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Group Shapes Chelsea Medical Clinic Future, July 1969

Group Shapes Chelsea Medical Clinic Future, July 1969 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, July 30, 1969
The group photo shows the original founders of the Chelsea Medical Clinic Ltd. and some of the men instrumental in sharping future plans for the clinic. From left to right are Robert L. Kendall, president of the Michigan Extended Care Building Corp. and the Greenway Development Corp. of Jackson; Dr. Eugene Claeys; Robert M. Darvas, structural engineer and professor of architecture at the University of Michigan; Dr. James Botsford; Dr. Michael Papo; Dr Bruce Stubbs; Dr Jerry Waldyke; and Richard Ahern, Ann Arbor architect. The picture at the right shows the Dental Clinic, one of the three present buildings at the medical complex.

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