Jaycees Donate to Washtenaw Association for Retarded Children, September 1969

Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 25, 1969
Here's Money For Center. Ann Arbor Jaycee Mike O'Neill (right) presents check to Norman Quackenboss (left), executive director of the Washtenaw Association for Retarded Children. The money will help WARC's Adult Activities Center to continue operations. Observing the presentation are Jaycee Ray Charett (second from left) and Tom Niswonger, Jaycee president. The check was presented this morning.
Ann Arbor News, September 25, 1969
Here's Money For Center. Ann Arbor Jaycee Mike O'Neill (right) presents check to Norman Quackenboss (left), executive director of the Washtenaw Association for Retarded Children. The money will help WARC's Adult Activities Center to continue operations. Observing the presentation are Jaycee Ray Charett (second from left) and Tom Niswonger, Jaycee president. The check was presented this morning.
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