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Jinn Jirbor o n rlJh uiiileiSinid liuvín i.unln .siu iuc mtert' estsulhis partner tn lie Matble Business, c 'oulJ infornuiie inhabhan-sof ihisandndjoining i oun'ies. thnt he continúes the husinesa at ihe P li] stnnd in Upper Ti.vvn, near the Presbyterian li 'hurch. where hfi will iranu'actine to orrler. VIonuments, 'Gritó Stones Paint Stone, Tablels,SfC.S-c. Those wishing to obtain nny articlc in his line a if business will iind by calling that he has an asQ ortment of White and Variegaied M irble from lie Eastern Marble Qmrries. which wíl] be (- vroüght in Modern siyle. and sold at enstcrn pri( es, adding transporiation only. Oill and get heproof. J. M. ROCKWELL. Aun Arbor, July P, LS-KJ. 272-Iy , Cheap Hard7arc Store. THE Subdcribcr taUes tlus niethod 10 inform hia oíd cusioniers and the public genorally hal he still continúes 10 kcep a lai geand general ( issortment nf Fort'ifjn and Uomestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also. ípike. Wruught. Out and Horse Shoe Naife, Glasa, Sheei Iron, Hoop Iron, Sheet and Bar Lead, Zync, Bright and Aneuleü Wire, Molnssea Gates and Fassetts, Mili Saws. Cross Cut 1 Sawa. Hand nnd Wood Sa-.vs, Bnck and Key Hole Saws. Anvils, Vic;s, Bdlows.Adzes.Coopor's Tool?, Drawiní; Knives, Spoke Shavcs. Top Borers, Cast Steel Angurs, Common Augura, Auyur 15itt9. Hollow Augure, Steel and Iron Squares. Ground Plasiet, Water Lime, GrindjStones, Potash.Caldronand SugnrKettles. Cable, Lojr. Trnce ond Halter Chaitis, Broad. Hand nnd Narrow A.xes, Spirit and Plumb Levéis, toíjcihcr with a general assortinent of Hollcw Ware, which will be sold low íor Cash 0" approved credit at J 23, JcfTcrsQU Avenue. Eldred'sBlock. R. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. 16th. 18-16. 248-1y Warkanty Deeds, Qi;it-Claim Deeds, mortgages, cliattel mortgages, SüMMDNSES, Slbpcexas, Attacuments, ExECUTIONS, Leases, M asters' Deeds, FORECLOSURES IN ChANCERY, Maubiage Cektificates. The above nre printed on good paper, after the most approved forms, and can be had by the single, dozen, quire, or hundred, "at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor, Lower Town. November 1, 1846. O YS TERS ! OYSTERS ! ! OYSTERSÜ ROWE & Co., having thoroughly complcted thetr arrnngemcnis, are now, prcpared m lurnish the cilizens of Detroit and vicinity with OYSTERS! Of n superior qiinlity, nt the lowest pnces. They :mend makirig a rfegulftr business of it, and will reccive dailv. bv expres, and keop constnnt'y on hand, SHELL and OPENED OYSTEHSoi a qualiiy ih;it cannot be öiirpussed.- rin'v will bc jnit in Ciins or Kes that hold from mo quart to two g;il!ons. We do not wish you 'o tkc our word for the above, bul to cali and y ua. (CT All orders left at the Rnil Rond Hotel. r eent by mail will meet with inimediase ateiuion, JIOWF & Co, BÚOálrt, WM..MATHEWS, At. Detroit. ". S. Oys'.ers dcliveied to any part of the city f ree ol' chargé. Detroit, 18-Jü. 285-3m C CLARK, Attorney and Counselor, and Justice oí the Penca.- Office Court