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Hydropathy: For The Signal Of Liberty

Hydropathy: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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Letter to the Editor
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Mr. toiTon : - Pcnnit me o cali the attention ofyour roadr (o the Tact tht; ihere is a paper pubüshed in iSew York, devoicd to tli6 causo of Water Cure. It ii scarcely known to thj mnjority of tbe poopia f ihis State iliat íiydropathy establishment and papers aro pringing up in different directions of ihe couinry. Threaor four yenrs since he ysem was Unie known on this sido oí ihe Atlantic. It lias mnde ha way ihrough every kind of opposition. hoving been mot ai each siep by prejudice and superstition. A:i anide was published in the New York Tribunen year or two sinc l'rom the pen of Dr. Wesselhoft, who m at th head of a Water Cure Establisbmcnt at Braldburo, Vt-, setting lonh thnt persons who "a sol regular phyjiciansshonld nut underiuke the treatment oí their own casw, 9 they would ihtrebjr expose ihemscivcs to great dnnger. It is do doubt irue that o very "violent tieattneni"' wuuid be dangerouá iti conimon baudn, iC oer even in tbe hand of the ph.vMcian hiumclf :. bat tlieto is a ' golden mean' - a mode whieh i ubither "stark b'ind nor etaring " - which nel-" dier Iets nione, nor gof s too fqr. This modo it is the object of tho " Water Cure Journal" to illudiratu and t.vpi.nti in a popular way, so as to iliífusethe knowledge -f the moties of applying water (or the cure of varioua dïseases as ucitorduily as the clement iisc-lf 3 diffuseri. The pnper can be ordered from 47 Bond StN. Y. Price. oce dollar a year in advanca.- At 5H Bond St. thcre i a Hydropaihic lnwitution which was esiuLksbed by Dr. Shaw. Thi is a good situaiion, having an cbundant suppry of water from the Crotón pipes. A etay of two weeks was sufficiem to convince the writer of this, thot a Woter Cure Establishment dtftars very materially from every other kind oí" ínatitutíori lor the cure of J.sease. Instead of Jong focos and gouiy looks, ail was ebeerfulnesa and hiiariiy. One would rake it t be any thinj else than a recepracie ui those who had en " condemned to perpetual banUhment from tb reaims of health " br the medicat facutty.