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Physiological Differences

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On idea w'hí.ch forcibly nrrc3ts the nttemion, s t!ie pbyiiologicul transformaron rapidly occürring in the human faruily. The word ot Goil lectores thnt all he riivcisificd race of men, which ríwt'II upon the globe, ore the descendants of a coinmon parentnge. And yei huw immense 3 ilie diflerence now manifest between the mosl jerfect specimen o: thc Caucasian or Europcon. ace, wiih is erect and stature, its"" ntellectual countennnee and loíiy !row, its beamng oye, iis pure and ruddy complexion - when compnred wiih liie dwarfed Negritos ol New íollaud, with crooked linibs, dinpy huc, and ■oarae, rcpulsive, idiotie (eaiures: hardly one renové above the baboon - the wbo.'o physical man eing in keeping wiih ih moral andinicllectual Icgradotion. Scienttfic writers havo dlvidsd mankind inlo different clasaes, as the Caucasian, he African, the Mongolion, the American and lie Malay. Some have arranged them into three slasses, others into five, and other3 into mnny nore. Wc look at I fie white, the red, the brown, the black and tho tawny Jiion, and we nul it decl%red in the Bible that all these widely üiTerent varietics are of common. origin. And s we explore the field ufphysiologicnl 6cience, ve meet with continuul illustrations andconfirmtions of thia truth. Though wc cannot fully ccount for the present diversity in ihe aspct of iifierent races, ihis varieiy is in accordance with he operation of well known Iaw9. Tho same parents have some children of light complexion, !ue eyes and liglit hair, and other3 of dark comilexion, black cycs and black hair. The Caucasian in a tropical climate becomes swarthy, iiid transmita to his children a darkened hue, while in the cold and icy regions of the North he iiecomea the father of a fair-skinncd and flaxenhaired race. it 3 in acerdance wiih the teachings ot acience. tha: those who are well fed. and well clothed. and protected from the weather - whose moral feelings are diligently trained, and whose intellectual powersare devcloped byful culture, froni generaúon to generaron grow moro symnifciricnl in form, "niorc intellectual in ihe expression of their features, more delicate and fair in skin, nnd of more perfect general physical otganization. Wbile thosc wlio are eradled in the bots of barbarians, wilh naked budies besmeared with oil and paini, dozing 2way a mere animal life in the anioke and the filth of a den of savages, breaihing tho pestüent air of hogs and swanip3,dcvounng the innutrittousand unwholesome food, unwashed, uiicombed - gradually deteriórate generation after generation, and with matted liairanü blackened limbs lost; all resem blonce to there fined ancestry Ir om who.ii thcy are degraded. There nrc mnny renegade English anti American sailora. who iiave escaped from wbale ships and are living amon2 lbo bavages of the Pacific islands. Ia a faw yeara afier abandoning the ships and snrrendering thcmselves to the habita of savage Üfe, they bacome so chanrjed in color and appearance, lüat thev cannot bs distinguished from tbc nalives. There are many weliauthenticated instancesof chiidren, bom of African parenis, and becoming entirely white. In repcaied instances a whiie spot has made its appearance upon a black skin, and gradually spread, till tho colored man from fooi to crown became a white man. A. short time ago there was in Richmond, Va. a negro boy as black as ebony. with t'ie exception of nearly half hia right side and back, whjch were as white a3 alabaster. - The pnrts oí %vhitc werc increaiing, and would probably cover the whole body. These tfpiH derruí nnomalies are transniitted trom parciH to child. Thus does philosopiiy confirm the dec'aration of the Scriptures, tliat God made ol one