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Daniel Sears, a wealthy citizcn of Bos ton, in a letter íaíely published in th( Boston Whig to John Quincy Adafhs,pro poses a plan for the extinction of slaver in the United States. It is suinmodup in thc tvvo follo'wing propositions. 1. Thát Commissioners be appointed by the President of the United States, & coniirmed by the Senate,whose duty itshall be - undor such conditions as Congress may detormine - to purchase and emancípate slaves - being womon and children - born prior to 1850, and held bound to service )y any citizen of thc United States, withn such States of Uu's Union as have not 'ctabolished sluveiy; and that aanual ppropriations be mado by Congreso tbr lis purpose. 2. That from and after July, 1850, ïere shall be, throughout the United tates, no hcreditary savery. But that n antf after that date, evcry child born ithinthe United States of Ainenca,their irisdiction and territories, shall hc hom ree. Male slaves are to remain so during icir lives. The first proposilion is made ut of regard for tho sacred rights of roperty. The ftchemc is impracticable nd unjust.1. Congress has no power to mnko nppropriations for nny snch purpose. 2. It hns no aüfhdrity under tho constitution to declare that hereditary slavery shall ceaso aftcr 1850, within the States. 3. We could never consent to any mensure, which proceeJs on the recognition of nny right of propcrty n a human being. 4. If any compensation ís to be paid it should be to the slavcs and not to the masters, who have for so many ycars cnjoyed their labor without wages. 5. Slaveholders have been more than paid, for their slaves, in the bencfits which, by means of the system they have been enabled to obtain tho monopolizing tlje power and patronage of the General Government. 6. We do not bolieve that men ought ever to be bribed to do right. 7. If the powers oí the Federal Government were administered according to the Constitution and in the spirit of its framers, Slavery would lose its present artificial supports, by which it draws its sustenance from tlie prosperity of free labor and would fall with the weight of iís own cvils. 8. ín that caso, emancipation would be no loss, but a great gain to the slave holder, and would be therefore, ita own compensation. 9. Lnslly, if Slavery is a blessing, Slaveholders have reaped its beneíits long enough without equivalent and should be willing togive it up. If it is an evil, they ought to be glad to get rid of it, witneüt asking furtlipr reward.The process of abolishing slavery ihroughout the union is a simple onc, i f all the voters in the free states would earnestly unite to effect it. Stop its extensión into new tcrritory immediately ; abolish it by law oC Congress, wherever it exists under the jurisdiction of the National Government ; destroy by law, tbo coast-wise and inter-state Slave trade ; withdraw from it, the support of ihe Federal Government in every particular; exclude'from any partin theadministration of national offairs, every man, whp claims property in a fellow man ; in a word, let the General Government do all it constitutionally can for the establishment of frcedom ; and slavery,having lost its principal support,will fall of itself It ouly requires the political union of the