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Detroit Correspondence

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Letter to the Editor
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Dktroit, Jan. 19, 1847. Friend Foster : With a Heling of amazement nnd dccp regret, which I thiofc mny of your readers carmot fiiil to partake, I read the proceedings of the Hor,. Señale of Michigan a lew days since, when certain Mexican War Resolutions were under consideration. After a foolish expenditurepf lime upon their consideration, which might, in the judgrnent of many of all partiea, bron nmch betier nppröpriaied to ihe proinotion of the direct intcrests of their constitucnts, and pending their adoption, on nmendmeut in the shnpe of nn additional Resolution was ollered, doclar. ing, that, in the opinión of the Legisla ture, Slavery should not be permiited in any territory thua acqoired by conquest fröm Mexico. Upon this most rightenus and proviso, which, irrêpective of party, it would seem that the great mass of the intelligent and conscientious voters of the free Sia:e of Michigan could wol fuil to approve, the ayoï and nays of our Hon. Senators stood thus - Yeas 9, Nays 11!!! Teil it not in Gath ! Al though prepared to witness almost any degree of obsequiousness on the part ot ceriain would-be-leaders of the present dominant part) under the lnsh of party discipline, yet this vote certainlyces a degrre of recklessne&s upon the great subject of Human Liberty both astounding nnd alarming. The Resolutions themselves were a perfect waste of time nnd stationery, but Ibis, ps touching the inierests of their constituents were but a trifling evil compared with the rejection of so important a provisión as ihntcontnined in the proposed amendment. They nioy have served as an occasion for letting ofF some of that extra stock of patriotism with which some of ths greal leaders of that party seemed surcharged - a patriolism, npparently, as ready to laud the deeds of atwant as of a VVilbcrforce in their purblind zeal for party, and lso possibly secure for some of their supporters that " tlirift which follows fawning" by way of a little Executive sop. All this might be endured, but wlien adiied to if, to sustnin party measures, they virtuiilly say to the President and slaveholding South, we not only bid you God speed in your unhallowed voik of prosecuting this wnr of infamy, (being as the whole civil.zed w'orld must see and know, a war for Slavery.) but will freely consent that f rom the Territory so iniquitously wrested from Mexico, you may carve out and establish as many Slave States as you can find liunmn tyrants to popúlate - you have hitherto, in your eiemency, chastised us with whips, but, as the blessed fruits of tl ïs glorious war, we shall cheerfu'ilyarm you with scorpions - when these things are witnessed in the Senate Chamber of our State, if the spirit of Liberty is notutterly extinci in the bosom of our citizens, it is surely time for it to speak out, and repróbate with indignation such base truckling on the part of ihose who misrepresent them on this vital subject touching the Liberties and interrsts of the f ree North and West. Can these Hon. Senators discover in ihe past history of the Slavcholding States .such kindness and forbcarance towards the Non-Slaveholding, íhat no apprehension iñ their judgment need be entertained as to what use they will seek to make of these conquered provinces 1 If this be their plea, their ignorance of Southern nim and purpose upon this subject is eqnaled only by their unmanly subserviency to party tactics - an ignorance which utterly unfiis them for the high and responsible duties of lcgislating for the free people of 'Michigan, when such a crisis as the present is upon us. Recent important demonstrations from aleading Democrat of the Empire State upon the floor of Congress on this subject, evidence howshameful the servility uf these Hon. Senators wil) soon be made to appear to the eye of every manly and intelligent freeman. Whcther the majoriiy of our House of Representatives are prepared to follow the. inglorious lead of the Senate in this matter, remains to be seen. From slight it.timations already given, however, and for the honor of our Stale, it is to be hoped they will not. Our City is now enjoying, for a short season, the labors of the Rev. Prof. Finney, of Oberlin. He commenced preaching on Sabbath morning at thteCongregational Church, and will continue to preach every evening during the present week, and possibly longer, should circumstances seem to render it strongly desirable. I hope the coming anniversary of our State Anti-Slavery Socieiy may be fully attended from all parts of the State. Although from a slightly diminished vote the past year, some of our friends might begin to despond, it is certainly without cause, for at no period in the history of our cause has there been ?o many signs of encouragement as at the present. The Anti-Slavery fceling, begins to lea ven and heavo in the two great parlies of the nation, portending future results of infinite moment to tliefreedom of our country ond the cause of the oppressed.-"Surely this is not a time for the long tried friends of the slave to falter or grow weary in their course, when the goal of theirliopesus nearing, and a glorious viclory over this foe to God, man, and our coimtrv, begins to be as eorUm as that tUe wheels of time roll on. Ol) ! let all the som) witlim as, For ihc truth'b süke, go alroad ! Strike ! - let cvery nervo nnd smev T 11 on nees - toll for God !