goods, Groccrics, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and 8 hoes, which hc w:ll seil ai Vcry Low Prieel for Rnady Pay in Cash, or Produce. C.vfH or G00D8 will bc pnid for WOOL in any quantuies. ROBERT DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor. June 70. IF4. 2RÜ WOOD ! ! VVOODÜ! SUBSCRIBERS who nre topny in Wood wül pícate cali immediatêly witb a few loads at ihe aiarnnl OfficO. Bey. W, 1&4Ö.LEATHER! LEATHEÍÍTLeÁTHER! ELDRED S: CO., No. 123. Jeflerson Avenue, "Eldred's Block," Detroit, tako this opportunity lo infonn their cusiomers, and tlie public generally, that they still continue to keep on hand a full assortment of Spnnisli S.ilc Lcather, Alao. Lnsis and Pegs. Curriers' Tools, &c. Shtmlitert-d do Horse nmi Coltnr LenUier, : HeniTock tanned Upper Lcnthcr, Cdrdevun do Oak '; " " Morocco Skins, Frc-nch tnnned C;ilf Skin?. Soal do Onk nnd Ueniloek lanncd dn Ooat Dinding, Uoinlock latined Uarncss and Bridle Lcather, Deer and Lnmb do Oak " " " " White and Colored Linings, Hag and Top Lcntlier, Printed do Skirtinr. Philiidelpïvin and Oliio; Shoe P.usset do ning", and Kit ol all kinds. As the Subscribers are now manufacturing their own Leather, they are prepared o sell ns low asean be purehased in this rnarket. Merclmnts and mahuFacturers w i 11 find il to their advanlage to cali and examine our stock before purchasing clsewhere. CfjCash and Leather exchanged for Ilides andSkins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1846. 248-lyNEW GUODS! Chcap for Cash!! THE Subseiibers beg leavc 10 inlorm iheir old custoniers, and the public s;sner.illy. lint they nre now receivingu largc and splmirtid psortment ol Englhh, American and West India, GOODS. Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Painfs, Oih, Dyesluffs, Drugs and Medicines. Also a genernl assurtmeiu ol' JRON, suitable rr Ironing Wngjions and Buggies, NnilRods. loisc Slioes. nnil Ilorse NjÜí, Sheet I.-on, Tin V;ire and Tin JPItite - also a general assortnent of BOOTS $ SHOES. Irck and iliin sale worK. nnd custom work to uit purchnscTs. All of whicH they will ee!I on he !west possible lerms Tor Cash or Baktfr. "eeling coiifidcnt fis vc di, ihai we can ninkc t for 'líie iniert-si of all those welling to purchase any of the above nientioned Goiid-;. we do most cirnestlr solicit at least an invesiigntion f our Güods and prices before purchasina elsevhcre. JAMES GIBSON & CO. 3. JExchange Ulock. Ann Albor, J.ower Town, Sept. 14, 18-Í6. 282 -tf 'ÓLÖCKS AND WATCHESU r JrpilE Subsciiberhas jusl . ,. fm, JL receivud, (and is conv TiSiajHly recciving) from c Íp.X New Yorkan elegant ard o jO wcll selected asLortment ( Jewclry, C!oc!s, IVatclics, Scc. cc. wlucli hó mionds tu sell as l'.xo as at inj othef establisbinen; ibis side oí Búllalo forrcady f puy onlij ainong wl.ich may be fouad iheJollow ' in-: a Lrod aísonnicnt ni Gold Fingcr Rings.. Gold Iireasi pins.Wristlets Guard, Cliains and Kcys. Süver Spoons, Germnn Süver Tea nnd T;ih!e Spoöns (iirst qtialiiy.) Silverand Germán do Sugar Tongs, Süver Sflh.Mustordnnd Cceam spoonf-. Euuer Knives, Gold and Silver I'encil Cases, Gild Pens. " ' Tenet !s, Silver and Germán Silver Thimbles. Silver Speciac!e8, Germán and Steel do. Gogrle., Cloilics. Ilair pndTontii Hrushes, Laiher lirushos. Razors and Pocket Knivp?. Fine Shears and Seissors, Knives and Forks. DrittanniaTen Potsand Casiors. Plated, Brnsp, anii Brittahia Candlesncks, SnulTers & Trays, Sliaving boxesand Sonps, Cliapman's Best Razor Strop. Calfand Mororco Wallcts. SilU and Cotlon nurse=. Violins and Bows, Violjn and Bnss Vrod Strings, Fltilff, Fifes. Clarionets. Accordeons - Music BuoUs for the saine. Motto Sen!s. Steel Pens and T-.veezcr3. Pen chjcs. Si:ufl'and Tobacco ho.e5. [voiy Dressing Conibs. Side and B.ick and Pocket Coíñbí, NeenMc cases. Steletiocp. Water Paints amf Biuslies. Toy Waicnes. a grcat variety oí Doils. in short ;he greatest varieiy of toys ever bronght to tliis mnrket. fcWcy work boxes, chüdren's tea seits. Cologne IJair Oils. ?nieliinc Snlts. Court Plas'er. Tea Belle. Thermometers. Germnn Pipe?. Wood Pcncila, BRAGS AND VVOOD CLOCKS, &c in fret nlmost every thing to picase the fancy. Ladics and Gentlemen, cal! and examine for yourselvcs. Ciocks. Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted on short noiice. Shop at his old stand, opposite H. Becker'p brick Store. 1 CALVIN BLISS. N. B.- Cash pnid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July lst. 134(5. 27I-lyF.T. B. CRANL would rrspectfully nolify the ciiizens of Ann Arbor, and ihe eurroundin country, that lic continúes to act as Agen of: lie HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, and wil] insure Property against 'osscs by Fire, at ihelowcsr rales, and wiili dcspntch andaccuracy. The Martibid lnsurnncc Companjris one of the oldest and. most stable in ihe country, ond nll losscssustnincd by them will be- ns titey ever have been- pkompti.y paip ! Firc is ;. (angerous clemcr.i ntid nol td bé irifled with: theretuie. make up your niind to guard ngainst. it aml doh't dei.ay ! A few Iiuuis delay may bc your ruin. Mr. Crank's Ofnce is in Crone's ncw Block, corner of the Public Square, Ann Arbor. 2?0-tf LÏNSEED5lL ! ! THE Subscriber is manufacturing Linsecd (Jil on an extensive scale and he s able to strp'ply MEIIC1IANTS AMD PA INTER8. on tcrins more f;iv rnlile for them iban boye ever hefore been oiTercd In ihis country, and he ís prepnred ti supply orders Tor largeor smull quanliiics nt prices cxLrcmdij luw. O" Commuiucuiions by mail vill be promptly attended to. D. L. LATOÜRETTE. Long Lnke. Genesec Co. Mich. 2S.VJy TEMPERANCËH O US E. PB. PvlPLEY would say to his friends nnd the friends of Temper.' nee. that he has taken ihc Teniperanco House, laioly kept by Wm. Ct. Wlieaton, where he would be glad to wait uprin tiipm. llny and Oat nud Stabbling to ncciimniodaic teauis. Detroit, Janunry I, ISlvi. Chattcl IXIoi'tgagcs, JÜST prinie-1 anJ hr 8ilc a; tbe ctTno n any tyjnm'ityinn 2r oor rilt. undersigncd having DUrchneed the intercsisot'his partner in ihe Mnrblc Business, uuld inform the inhnhharrsof thisandadjoining minnes, ihnt lie continúes the business at the Id stand in Upper Town, near the Prebyterian 'hurcli. where he will manufacturo to orW. tfonumcnts, Grave Stones Paint Sione, Tablcls, Lc. c. Those wlshïng to obtáin any ariicle ín hisline if business will find by calling thnt he lias an asortment of White and Varicgated Mirble froin he Eastern iMarble Quanies. which will he vrought m Modern style. and sold al eastern pries. fcdding transporiauon only. Cali nnd gei he'proof. J. M. ROCKWELL. Ann Arbor. July 8, IS-iG. 272 Iy CENTRAL LAND AND TAX AGENCY, JaCKSON MlCHIfiAV. Ojfice Second Slory of ihe Brich Block adjoining American Hotel. rilHE subscribas. nnilur ihe name of Hurlbui JL &. Treadwell, having cstabhshed an ofíic1 ni Jackayn; tor tlie purKse of trans-icting bu?i nëss ns'Geñerhríleaí Ls'tate Agcnts, will give thcir personal aiiention to 'J'lic purcLasp ni sitie rf Real Estati, Payinatt.s vf 1&Jt mi f.antl, lalcimintx Landtsill t'orl'azcs. Exiiminulion of Titlcs, CoTircyanrcs. and sneh other business ns pertains to a General [tèaj Estnte Ageiicy , Intending permnnentlyio in coüiiiiiie ihe above A'g'ency. armng'eiuérits liave been made wiih cxt'.nsive Real Kstaie Offices at the Eist, ihrough which the salo oí im proved lands may bc ftiatcriallv facilitaied ; and desiring to render it ris bem fr.-iyl hs possible, :i regisier o! such real propeny for sale, as mny be furnished us, whh pnces, terms, particular dcscriplion, &c. will be kept for the inspeciion of pureliasers. and when a sile is effected, a commiision of 2 per cent is expicted from the sel Ier. A catalogue of Lands, Farms, or o:her real propeny for snle will bc publi.hed and extensive!y circulated by our office, and ovvners of such property, deairing ti find owners, can ovail them se! ves of this medium, by forwanJing lo us n particular deseriplion of the propnrty, ih pri ces, terms. &.c. and One Dollar foreach descrip tion advcnised. Our charges for all services, will in all cases be rensonable. (ET All Ietler3 must bc postpaid. H. IJURLBUT. J. M. TitEADWELL. Jackson, Scpt. 1816. 2&-2m The undersicned will continue to attend to the pracsice of his profession. nnd wül devote par licitlar attention to the colleciion and securin ui claims, Forcclosnrc of Moi tgages. nnd tlralt ingof Dccc's, Montages. Contraéis. .Ve. J. M. TRKADWELL.Chcap Hardware Store. rpiJE Subacriber takes tliis method to inform JL his oíd custonirrs and tlic public generally tliat he still coniinues 10 kcep a largeand general assortiment of Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also. Spike. VVrought. Cut and Horoe Shoe Xails. Glass, Siieet Iron, Hoop Iion, Sheet nnd Uar Lead. Zync, Bright and AneuJtsa Wire, Mnlasses Gates and Fnssotls, Mili Sawa. Cross Cm S;ivs. Hand nnd Wood Saws, Back andKey Hole Saws, Anvils. Vicos, Bollows.Adzcs.Coop. er's Tool., Drnwins Knivcs, Spoke Shavcs, Tnp Borer?, Cast Sieel Augura, Coinmon Au"nrs, Aucur Uitts, Hollow Augurs. Steel and Fron' Squares, Gronnd Flnsier, Water Lime, Giind!Stones,?oiash.Caldronand SugarKettles. Cable,' Lo?. Trace and Hnlter Cliains, Broad. Hand and Narrow Axcs, Spirit and Plumb Levoís, toijcthcr witli a gc'nerlrl nesortment of HolIcw Ware, whicli will be sold low ior Cash b' BDDlQVed credit at 123, Jeiferson Avenue. Eldréd'eBlock. R. MARVIN. Deiroit, Jan. 16th, 181G. 248-ly CLOVER MACHINES. THRSinNG MACHINES and Seperatorp are made and sold by i llieir Machine Shop, ncar the Paper Mili, Lower Town, Ann Arbor! KiVAPP HAV1LAND, Jon. 10, 1846. 24? fPÍIE rcceding hgure ïs givcn to represen the Insensible Pcrspiration. lt is the grea va2inti n for the iinpunties of the body. Jt will )equiicid that a ihick. cloudy mist issues from 11 púinís of tlie surtace, whicii indícales i tin t us ierspiraiion ilows uninterr.iptedly when we re in hcalth, but censes when wc ore sick. Li'e annot bc susiained wiiliout it. Il is thrown off] roni tlie blood nnl oilicr juices of the body. i nd disposes by this means. of nearly all the imuriiits within us. 'J'he blood. by this inenns n!y, works ilsell pure. The Iungunge of Scrip ure is, "in the Blood is :lio Lifo." It it ever ïeconics impuro, it mny be troced direcily to the topp-ige of ilie Insensible l'crspirntion. Jt ncver cqmres any inlemnl medicines to clcanse it. as t ahvays purifica itself by its own heat nndacïon. and throws oiï n'l ihe oflunding hnmors. lirbugh the Insensible Pérspiration. Tlius we 8ee all that is necessary when lbo blood is stagïant, or iniected. is to open the pores, nndiire0VC8 itFtíll froin uil impurity instantly. lts own eat and vitnlnv ore sulHcient, without oneparicle of medicino, oxcept to open the pores upon hesmfnee. Tlias we sce the folly oí taking so nnch internnl remedies. All pracitionors. however, direct their cffjrts to restore tbc Insensible perspiration, but it seems to be not nlways the proper one. 'i'he Tliompsoninn, for instnnce steams. the Ilydropntbist shrotids nsin wet blankets, t lic Homopa:!i st denla pul infinitissimals, the blccdsand loscs us with inerc-ury,aiKÍ h'i blusiering Quack gorges us with pills, pills. pilla. To give 8ome idea of the nranunt of the Inscn sible Perspiration, we wili state that lbo lenrneil Dr. Lewenhock. and the great Boeihaave. üscertained that five-eiglithsof all we receive into the stomach. passcd olV by this menns. In otlier words, if we cat and drink eight pounds per day. wc.evacuaie live pounda of it by tbc Insensible Perspiration. Tlus is none otlier than t'ie usetl up particles of the blood. and other juiees giving place to the ncw and fresh ones. To cheek ths, therefore, is to retain in the system Jiv.eihilis of nll the virulent maner that nature demands should luavtthe tiody. Andeven when this is the case, the bbod is of so active a principie, ihat it determines t' ose .particles to the ski i, where they form scabs, pimplos, ulcers, and othsr spots. By a sudderi tmnsition irom heat to coid, the pores are stopped, tlic perspiration ceuses. and discase begins at once to devolope itself. Henee, n stoppage of this flow ui' the jutces, originales so nmny eompiaints. It is by stopping the pores. i'nat ovcrwhelms mankind with couglis, colds, and oor.sumptions. .Vine-tenths of ihe world die froin disensos induced by a sib'ppngc ot the Insensible Pespira tion. It is casily seen, therefore, how necessary ie the flow of this subile humor to the surfuce. to preserve heahh. It cannot be stopped; it cannot bc even cheeked, without inducing disease. Let me ask now, every candiel mind, what course seems the most reasonable to pursue. to (instop the pores, alter ihéy are closed? Would you give physic tounstop tne pores? Or would you apply sonu-lhing that would do this upon the surfiice, where the cloïging actually is? Would not iliis be common sense? And yètlknnwöi no nhvsician who tnakes any extcrnal applicoiionto eiret it. The reason I assign is. tliai no medicine wiihin tlieir knowledge. is capablc of doing it. Under thse circumstances, I pres3nt to physicians, and to nll others, a preparation tlmi his this power in te fullest exient. It is Mc A L STER' 8 ALL HEALIXG OTNTSTENT. orthe WORLD' S SALVE'. It has power to resiore perspiration on the (eet, on the head, around old sores, upnn ihe chest. in short, upm any pnriol the body, whether diseased tlightly or severely. It has power to cause all extemal sores, scrofulons humorü. skin discares. poisonous wounds. 10 discharge their putr.d matter, and then hcals theni. It ts a remedy tlwt sweeps off the whole catalogue ofcutancoiis disorders, and restores tineniirc cuiicle to itshealihy funcrions. It is a remedy that forbids the npcesffity of so many and delcterious drugs taken into the stomach. Il is a remedy that neither sickens. gives inconvenience. or is dangëroiis to the intes ines. It preserves and delcnds the tnrface from al deranüoment of iis ïnnciions. while it keeps open the chnnnels lor t!ie llood to void all its nmriiies ainl dispose ot" all iis useless partióles Tlie snrliiee is the outlet oT five-ei{..!uhs of iln bile atid used tip matter wiihin. It is picrcfeil w; h millions ol openings to relieve the intes.:irs. 'Stop up these pores, and death knocke at your door. It is righïlv termed AH-Henlírie. tor there is scnrccly n dis'-ase. exiernal or inter nat, ihatit wili notbeutfit. 1 havo used it foi the lust fourteun yenrs, for alt disoasea of tlu chest. constimplion. liver, involvinj: ilie ntinos dnnger and responsibility, and 1 dednre hefurtHeaveti and m;m. that notin 'one single case ha it fail'cd toJiemfii. wheh the patiënt was wi:hin the röiich of nioiial moans. l have had physicians, learncd in the profession; 1 have had ministers of ihe Gospel. Judgeson the Bench. Aldernien and Lawyi-rs. gen tlemen of the highest erudition and muliitiules ol the poor, use it in every varicty of way. and ihere has been but one voice, onc united, universal voice, saying, "McAlister, your Oitïtment is good!" CONSUMrTIOS. It can hardly be creditcd that n salve can have any effect Ufion the loagsj vented as they are wiihin ihe systeni. Bat wesay once for all, ihai this Ointment will reach the hincs quicker than ahy medicine ihatcnn be given iniernally. Thus. 11 placed upon the chest. it penetrales dircctly to tho Iungs, separatfs the poiaonous pnrticles thai are uonsuinmg them, and expels them from the system. I need not say thnt it is curing persons of Consuiiipiion conuiually. alihougli we are told it is loolishness. I care not what is said, so long a I can (?urc several thousand persons yearly. II F. VI) ACH ft'. This Salvé hascured persons of the Head Ache ot 12 V CO ra standing, and wiio had it regular!)1 evcry weck, so tliat took place. Dcafness and Ear Ache are holpcd with the like sucecss. as also Ague in the Face. cot.n feet. Consumption. Livcr ooiTiplnint, pains in the chest or fide, falün of ihe hair. one or the oiher alwaysaccomnanies cld fuet. It is a sure 6Ígn of diseasc in the sysiem to have cold feer. The Salve will restore ihe Insensible Perspiration and thus cure every enfe. In Scrofula. Eryèipelas and Salt Rheum nnd other diseasesof tliis nature, no internal remedy ha9 yct bctn discovercd that is so good. The same may be said of Bronchitis. Qnincy, Sore Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseases. Broken or Sore Breast. &c. And as for the Chest Diseasee. sïich as Asthma. Pain, Opprt-ssion and the like, it is the most wonderful antidote in the World. Fór Liver Ccmplnint it is cqiKilly pfïïcacions: for Burtis it has not has itsequal in tho World: nlso. Excresences of every kind, suchas Warts. Tumors. Pimples, &c, it makes clean work o: ihem all. SORE EYE8. The inflnmmation and disenso always lieshack of the ball of the ryc in ihe socket. Henee the virtue of nny medicine must rench the seatof the inflamation or it will do litilc pood. The Snlve. if rubhed on tlie temples, will penétrate dircctly into tho socket. The pores will boopen ed. n proper perspirotion will becreated and tho disenso will soon pnsa offio the suriacc. riltiri.ES OV TUK FACE, FnKCKf.ES, TAN, MASCUI.INE 8KIN, CnOSS BURFAOt. !( firet ac(oi i tö cxnpf n humor. I wililot cea8e draw ing lili the face is freo from nny " untier t hm may bc loilged under the skin nny . requenily break ing out to ihe surfacc. lt tlic'ii icnls. When there is rioihing !uc grossncss. or lu!l fpiilsivc surlnce, it lu-gins to eolien and often umil theekin hucnincs assniO'Ul) nVid c'rli;nto ai n cluld's. lt ihroyvs a frcslineis and il ushing color upon '.he now whiie. transpiren! km. ihat is pcrlectly eWlinntmg. Sorne limes n case of Frocklea i wiil firsi sinrt om those lint hñvo Inin hiddenano' seen buisrldom. Pur u ihe Salve and uil wilj swn disappear. vs. Ii'pnrcnts knew hojv fatal most medicines were f o chitdren inken inwnrdly, tlity wmilt! Bè slow .o resoitu) tlicif. Especi.illy "mercurial , jr.s." c:illi:il "mediented lozcnges," pills, K:c. The trntli s. na one teil, invatiaMy, when ivorms ate present. New let me sry (opnrrnis. ' ihjit t ii is Salve will alwiys iel 1 if a child lm ' worins. It will drive every vestige of theni n s way. Tliis is a himple and sale cuih. Tliere is probably no medicino on the fnce of ' tlie enrih n't fnee so 6ure nnd so safe in the ex ' [Milsiuii of worms. ' lt would be cruel, nay wirked. to ivc ' nul. doubtl'ul niedicines, so long as a hurulcss, ; exiernal une could be liad. T011.KT. Althoush I have said httlo abont it nnt linir ( rsFioiniive, yet I will siakti u ngiiinsi the Woild! The'y may brin tbeir Oils Inr and iuir. nnd mine will restore tdc hnir t vvo cases to t hoi r ono. OI.D SUKLS. MOKTiriCATIONS. L'I.CICÜS, KTC. That somc Sores aio an (uiilet to iht; impuritie? of the sysiem, is because ihey ennnot pass o!T ihrou;]i ihe nauj al eliminéis ot the Insensible Perspiration. If such sores are healrd up. the impurities must have some other outlet. or it will endanger lile. This is the roason why it is impolilic to use ihe commöri Salvo of the day in such ceses. For they have no power to open olher nvenues. to let o(T ihis tnorbid matter, and tlie consnquences nre always fotul. This Salve will always provide for such emergencies. D1SKASES OV OHU-PBEA. How many (housands are swept off hy givinp interna! medicines, whan thoir young bodies iind tender frames are unable to benr up ngainst iliem? Whole a'tnies are tltus sent to thuir graves mereiy Irom pouring into iheir wenk stomachs powerfnl druss ond )hysics! It is to such that the All-IIcalm Oinnnent tendéis sr safe. pleasnni. nnd harmless a cure Such can ses as Cronp. Cholic. Cholera Infantum. VVonns. nnd all Slimmer Complaints. by which so niany chillren die. tho Oiniment will rcinove so speedily nnd surtlv, that a phyfician will novftr he needcd. JNloihers! tlirouahotit all this land. we now soleninly nnd sacredly declare to you thar ihe All-Healing Oinnnent v.ül sive your children from nn eyly Rrcve if you will use it. We nre not how acmiated by'the least desire to pain; but knowing as we do thai vnst bodies of iniants and children die early; wliich is Btipposed to be inevitable and itnpossible to prevent, we hold up our wnrnins voice, :ind dnol.ire in the face oí tlie whole world. CI1I LUREN NP.ED NOT DIE MORE TIIAN OTHERSÜ But it is from the want ef proper nourisl'ment nnd the constant drugging ihey undergo wluch mows thein down ns the rank grass falls before the scythe. Mothcrs! we repeat agnin. and if they were the last wouis we were ever to utler. md oi r:utirse past the reanh of nll interest, we would soy, "use the AUUcalingOintment forsickness among cliildren." KHKUMATISM. It removes al aiost itnmcdiatcly the inflamalion and swelling, when tho pain of course ceases. T.KVETtSt Tn enses of fevcr. the difficulty lies in the pores belirg lncked up. so thnt the heat and persp'rntion cannot paes oiF. It t he least moisture oould be starled, the crisis ia passed nnd ihe daniier over. The All-Healing Oimment will in all cases of fevers almost insianily uniock the skin and bring fonh the perspiration. FKMALB COM1M.AISTS. Infiamation of the kidneys. of the womb. nnd itsfalling down. weakness. and irrcpulnriiy ; in ahort. all thosc diíílculties whioh nre fiequeni vith lemnles. find rendy and permanent relief. We have had aged ludies teil us they could nuluve six monuis wiumui it. jjiu lo Jemales about lobecome mr-thcrs. if tised forsome weeks antecedent to iheir confinement. very few of tbosc pains and convulsions whicli attend tl:etn nt thut period will be felt. Thisfact ought to beknown tlic world over. SCALD HF.VD. We lmyc cured cases tliat actually deficdeverylhing known,na well as the abiliiy of fifieen tir tweniy doctors. One man told us he hnd spcnt 500 on liis children wiihout nny benefit, when a few boxes of ilie Oinimcnt cured them. COKNS. Pcople need never be troubled with ihem il they will use t. Ás a FAMILY MEDICINE, no man caí measure iis valué. So lonp ns the stars rol ilong over the Henvcns - so lonp ns man trendsthe etirth. subject to al! the nfirmiiies of ht llesh - so long as rlisease nnd sickness is known - jüst so long will tliis Ointnient te used nnc esteemed. When mnn ce.-ises from oíTthe earlh. ilion the demand will conté, and not lili (lien. To nllay all cpproheneioris'on necount of i leingrediente, in posíessing such povverfulproperties, we will state that it is couipot-ed of some ui the fnosl ommon and harniless herbs in existence There is no mcrcury init. nscnn le leer from the fact i lint i! does not irijure the skin om partido, while ii will pnes rbrnugh -'nd pliysic the bowels. JAM F.P McALISTKR & CÓ. 1 C8 Sotiili street. N. York. Solé proprioior of the nhovo Medicine, tí whom 11 communicntions must hp. nddtessot' (post paid). Price Vy cents. -índ 50 ceni8. tCTCAUTION.rn As (he All-fleníing Ointtncnt has heen erreatly counterfeited, we hnve p:ven ibis camión to ihoptiblie, tbat ;no Oinimcnt will be genuine unless the ñames oí James iVícAlister. or Jame.McAlisier &. Co., are writren wild n pen pon every label." The Inbel is a seel éngravlng. wiili thc figure of "Insensible Pergpiration" on thc face. Now we hereby ofior a reward of $500. to br paid on conviciion. in any of the constituid cour(8 ol' tho Uniicd States, of nny individua counierreiiinn ovr nnme and Ointment. MAYNARIVS. Ann Arbor, Wholesale Aíifnts; Smith &. Tyrell, Clinton: Kptcluim ASmitii, Tecumseh: ü. C. Whitwood, Dextcr; II. t Bower. Manchesier; John Owen & Co.. Deroit; Marinan & Cook, Urooklyn. Deu. 18, 1845. 244- ly O YS TERS O YS TER S OYSTEESÜ ROWK & Co , having thoronghly complftet their nrrnngenieni8. nrc now prepnred t lurntsh (he citizeus of Detroit and vicintty with OYSTERS! Of n superior qnality. at thc lowest priecs. The intend njaking a regulur business of it, and will reccive d;ii'v. by expres, nnd Ucpp constantly on hand, SHELL and Ol'ENED OYS. TERS ol a quality-iliat cannot (e surpassed. - They will be put in C;ma or Kcze th;it hold from one quait to two galluns. Wc do not wish yon to take our word for the abuve, bulto cali and ty us. EP All orders left nt the Rail Rond Hotel, or sent by inail will mect with iinmediatc Qlleniion. ROWF.& Co. Rnflülo, WM. MATHEWS. Agt. Detroit. p. S. Oysters delivered to any part of the city ree of cbnrgo. Detroit, 18'I6. 2-3n Hats and Caps, Ifï all their variaties, also Cams, Silk nnd Gingham Umbrcllns. Suspenders. rich Silk tícarfsond Cravais. Silk, Linen and Kid Gloves, with every nrticle in that line can be hnd at fair prices and watrnnied to suit by senduij; your wishes by letter or by calling ot No 58. Woodward Avepue, 3 doors north c( Doty'e Auction room. Detroit. N. B. Ministers nnd Liberty men supplied nt a email advancc froin cos!. JAMES G. CRANE. MEDICAL B0OKS. A NEW lot of Medical Books. just operved and for sftlc chcap for cash at June 15. 270-lf Penny'sBOOKS! BOOKS!! AT PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC'! rHE undcrsigned having returnerl from New York willi a new, laiye and valuable stock ij 3ooks, Slaltoncry and Paper Hangvigs, s now ready to sell fur Cnsb, any thing in In ine at his licw slnnd on Main sirect, oppote H. Bocker's Brick Storr. líe will say to Jeuk plm-haspis. ihm. l)y his rfFits Inst l'nll on ' us icurn Oom New York, ilie pi ic pf nenrly vèry ihing in liis line hris bren sold less ihnn leretufoie. aud not been f'r lii.n, pniclners woulil hnve cuntinucd tupny iliü piiceshere,ofoie chnrgrd. Hp enn tay :ilso. ihai his snles linve been f l'on'1 liis most nriuuine epectytictps. sliowiru1 .onclusively r tint n public Uenehrlor. nlthouuli ?er so suiüll. will ngl go unrewarded in iylnened communily. He 3 lliqnkfnl fir ihn fnvors nlrendy bestow.d. md vf)iil(i resppc-ifully solicita coniinuance ot'ihe . irade; andlu would ?:iy l; ibose wlio ncver bnvc j purclmsed books of liiin, ibnt be vi!l show iliein inicies and prices wijl) pieisnre a' nny time ibcy mny cali wheiber they wisli (o purebase or noi. Cash orders from ihc country will bc nttended to, and the books packed ns well ns if the persons were pres9nt to attend the purehase9. He will also 6ell to childen as cheap au their p,rents. Purrhase'S will do well to examine his stock and prices beforc purchn?ing elsewhere. Don? t f orgel the place; be sure yon cali at PERRY'S BOOK STORE, on Main Street, afciodoors South of the Public Square. ÏÏM, R. TERRY. Ann Arbor, June 27, 18JG. 26í)-if THRESHING MACHINES, THE undüfsigned would nform tbe public that he inniuilactures ilorse Puwers and Thrcshing Mnclnncs at Scjo, oí a superior kind nvented hy hun eelt. Theso Powers and Mnchincs are particularly ndapted to i tic iise ol fartners who wish to uöê them lor ïhiealiing their own grin. 'J'he power, threshor nnd (ixtures e;m all be loaded in:o a common sized wagon box and diawn wiih oue pair of horses. Tbey are designed lo be used wiih four horees. and are abundanily stronw loi ihai nuinbsr. and may be snfely used with six or eiyht norses wiih proper cnre. They yvork with lessstrenjth o t' horses nccording tothcamotint ol business done iban any oihcr power, and will thresh generally aboul S00 bushels wheat per day with four hor.-es. In one in?tance 15b bnsliels whèat werc threshed in three hours wilh four horses. This Power and Machine contain nll the advantaties necessary to ninke them prolitable to lbo purch.iser. They are sfrong and durable. - They are easily moved lïom one plico tó another. Tho work of rhe 'norsos is ensy" on ihese powers in compnrison to o:hts. nnd the price i. LOWKIl tlmn any other power and macjiine. have ever been sold in the State, accordinn to the real valué. The terms of pnyment will be liberil for notes that are knowu to be absolutely yood. I have a number of Powers and MaeMneí now ready for sale and persons wishing to bu are invited to cali soon. CLEANERS.I expect to be prepared wnh'n a fcw dnys to mokc Cleaners for ihosc who nmy want theni. The ulility and mlvaniagcs.of íliis Power nn(' Machine will appear evident to nll on exaniinini.' he recomnn:nlaiions hclnw. Al! persons nre enmioned against mnkine these I'owcrs and Machines: ihe undersignet hnvíng ndoptci) ihc neeess.iry mensures lor secu ring letters pn'.ent for the same wiihin ihe tune required by law. SI W. FOSTER. Scio, "YVasbtennw Co., Mich.. Júnelo, 134G RECOiMMENDATIONS. Durinp ihe year Ir-45, cachot ;he undersigned purchnsed and used eithcr individually or jointlj with óthers. one of S. W. Foster's newly ri vented Horsc Powers and ihreshing vriacliines. and hclieve they are betíer adnpicd to the use o Farmers who wmi Powers and Machines foi tlieir own use tljnn any otlier power and threslier within our kríüvvledgo. Tliey are cnícu'btet (o be U8ed wiih iour horses nnd are oí nmpl airengih íor ihnt number. Tliey nppenr to b( consinicted in sncli a manner ns to ren'ler then very durable wiih liule linbitity oí gettin out o order. Theynre cisily moved from tíifé ptac to nnoiher. They can le workcd wiih any num her of hands from four to cight, and wilí ihrcs) abcu't '200 l)i;shels whcni per day. J. A. I'OIJIKMUS. Scio, Vnslit3naw co G. BLOOD. " " T. RÍCriARDSON, " SAMUEL MKALY, " 3j P. FOSTER, " N. A. PÍIKLPS, " " ADAM SMITü, " 3. M. noVVF.N. J.imn. ' WM. WALKER. Wouter, " THOS WARREN, 1). SMALLEY, Lp3(. I tlireshed last f;ill snd winter w.'th one of S W. Foster's hnrse powors. more ihan fiftcer honsand bushels gram The repairs bostower npou tiie power amounied to only H cents, anr it was in goud otder when I had 'done ihreshinjj 1 invariübly used si.v horsos. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Murion. June 6, 1SI6. I purchnsed one of S. W. Foster's horpi poweis last lall and have used it for j';bbing. J have used many difljerent kinds of powers and belicve this ie the best running power I hav everseen. D. s. BENNET. Hamburg. June, 18 IC. We purchiised one of S. W. Foster's Hor.-f Powers Irst thll, and have used t and think it ifa first iate Power. JESSE HALL, DANIELS. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg. June, 1846. if1846. 1846 TEÏVÏPERABJCE HOUSE. MILTON IJARXEY OP THR S TE AMBO AT HOTEL, DETROIT, IS now rc'tly to accommodate liis friends anc iheTiave ling Public, wiih all iliose conven iencescnlculatcd (o mnke thein confortable, anü witli pii-cs t snit thntnnci. Mals twcnty-five Cents. Rest f are. in tlic City for the sama Monmj. Gmerid Sti'ge. Ojficv. Stcfíinoats lev-: Pc troit for Bfffidu r.nry Ertnióg, at htt'f p'iftt (j o'clock. ( Usual y.) The Railroads are icitünfive minutes ride of the Stca?nboat Hotel. 272-tf A. C. M'GRAW & CO., Are nov receiving their Fall Stock of Boots & Slioes Which have been selected with much caro for ihc Wholesale Trade! rTlHKY now respectfuüy req'jebt the MerJL chnnis of Michigun nnd nf'jicent ötales. to examine tlicir rxiensivesiock wtiich wil] besóle nt vory low prices for oeh or flpproved credit. Having for,.ihe lost fifieen yeare old more Goods at retml ihan nny other House in Michinn, tliey feel fully persuaded ihnt iheir seieciion f.8 to pnce,, tualily, and sizes, will euit the want6 of the people. Their 6toek of Loathcr nnd FindingB is also complete. The rctail irado continúes as usual on the first door, Corker of Jkkfkkson and Woodward AvKNUIS. V. C. McGRAW, & CO. Detroit, Aug. 22, IB-16. 2Jö-lyNEW COOKhXG STOVE JBUii And Stoves of all kinds. Thu subsui lüor would culi the iltciiiiuii ui ihe ubüc to JVooIson's Hot Air Cocking STOVE. Vhich he can coriliu-iiily ncormmnd s bin CcidecUy superior t nïiy Cookihg Sic.e m ne )r simplicity in operatnn - ecmicniy in (nel nd Jor un.qualk(l Baking and IIoasting quah ís. u is uniivalled. The now and imporiant Improvrmcni nrotluced in is construction bciiig puch n to inure grent ndvuntoges over a{ otlier kindi of vooktng Stove8. WJLLIAM R. NOYES, Jr. 7C Woodward Avenuu, De roi Dec. 12. 1845. }2 "Crockery at "Wholesale." FllKUI-JRICK VVETMORK. hns conetcnily on linnd. ihe liirgest xtuck in t lie Wi-st of Crockcry, China, Glassvare, Lookijig Gasses and Platea, Jlrifamiia Ware Trafs, Lamps and Wie Icing, Paed Ware, China Tuys, $t. 8T. IJia siock inclutles nll ilic voiieties oí Crock. ;ry nnd China, from ihe finest China Diniicr ind Tea Setts lo ihe most common nnd low )riccil wpre - from ih nchcsi tut gloos lo the ilainesi glass ware. Riitannin Cnsiors of evcry t ind. Briinnnin Tea Sen. Coflee Pota, Tea ?ors. Lan'ps. Cnndlfsticks. Ac. Lard Lamps of evrry deacr'pijöri from he most costly cut Purlor Lnmp to the licapctt 5tore lamp. All the nbove anieles nre imponed ly himsrlf lirectly from the mnnufacturets nnd will U rold ït Wholesale, ap lowats at any Wholesale L'ocbo, jxpenses from sei.hoard addf-d i)lv. A liberal discount given or c;:i-h. JWerthants and othi-rs ore inviifd lo cali njid jxnmine th ahove arrïclt s ai ihe old j-tand. No. 125, Jeflerson Avenue (Eldied's Blork.) Dc troit. 24i_lySELECT SCHOOL. MISS J. B. S.M1TH. af-sisted by Mía S. FrK.r.r, nnnounces to ilie piiTiIic tliat he ]t j.repnred to teceive. yoiing Indiea info her school in lliebastTnfept room of the Episcopal Church. 'JV.iims. - For qunrtor ofl2 weeks, for English branches from sr; French nnd Lntin enen s:i extra it U'6Ue.d togethcr witli the Enalish udies, or sep.nratcly. L5 rach. The school wi.Ube fiirnished wiih a I'hilosophicnl nppnrttii3; nmf oecnsional lectures givcn on the Nalurnl Sciences. Mre. Huphs wil! jive nsfruciinn to nll ],o desirc ii, in Music. Dravving, Painting and Netdlework. Miss Smi:h refera to the followihggc-nltomon: Professors Willinms. 7Vn ronk, nnd Wheodori of the? University: Rev. W. S. dim?. Riv. Mr. Simons, Rev. C. C. Toylor, Jon. E. Mun(y, Win. S. Mnyiwirn' F.-q. Ann Arbnr. April ?.O. 1'!6. 2r2-if LMICHIGAN LAND AND TAX AGENCY. ' H. D. POST, Blasón, highavi County, Michigan. WILL altend to i'ie pnynient of Tnxcs. er armnntioti of Tales, pinchase and sale of Lands. &c. 1-c. A ny business entrusted tohlni will bc trinmct ed witli promptness and accuracy - Addreia hy mail. Rcfcrcnccs, (hy permission.} C. linri.'jn!. Dtlioü. J. C. JJcunt. Hrother &. Co. ) _ WMdcrÜ?; Snow, TrV VVoodbury. Avcry fe Co. ,r „ , U. G. Williams, Nev v'kCHEA3? STOVES AT YPSILANTl! 195 C00K1NG &PÁRLOR STOVES - just recetved. hy the Suh.-ciiber, (mojtly ('mm AH.nny) iimkinc t'""d nsiorin.ent of ilic late) nnd best pniitirns. wjiich wiil bc eoid ii Lniö Piiccs! notto be undcrsold thia side Lï.ke Ei e! Also, Cos-per Fnrniiure, Caiili.'ron Kp::Ic Mollow W„re of all sizes. Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Mnnufacturod, and cónstnnïly kopt on hand wluch will nlso hé solr? vcry ,nv P. S. - Purnhnfiers will do well to cali and examine for tlieirown satifnciiin. „ ., iM. BROWtf. TtpsiLinti, J:ne 20. J846. o_?lt FOR SALE CÍIEAP for CASH, or every kind of country Prodtirn. Saddlcs, Brdlcs,ffarncs$, Tninks, Valü ses, Trunk Valiscs, Carpet Bags, Sfc. Als. a üoot) a.-soiiinem ol VvH:pí c Lasiikb, which will be sold véry Inw, nnd no mi-t.ikc. nt COOK & ROUINSON'S. Ann Arlor. August J2. I84G. 277-tf JUSTARRIVED BY EXPRESS. npllt: M..z:in CuJIucnon of S;icrcd Music, by A E. Ivf? Jun - containiny the r-elelira'ted Chris;iisand Miserere Ly Zingarelli witli Engis!) words. Tencliors of Music will plcafo cali and examine the work at Perry's Bookstoke. October 7. JfiJfi. 286-tf WAHED, at Perry's Bookstorp, 5 Tons cluiJii Cotton und Lincn Roja, 1 Ttm Uncswnx. and féjPO Dolíais in cash, for ihe Inroest nssorlinent of Bö'8 nnd Sta'tionory ever oflsred in thii Villoge, and at his usunl low prices. Ann Arbor, Upper Village. Oct. 7, I84M. 2He-f THE LIBERTY MINST RELONE HUNDRKD COPIES of the fjfth. edi tion of i his highly popular work are for sale u tiie Smnül office; nt 50 conis single, or -1,50 per dozeri. Terina Cash. Now is the titne Jor Liberiy choirs to supply theirisdves. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. TflE Subsoriber hng constantly for aio good nssortment of heavy WOOLEN CLOTHS, well adnpted to tc country n.arket which he will 8eil nt wholesole orietail, vy.r.y i.ow. Cali and seethem at the Manhattan Stouk. W. A. RAYxMOND, 275-f Detroit. COUNTY ORDERS. rpHE higliestpricopnid in enthhy G. F. LcwJL i.ct Exchangc Broker, opposite the Jnsurnnee Bank, Detroit, for ordcro on any of the countios in tho State of Michigan; nlBoforStnio securities of all kiodeand uncurrcntiund8 Cali and sec. Dec 1, 1845 241-if E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. KOOT' 6TOKE, CRANE Sí JEWETT'b BLOCK, 2Cl-tf ANN ARBOR.