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In the House, Jan. 20, the joint resolutionson Mexico were taken, up and spoken to by Mr. H. V. Taylor, for two hours n the forenoon, and sometime in the nfiernoon. He went into great detail, showing that the war origina ted in the dfisire to acquire more slave terntory, and thet the war on our part was wrong, unjust, perfidious and piratical, and he trusted that the time would come when the President would Iiaveto answer for his unauthorized and treasonable act In support of these views Mr. T. referred to various public documents and quoted from the speeches of various menibers of Congress. In Senate, Jan. 18. - Mr. Coe offered for adopiion a resolution instructing the judiciary commiitee to inquire into the expediency of a law authorizing the Auditor General to cancel and release all mortgages for the redemption of the liabilities of the wild-cat banks. Mr. Eldredge moved to amend the resolution by instructing the committee to bringin a bilí to repeal all charters of all banks crcaled under the general banking law. Agreed to,and resolution as amended was passed. In the House, Jan. 22. - A. motion to limit the lime of speaking of each member to 20 minutes, failed. The rest of the day was consumed in discussing the right of a contested seat for Chippewn county. We find a report or the debate in the House, Jan. 20, on the Mexican Resol utions, for which we have not room. The resolutions were amended in part so as to suit the Whig members, and passed. The last amendment made in committee- inserling the following as the fifth resolution, viz : "Resolved, That n the acquisitión ofa.ny ney te.rritory, yhether by puröha? conquest or qtherwise, we deom í the duly of the general g,oyernment lo extend m-er the same the ordinance of 1787, wth al! its agtysjpriyilegesijcondi.ions and mmunilies," was conciced i,n ba unanimo'js vote. ín, Senate, Jan. 21. - Mr. Dentón,, igreeabl y to notice, reporfed a bilí lo divide the. state ijUto, single r,epresenlalive istricts. Read tvyice and ordf red to be printed. The Senate went nto co,rn,rjoittee of ihe who}e, Mr. Toll in the chair, on the general order, ajid, oonsidered the bill in relation to the practice of me-dice jnd jurgery, nnd passed it. In the House, Jan. 23. - Mr. Holliser oiTered the folljwing : Resolved, That the judiciary comra'tee be instrucJed to inquire into the expeiiency of 50 amending sec. 99, chnp. tO2t of the rviaed stitutes as tQ excede ntprested uitnesses from giving eyid,ence n any suitt exoept hy the consent or re-. juest of the oppo,sing party ; an,d also to ïxclude witnesses convicted of high crime ;xcept as nforesaid ; and that depositions nay be taken by any judicial ofiieer ; md to provide for taking depositiojis of vimesses re'nling Qver 3.0 milca fro.m the ilace of trial. Adopted.