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=: -3t mÊêêêm Tliia excellent compound for sale by th iroprietor's Agente. MAYNARDS. 2G;ï-ly S T O_R E Sign of tho Big Anvil. TiíVíZ Sore sowtá of the Square, Ma;i Street. THE Subscritor, hoving received hig winter stock, would lespectlully invito to its inspectiun Couniry Dealers, Mechanica, nd Farncrs. conildent thai hej" wil! fiud the nssonniont is general und complete, and the prict n low wuh ilio additiou.-il charjje for tr&niporiation ou icavy tjooda) as ut any establishment of iho kind n Detroit; IJ is stock is Cüinpriscd in part of the followinij illtiultS FOR BLACKSM1THS. Juniata, Swedes. and Oíd Sable Bar Iron ; Juniuta and Peru rund ai.d square Iton, from MOths to 3 inches; B.ind, Hoop, Slak o, nnd [Iurse Shoe Iron, all sizes ; Norwe'giniï oud Old Sable N:iil Rods ; Anicricon, Swedet). Englisl Bilsler.Geiinan, and Cast Sieels. Albany Spring Steel, Albany mnde Wagon and Sent Spring, Wagon Boxes. Sleiph rnd Cutte; Shoe, Ml- léapió C.-stings of very popsible foun, Hurte Nails, Born.x. Horse Shoe linden. Busg) Land, Armitnce Mousc Hole and Wriglu's Anvil Comel Keyed Vicee, West's Bellows, 3!ede und Hand Hammt-!, Ilollow Augers, File and Ratp8 ot'every öhape nnd ehe. FOR CARPKNTEiïS, A fnll assortiiKMit of eaatern Bench and MouU rliníí TooU : Vluïib Irons ; Millwright Framing, Corner. Duck Bill, Firmer, nnd Tuniinj.' Chisels ; Millwrighl, Tuining, und Gougti ; Cuncae, Cur.cuve Nut, and Common AiiL'Brs ; Auger-lipped. Centre, Spoon. Gonse, and Gimllet Bitis ; Hnnd, Pne!, Buck, Compavr, nnd Keyliole Siiws ; Sieel and Jron Squaiej ; Try Siinre. and Bevels : Spirit Levéis ; 2 nd 4 fold Rules ; Bioad. Ha' d. and íínrrow Axci ; Adzc-8. lluininers. Setis oí Brnces and Bilt. FOR BUILDKRS. Cut Nails from 21 to 6'0d. Vroiiht Nailr Brond hend and Finishing Nails, Cüi liiad, Dry mul Mixed Lead. Liixseed Oil ; ' Bellevernnn" Glas8froin 7 by 9 to lü by 14; American and Norfolk Latclies ; American nnd Kngliod Rmi Mortise, nnd Ciitinue Locks nnd Litclicn. with Kosewnod. Hrass. Mineral, nnd Pltitcd Kiols ; Cast, Tariff, and Wroughi Butis; Screws. Eoli', Dour BtÜ8 and Furniture, Brüsa Knockcrt, Cisiern Pumps. TfIE FARMF.RS, m] fi ii.' every utonfil ijiéy leqniro. Axei. Manurennd Pitcli Foik. Jron nnd C.nat Steel Sho. n nnd Snadts. GmsH ,ind Cradlf Sythfs. Grain Sfix-p. H''C8i Grubbiue Hoca. Siruw Knie, i.'rovvbrs. Pi ck Axis. Vo(,l and Horse C'arun, Morse Brushes ortn Curry Conibs, Log, Titee. Coil, Wrapping. nnd M.'ihcr Chaina. IiOUSF.KLEPEHS, Cftn aelrct from the moet splcndid nssortinenl of unetican and Enfiüali '{'.ble Cu:!eiy, Pitear. iciÈrs: Pen and Pocket Knives; Huiler Knives, Iron. Riiitaiinia, Gorman Sil ver, nd PJied Tra itid TatIe Spouns ; Brifrnnnin Tea htid CofiVo i'ois : iiriiss. Iron. nnd Biiliannia Candlcsick 'int' LnnipK. S'iiiiTers and Trays, Ten Traya, Bras and iron Andirons. Shovels, nnd Tony. ]raf-8 Ket'U-8 nd P.iüs, Sad iion. A'c. &c, '0{ether with a hrge aesortment ol AHjnrjy Cait COOK, PARLO R. &. BOX STOVES, ill of whioh. having pijrchased for Cash, ho will offer at most reason-ilile torfns. HENRY VV. WELLES. Ann Arbor. Dec. .?, IS4Ö. 1 y SELECT SCHOOL. MISS J. B. Smitii. nsfibied by JVJÍ8 S. FtKr.jD,nounces to the public iliat ehe i ,.if),ired to rcceive younf.' ini iée nto her vchool in tiieti.iö. ment room ui the Episit-pal Church. Ti:i;ms. - For iunrtpr of l weehs. for English brapchesfróm Ñ' .5: French and Lntin each $5 extra if i-ursued together wïtJi :he Lnglinh sindies, or separatcly, '5 each. T,e school will be furnished wnh a Philosophicr;! pp.iratua; nndoocasionnl iectures given on the Natornl Scirncs Mis. lliit hs will ive nstnicn'fn lo all wl, lesire it, in Music, Drawirg, Paintingand Nedlevvork. Miss Siniih rerer8 to the followii.ggcnltrmen: Profosots Willijims. Ten Í rook, nnd Wlieedon aTth'ë frniversity: Rcv. W. S. Curtn, Rev. Mr. Simons, Rev. C. O. 'I oylor, Hou. E. Munriy, Win. S. IMiyniird Fsq, Ann Arhoi. April ')9 1'6 22-tf MICHIGAN LAND AND TAX AGENCr. H. D. POST, Masón, Ivgtam Counly% Michigan. WILL attend to the payment of Tnxes. xarnmnnon oí Titjc, purchate and a!e of &c. &c. Any business entrusted to hini will be transaetei wnh proinptneHB and accuracy - Addr h iiail. Rrfcrcnces, (by ptrmission.jt C. Flurlbuf. Üttioit, J. C. Mearit, mollar & Co. ) „ Wilder & Snow, ] TroWot.dbury. Avcry &, Co. ? „ „ , R G. Williams, y Ne Tork' CEEAP STOVES AT YPSILANTlI 0 C00KING &PARL0R STOVES, J jiiat rectived. by the Subiciiber, (nioity froni Albany) mnking a guod asortment of the latesr nnd heet pat ter nu. which will be sold ai Loic Piiccs! not to be undersold thi aidc Loke Ei ie! Al80. Couper Furniiure, Cnnldron Kciile, FIollow Ware of uil aizce, Stove Pipe, Sheet f ron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Mnnufnctnred, and constantly kept on hand which will nlso be sold very low P. S. - Purchn6ers will do well to cnll and examine for thcir own euti&faciion. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti. Jüne.20, 1846. 27Jt FOR SALE CHEAP tok CASH.or every kind ofcouitry Produce, Saddlcs, Bridles,Harness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Vulisesy Carpet Bags, fyc. Also a yooü assoniüeni ol' & I.-.suf.s, which will be sold vciy low, and no mi-tnke, at í:oí.K&.ROBíNSON'S. Ann Arbor, Auguat 13, I84G. 277-tf E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIKST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT1 STORE, JBANE & JEWETT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. BLAOk:KKSrTCCLS". " A RMlTAiGrE Mouae Holo" Anvils. J 'WrightV' do. Coitercl Kcyod Vices. West's best Bellowg, 30 to .?6 nchess. Sledges, Han! Uiimmérs, Files and Rnsps of eve'y kind, can be found at the Iron Store, iign of the Big Anvil. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jon. 10, 1847. 298-Jy