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il was trom th musical band of Esterhazy, that lbo inmortal composer Hiiydn tnergtd. A piöc of rnusi, wbich hcconipüsed in celebration f the binh-day of tha Prince, first drew him '"rom obscurity. As the band werc perfurniing he beaunful picce, Uio Princ-A, struck with is ichnois, nterrupted thetn, dernanding the nuhor. Young Haydn, diminutive n stature, wiih u mulnto complexión, and tniserobly ciad, was 'Iraggod bc-lbie iiitn, trerub'in with embarrnssment. ' Whai ! that blackumoor ! " said Eíterhnzy ; well, bluckey. from hencefonh you sboll be n my service. Whnt is your nnme ? " ; Josepb Haydn." waa the rcply. " But you are ulreoily in iiiy band. How i t that I tiever heard of you buforo 1 " Tlie tnodesty ot' Haydn closed his lips. " Go," saiJ Esttrh.tzj-, " and yet 8ome clothea suiteJ to your rank. Don'i let me aeo you any more ia sucli a guiso. You look uiiserabir, sir. Got tome new clothea, a lino vi}( with fljwing curia, u !aoo coMar, and red liet-ls to your shocs. But blind, let your deels bc high, that tho olevation of your person may hannonizo with that of your music. Go : my aiiendantá will aupply you vt:h a!l your w.mts." The next dny the poor muaician was travestied into a gcniltsman : but so grotesque did ho uppear in his unwontod garb, thnt at the firat s'glu ofhiin, ever body burst nto a Soon. however, Europo reaounded Tiih the fame of this wondrirful composer, and the name of Haydn will be remembered when the house of Esterhszy shall have perished forever ; sa inuch more enduring are the creations of genius, than thosc of weahh or rnik.