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The North And The South: For The Signal Of Liberty

The North And The South: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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Letter to the Editor
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Mr. Editor : - In the ably writwn. arlóle ropied nto your paper ofNov. -28th from the N. O. Commercial Times of Oct. 17, aro severa I important state, menta which the Nor;h will do well to examine and investigóte. Tho writer speaks for tlie Souih es foilows : " Thcre isa weil founded and jtisriünMc nnxi ety in the South, to exrcnd iis insiirutiona pan passu with til" admis ion into Union tho of non-slaveholdinu Sia'c We claim eqj.ti; i y etrength and ynih fl" fí?l. :m(1 Wet - equality of represrntation in our nJiMonnl entínala, as almost ihe suío reiñajninsE shelter fiyio thc preponderating influences of the lalter.- Iba South instineiñely feels that hor only s-ifrty h'e ia. ihe cqm'libriuni of power. Bui l"or Ihia tho vehement prejudicoa nóurívlicd íiíjt our domcfltic instituiions migfit one day avcrleop con8titutional bnrriers. and ihe vnulent ssiults to which wc are daily exposef. iniglit nss'ime a more practical and dangMrona forro. Tliissnnti raeot of =-elt" preservation wáá the leading tnotivein uniting :ho cntiro Souih. irrespective of politics, upon the annexatinn of Texas." The North nre here told, (Int they ought to have known long ago, íhat slavery aslcs. not to be let alone, but s!ie rquires tho Nortii io conquer new territory her to scat Híraell UDon ns fast ae new Free States uro ntimitted into tluUnion, to ennble her to mnintain her cquilrbriuin of power against freedoin. The Souih in the above paragrah bold'y proclaiai lo ihe world that their insiitution is the antagonist foeof freedom, and can be mnintained oly by thc posss sion oí sufneient po]iiiëa1 influence to overawe and keep at bny the power and inflience ef the free North and West ; andyetcluim of the North and West that they sha!l spoid thcir ptoney and blood to protect and slrcngthen and nourisli tliir very ice. to an extent at least, that shall eni.bie íicr to thwart every effort of the freemen of this nation to lighten the burihen of thc 6lavcs. or otherwisa extend tbeblessings of libeuy to any portioh of the Human Race. The North am! West are called apon to assist directly, ond imtnediately, in exrending Slavery over a vast Country is free : for tho so!e anJ only purpose of enab ling Slavehuldt-rs tocóme in to thc naiional councils mib auincient power to enable them to place tlieir fcot upon tho necks ni the very freemen whom tbey now aak to a3sist n clevating them to that power, ly reducing mili ions yot unborn lo unending bond.ige. The Slaveholdrs say to tho freemen of the North and West, you have helped us to acqiiire Texas, and agreedthat we might esiabiiíh Slavery there ; you have furclshed morcy and men to onable us to take New Mexico and California and now yon mest let us extoñd Slavery ove both these countrios, or. at least, over a snfilcien number of Staics lo be establishcd there to enable us to be cqml in pmver with yourselves in the counciU of ihc naiion, so that we can con linuo to appropriate to oursdvcs most of the valuable offices of the governmont, and govern ihe country ín ail respeds ncc.irding to the peciliar nterest8 of our pecuüir inaiituiion ; accortling to our own liking ; givinjï to you whnt wechoose lo give ; and rctaining the residue for ourBelves nnd our peculiar instirution, without being obligcd to hced in any respect, any gtumbling or discontent that niay arise agninst cur management amongst you loafers away up ihere in the North and West. This, in plain Enghsh, is ihe demand made by the Soath upon the North in the article reíerred to from wbich the above extract is aken, and it is not necessary to prove that it expresser the sentiments, feelings, and intentions. of the SlavehoMers general'y and especially of Southern 6tatesmen. These sentiments have been expressed in so many fonns and at so many tinvs tliat every nonhern voter ouglil long ago tohave been apprised of their existence. The final answer of the North to the proposition of Slavery tocóme inlo the nalionnl councils as an equal partner, with a gnnraniy of perma nent power by the extensión of Slavery over the newly acquircd territory, with tho right of constant and endafirig supervisión over the interests of freedom, involves a subject of momentous con ecquence, Evcry bearing upon this subject ndicatcs that this answer must be given soon , and what il shall be, is a matter o the deepest interest to the people of all sections of the cDuntrj'. The writer of the art:cle referred to, epeaks tor tho South ; ho barcly refera to thU feature of the case, and expresses a dread ol its investicauon, bat hopes that a compromis between Slnvery and Freedom may bc the result. I will endcov r to ppeak for the North. Kot by expressing the opinions of her statesmen orany clas3 Í able men ; but by a combinntiin and nvestigation of great principies and truthsT that are more ceriain in ihcir rcsults, and mor. permanent in their nature, thnn the opinions ftl individual men. It is conceded by the ablest defenders of Slavery that the institution cannot lonr exist without ihe possession of a large sharo o' power in the counciis of the nation. ït ia nlso conceded that the North and West hnve ihe power to prevent the continuance of the Slave Pow er in the counci s of the nelion to such an exten' bs will be of essenthl service in sustaining tUc instituüon. by preveming tho adrnission, into the Union, of new Siave States, and by otherBtitutional mean8 depriving il of u porlion of tí present power, The mnin question, ihen, ú this- will the Nortli. by the exercise of her own frec will, wiltovt tk forcé of ony power thal isableto coerce her, continue to sustain or tol crate Slavcry in tlie councüs of the nation ? There are but two ground3 upon which the North could bc cxpncicd to tolérate thecontmnnnce of the Siave Power. One of these 3 Self Ïntere6t, the other, IndifTerence. That the North in her own judgment, has no interest in the continuanceof tlw Slave Power, isabumlani ]y proved by the tetimoi;i;ils of the SoutK- The ai ticle Here referred to is among the best evidence tbat can be produced on that subject. and ihat she will run toler.ite it by Jndifll-rence. ís equally proved by the same class of lostimony. The Sou-.h ?ay alrcady, we must extend Slaven over New Mexico.if not over Californis also. Thpoütical watchwórd of the North already sound yer üje mountnir.s and values - No morí-; SlavTerritohv : íAs fir. maijett Üiou go, but no farthtr - so ht it isagreed by both pnrties tha' the batiles of tílavery must soon bc fought in ibs Haüs of Congrera as wcll as en the pJains o' Mexico and in the streets of Monterey. It iï also conceded that the North lias the power to decide the contest as siie sees fit, and that upon PER will alone ilie matter rest. In another orticle. 1 will exhibit ome of th principies which will prompt the Frec Statrs to vigorou8 and succesiful aeiioa in this great con iroyersy,