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-BY INDÜSTRY WE THRIVE ! ' . New and Fashionable TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. In the one pregnant tu' j'jci of CLOTHES, rightly understood, is ncluoed all that men havo h juglit. dreumed, Uoim, and been ; the wbple iAiernal Universe, nnd whai it hol i is but cloth. ng ; and the essence of all science liea in tbs Philosophy oï Clotuks .- CtrlyU. THE Subscrilers having formed a co-parinership lor the purposc of carrying ti the Taíloring Business in all jts branchca, would lakc tiiis nieihod oïinforming the citizent af Ann Arbor and viciniiy, that ijiey may ba Tound at their sljop, .'o. 19, somh Main St., wlic-e theyare prepared to do all work in thcir ine, in a inanncr not io be surpntsea in rit, etyle, ar durubility, by nny oihcr establishment in iho Stat!. Those gentlemen are particularly invitcd to cnll who preer hu ving their girments made in a shop where none bui experineed workmen, ire empioyed, insientl of being made by a shop fiill ot girla - lor, be it known, tluit we cmploy none but the best f hands, and hoving mado permanent urrangements with G. C. Scott of New York, ihc Napoleon, of Foshion Publiebers, to be siipplied wiih Ins American and Europeaa Spring and FjII Fnsinns. and also his "Mirror f Fi.shion," a Mnnibly Periódica! devoicd ti ihe Science of cutting and making garmenta of nil kinds- thee advantagce. comuined with iho aitention and experience of the subscribers, renders it almost an imposaibility of not bcing abie to piense all, even the most fasticlious. Particular attention will be paid to the cutting of garments which we do not moke. And heto we will state for the information ol all concerned, ihnt tlie common cry of the tailors is all a hoax, when hey say the tailores3 h8 spoiled the garmeni - there is no hopes ol mnking a'good fit of it ; when in ninety nine cases out of every hundred. the f-iult lies at die cutter's door. Thereforc, to put a veto on this method of doing business, tlio subscriberï are induced to warrant a!l their cunitig without the m. versal proviso, ƒ pToperly made v-p, but warrnnt it without nny i's or nnd's. Althoiigh we do not iet ourselves up as the personification of perfection, yei it will be borne in mind that wc make our cutunfi o plain, that a tniloresa cannot make it up wrong if she try. One thing more .- we will do our work just as our cuatomers wish it done, for we labor to pleafi tiicm in referenee to their wurk, nnd not ourselves: and in reiurn, wc expect them to p'ense s by prompt payments. Althnuh "T he love of money is the root of all evil,'1 yet as il is vory nccessery in these degeneróte times, v.Q will make a liherol discount for Caeh. L. MILLS, C. E. MARTIN. nn Arbor, Jnnunry 4. 1847. 300-3m ESADV KASE HALJLOCK & RAYJIOND, HAVK dow on hand. just manufactured under thcir own netrnction. at thcir wcll known. CLOTHING EMPORIUM, corner ol Jjjcrstm and IVoodwartt avenues, Dktuuit, one uf the largest und most complet at.ortn.en;s of tieiuly Jflárde Clothing ever before oflered in ïhis Stnte, whnh ihey ar prepnred to sell at the rery l,.u si CaJi pricas, for thi-se Cash times. Cali and sec ! 1 Detroit. Jan. 5, 1817. í!9í-tf CORi,UlE & WHEAF" WANTED by the suftscribers, 10,000 behels oí Corn- 10.0(,0 busheleof Rve, nnd 10,00. busheU of Wh-at, delivered at tho Steam Mili, fnr which Cnsh will be pnid. IiNGALLS, LAMB, & FJSHER. Ann Arbor, Jan. 4, 1647. 2JS-:f. BIÜGHT and Black Log Chains, .'- -IC. 6 lo. 7-1G. & 8-J6 wrapping do. ■u and uvistcd link Trace . do. il.-ilier o Kor snle vcry chcop at the sign of tha Big An-. vil, Lppor Town. HKNRY VV. WELLES. Ann Arhor. Jan. 10. 1F47. 2'J8-ly. FOR SALE ' AGOOD FARMj containingonehunIreu mul sixiy nerts ol good larniing !ana,ü ..cics under tinprovement", wuh o good pnir;dZ nouse, framed Imrn. and IU neres Qrcharci)n,a.- v A payment will be rcqoired down, and ie baU atice in 2 ond 4 yi-ais. Title indispúsole. For further ioionnuiiou enquire ei A. TÍSVÍSS,Ann. Arbor, ijiwer MjLhg.. Janunry 10. 1347. 29&-ÍÍv COXIÑTY ák&$R8. " THE higllesipVicepaWjjn cathby.G?. Lewie, lirllor... opRosite th Insurance Uank, Detroit, ör Qrdr3, o.ny of the countiftsin the Stai Michigan: alsl for Stnto s .-uiities of uil kiodte.uüd.upajrrenulunds CaU mul SCt. Dec l 1845 24J-H Mmnv#L, is ook & A NEW lot of Medical Hooks. jusl opená and ír síiIu clisan lor casli at Jutie IS. ; Vznnr-i Was.r,vxt' Dkeds, tit-lT-Cl-.VlM DEEDS mortgages, Chattel Mohtgages. Scjijio.vses, suctcen'as, Attachments, ExECDTIONS. Leases, M asters' Dekds, FORECLOSURES 1N ChaNCERT, Makriaoe Certikicates. I hc above nre printed on good panr, oftor the most approved forms nd c%a bo had by the single, dozon, quire, or hundred, at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor. Lower Town, November 1, 1846.