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Supporting Churches By Slave-jobbing

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The Rcv. J. Cable, of Indiann, May '20lh, 1846, in a letter to the Mercer Luminar y , says : - " I have lived eight ycars in a slnve state ( Va. ) - roceived xny Theological education at the Union Theological Seminary, near Ilampden Sydney Cullcge. Those who know anytoing about slavery. know the worst kind is jobbing slavory - that is, thö hiring out of slaves from yeár to year, wliile the master is not present to protect them. It is the interest of ihe one who hires them to get the worthof hismoncy of them, and the loss is the master's if they die. Whettshocked me more thananything elso, was the church engnged in this jobbing of laves The college church ttrbich I aüendcd. and which was aüendfid bv nll the studenis of Ilampden Sydney College and Union Theological Seminary, held slaves enough to pay their pastor, Mr. Stanton, oxe Tnot;8AND DOLLARS a year, of which the church members did not pay a cont fso I understood it.) The slaves who had been left to the church by some pions mother in Israel, had increascJ so as to be a large and still increasing fund. - These were hired out on Christmas-day of each year, the day in which they celébrate thebirth ofour blessed Savior, to the highest bidder. Theso worked hard the whole year to pay the pastor his$100ü a year, and il was left to the caprice of their cmployer whether they ever heard ono sermón fur which thev toiled hard the whole year lo procuro. - This was the church in which the professors of the seminary aini the college often officiatcd. Since the Abolitjonists iiave made so rnuch noise about the connection of the church with slavcry, ihe Rev. Elisha Balenter informed me the church had sold t h is yroperty and put the money in otker slock. There were four ch ure hes near the college church, ihatwere in the same sitimtion with this, wlien Í was in tliat countr}', (!iat supporfód ihc pastor, in wholc or in part, in the snme way - viz: Cumboiland Church, John Kirkpnfriclc, pastor j Briny Church, Willjam Plu m mor, pastor ; (since Dr. P., of RichmondJ Buflalo Church, Mr. Cochran, pastor ; Pisgah Church, ncar ,hc peaks of Otter, J. Mitchell, pastor." " You must turn over n new leaf," snid a newly marricu man to bis negligont wife. " I shall turn over a nuiuber of thetn," rcturned sle, taking up a lnst novel, nnd brandishing an iypry folder.