Tally-Ho & Horses at Dexter's Sesquicentennial, June 1974

Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 15, 1974
Tallyho and away we go is how one might describe this scene as a 100-year-old English tallyho coach pulls participants in the Dexter area Sesquicentennial. At the reins is Burton Hoey and on the end is Ben Conklin, a blacksmith who shoed the team of Perceron draft horses pulling the coach. Visitors to the Dexter even will have an opportunity ride in the tallyho. The tallyho and the horses are owned by the Hoey family in Dexter.
Ann Arbor News, June 15, 1974
Tallyho and away we go is how one might describe this scene as a 100-year-old English tallyho coach pulls participants in the Dexter area Sesquicentennial. At the reins is Burton Hoey and on the end is Ben Conklin, a blacksmith who shoed the team of Perceron draft horses pulling the coach. Visitors to the Dexter even will have an opportunity ride in the tallyho. The tallyho and the horses are owned by the Hoey family in Dexter.
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