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Miscellany: Improvement In Our Race

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It would not be strange, if iri less than two centuries from the present time, the traveller through África, whirled Trom populous city to city by the ponderouslocomtive, and charmcd by the loveliness of rural villages and fields emiling wiih cultivation, should sec that the samo influence which has adorned the landscape with beauty, and which has infused all the graces of the mind and the heart to the moral and the intellectual man, has also embelished úo physical man with dignity and beauty. Dirïgasn and Moselakatsi are names of high renown in Southern África. They have swavcd a bloody sceptre over degradedand tremiiling thousands. But ïhèir barbarían dynasty has disappeared ; thcir power is gone, and their wretched hordes are scijUered and lost And in their fate we probabiy read the doom of many of the chieftains of the most degradcd tribes. - África vas the nursory of civilization and of intellect ÍÍ is said that many of the most renowncd scf.olars, and statc-smen, and warriors of antiquííV, belonged to that colored race which is so deeplydebased. But ere long, under t;e influcnce of the culture of the mind and the heart, the forehead may cxpand, the eye bea.m with intellect, and the wholo physical rnan stand crect in beauty. Similar causes are in operation in Asia, to ob.Utera.te thp physical diversities now existing in the different races dwelling in that section of the world. The locust jegtona of Russia are erowdin g clown up.ou the sunny plains of the Indus and the Ganges from the North ; and England is pressing up to meet thern in her pride nnd her power, from the South. The Persian and othcr nations of Northern Asia, belong to the Caucasian familly. - And the Asiatics generally are at so slight a remove from the white man, that there is, on the part of the white man, but slight, if any repugnanco to intermarriagp. It is a curious fact, that in Asia, it is the colored ornan who rejects with haughty contempt tlie idea of any matrimonial connection with the white man. Not only the daughter of the proud Brahmin, but the daughter of the humblesi beggar in India would feel degraded, and would be so regarded by her friends, were shó to enter into a marriago unión with the noblest biood of England or America. The Chinese, indeed, cali the English and Americaus red men. They consider themselves th only pure blooded whito men - nature's only genuine gentlemen. Rich, in his residence in Koordi.stan, gives the following description ofayoung Koord, who ona morntng enlered his tent:" The ou tl i nes ofhis facewere perfectly regular. He had a crispy or wavy black board, dark blue eycs, with black eyebrows and lashes, and a manly tint of brown over a fine, clear and ruddy complexión. He was altogether a very bandeóme young man. He was magnificently atlired in the Koordish taste, and met me with an easy and pol te address, in which was something of frankness, but tiot the most distant tincture of coarsene3. He was perfect ly well bred in his manaers." When theAsiatic, protcted by impartial laws, aliall have the conscious dignity of a man ; when the loorns of England, of America, and of France shall clothe him; when he shall enjoy the comforts of a refined home, with all his passions aubdued by piety, and his conntenancc beaming witli inlellectual culture, the physical man will share abuudantly ín the renovation of the intellectuul and the moral. Those influences of God's providencc and of his grace, which are now recalling mankind from the degradation into whicli they hnve wnndered, are rapidy oblitcrating all repulsive diversitiesof feature and of form. Tliè frigid zone may palo the brow, and the Southern sun may brown the cheek, but the repellant and suvage aspect will disappear. The indiefttions now are very deci.-ive,that not nany generations shall pass awuy, ere hore will be physical as well as moral fracrniiy throughout all the ium&n family. 'reiudices and the causp of prejudice will


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