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The North And The South

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öevernl ot our exchanges state posilively tint nn Anti-Slavery paper sabout to bo established in Washington City, nnd that a sum of three thousand dollnrs has already been contributed towards its support. It mav be that the conductora of the proposed print are emulous of the crime of martyrdom. We can hardly bring our mind to the belief, that fanaticism will so far forget all prudenlial considèrations of personal safety, as to print tin abolition journal in the heart of aslaveholding community ; but if, in the inadness of excessive zenl, the atlempt should be made, there can be no doubt that the very first number of the ineend-ary sheet wül consign the types and materials to destruction, nnd ensure a practical exhibition of popular justü-e upon the publishers, which they wpuíd bí? extrernely unwillmg to encounter. We entertain habitual reverence for law and order, and regard freec'om of opinión as one of the dearest prerog-uives and strongest safe-guards of liberly ; but we look upon the iiinate, inherent and instinctive impulse.-? of self-proiection as paratnoum to botli these principies, and that impulse will be fu!ly jusiified in wreokirig summnry vengeance upon the miscrennt who should seek to throw a Üghted torch [ rimong the combustible mataríais of n slaveholding people, and excite to ! break or insurrection, the ignorant and credulou?, servile populution of the South.Our object, however, in noticing the contemplnted publication of nn exponent of abolitonism in the metropolis of the Union, is not &o much to exp:itiate on the fact itsjelf, as to exhibit further evidence of riie poáitj'on assumel by ih, some weeks since, that ihe North is beginning 10 array itsejf against tí. e Suuth, on ihe quesiion of slavery, and tha'. a fearful slruggie between two antagonislic principies ís near at hand. The bare idea of establishing an nboJition paper in Washington wuuld, a ïew years ago, have heen scouied as an impracticable chimêro, from one end of the Union to the other. Now, it i gravely considerad as an event of probable occurrence, while ts originators and abettors calcúlale so largply on the toleraiion and humility of the South, as to imagine that it would tainely permit an enterprise so invulling to it feelings, andso perilous to its in.stitutions, to proceed untrammelled. In this respect, however, the knaves who fusier ihe foul spirit of incendiansm will iind ihemselves mistaken. We have frequently avowed our conscientious conviclion, that tliroughoui the States in which slavery is abolisheJ, the oppositinn to the domestic institutions of the Souih is a seciional and not a jioütical hostility ; that though politicians on both sides basely endeavor to subserve the fleeting olijects of the movement, bv endeavoring to cherish the feeling, and to court its advocates, the principie itseK has no e.vistence independent nf, and unconnected with, the pui poses, the i&sues, and the organization of the party. Upon this' point, indeed, tl ere can be no doubt to (hose whojlike ourselves, view the subject free from political bias, with a single eye to the safety of the Soutli ; and with a cordial and heartfelt nmbition to band together our brelhien of the slaveholding States, in act i vey constant and nnfultering determination to compel resppet for our ' constituí ional ond gaarantied n'glHs. - The proofs of tho fact lie upon the surface, and are visible to most superficial scrutiny. We find, for instance, that the abolitionist proper, or that party wliiclu in its rampant and furious finaticism, preserves a distinct orgnnization - we findthem ncreasing their voles largely at every eleói ion, gathering their proselytes indifierently from both political parties. We find, too, that northern Whigs and northern Democrats endpavor, for the mot part, and with some few and honorable exception?, to a?similate, as closely as policy will allow, to the views of the abolitionists. In Massachusetts, a Whig Conventiöp, afier rejecting the absolute antislavery issue, adopted rosolutions which cmbqdy a sort of quasi absolurism, thinly veild by nt tious parade of reverence for the Coij? stitution. In Ohio, Democratie Con, gressional Conventions openly thundered 1 forth ana'.hemas upon the institutions of slavery n any territory hereafter to be [ altached tothe Uuion. In Pennsylvania, i the only metnber of the present delegation who voted för ihe new ;ariir, is said bv the jou rri ils publishcd in his own district; to have been indebted for his re-eloction, less to his advocacy offree trade,than to his having introduced his well retnembered provisión to the California resoluiions, vvhich, by the way, obtained a strictly sectional vot, both for and against. - These are pregnant facts, and similar fucta and similar mnnifestalions are of continual occurrence. It would be hard to decide which of the two parties is more amenable to censure, for truckling lo nbolitionism, nor will we attempt to solve the problem. It is evident enough, that the vrry sedulousness of the efiort to conciliate the fanática, provos hou formidable the have become ; whiie their increaing numbers show that tliey are daily winning adlierenls from botli political partics. Independent of the rabid fury of Garrison, Leavitt, and their immediate followers, the northern press - that unerring index of popular sentiment - is very generally imbued with a feeling of sectional jealousy, that denoies lie clepth to vhich the faal germ has al ready descended, and the baneful offshoots that have sprung from its stem. We view such developments with infinite sorrow. When the press, the fountoin head of intelligetice, moderatiun and jus , t:ce,bpcomes embittered - poisoned - wha but error and evil are to be expected from ihe community among whom it diffuse- its deleterious and detestable opinión ? - The North and the West have the physical suporiority. Iftbey falter from the high trust imposed on e very member ol the confederacy ; ifthey faü to nccord to the South ihat ampie measuresof justice whic!) she claims, as ve!l thrviugh the great charter of our Government, as in virtue of her own inalienable riglit ; if the North and West shoulJcoalesce to oppress, to injure or annoy the South, i those compromisos, the strict observauce of which, has thus fur secured our glorious Union, are at an end. Violated faith will not betolerated. On thispoint, we are a united people. Our poliiicnl differences will be scattered to the four winds of heaven, whenever they are pul in the balance with, and inseparable from our existence. Put political prfjudices inone scale, and nacional safety in the other ; the miserable strife of party will be as " feathers against bullion."