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"free And Equal."

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One Judge Knim - and he is hardly ihat part of a man - has recently decided in St. Louis, that none bui white persons are entitled to the rights of citizens, in the State of Missouri. This is cuttinga knot which has never been unticd in the slave Stntes, and solves a quesüon of some imporiance. It makes but two clasics, - the slave, and white freemun. A free black man is an anomaly no Ion ger known to the Jaw of the sovereign and independent repubiic of Missouri. - In nccordane wilh íhe decisión, the day after it was made, five negro men and two negro women, who wers so unfortunate or so impertinent as to be free, icere publicly whippcd, and banished rom St. Louis. Judge Kvum is a wiser man than Gov. Smith, of Virginia. He decide and executes whatthe timid Governor only ventures to recommend. - How beautifully in the course of time the variouscompromises of our Fedenil compactare doveloped. - A. S. Standard. {L7 The first numberof the National Era has come to hand. It is of good sjzp, and presents a fair nppearance. It bears the names of G. Bailey, Jr., Edi'.or :. Amos A. Pho'ps and John G. VVhiuier, Corresponding Editors : L. P. Noble, Publisher. Terms 82,00 perannum in advaiicc.