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A Few Facts: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Mr. Editor, - On reading the ranting cxprrssions o f the abie. Editor of tho N. O. Commercial Times about the aniis.lnvery paper ut Washington, I feel consirained lostale a few facjs which are familiar to the mindá of mnny, and whirh will have nn important bearir-g in ihé great awtislavery fctruggle now approaching. Fact. 1. The conductora of the antislavery prpss al Washington are nol dependent on the public opinión of the Souih for tl eir personal safe?y or their Ipgal rights. Tiie public opinio of ïhe Norih is suflioient to sustain ihem at the sealof (Jrovernmnt. If the public opinión of the North will not destrov the paper, that of the South cannot. Fact '2. The Norih isstrong enotigh 10 present the extensión of slavery over any more terriiory, and it furiher acqiisition of power in the nntional councils. J,nd 10 nb:lish it in all places wiihin the national jurisdiction. Fact 3. Union among the peop]e of the Norih on this suhjrcr is all ï hal is neees-ary to accomilislï all these übje'éfc. Facl 4. The people of ihe North are not now nfnvd of being destVoyeVI or reduced to slavery in case cy should act as liiey ihink proper in this maüer, though their polilicinus entertain mnny fears. It is a maUér of interest and justice vrlljn the peop!e. Fa.'U 5. lf the South had Uie power lo abolish tle Union and should do t and sptup for ihemselve?, V ey wojld b?, in n national vTew, cou'.pleie'y under il. e power of ih North. lf anv óifTicul y should nrist, uil thnt ïhe Nortii wou d have to do to -jecure suiimission, wonld be to hold the ro-1 of abojiiion over tlietr heads, and tel! them ihat the samo h.inds that had once mane whips and bovvieknives for sJaveholdr-, would make muskets and b'iyonets f r sla ves - tliat the íame men whohad ibught lor Slavery on the plainsof Mexico, wou!d figiit ngainsi iton the cotlon fields of the Suuth. Facl 6. The South oinnot aluJ'sh the Union without tho consent of the North. Fact 7. The North will not consent I to the abolí ion of the Union for the best of reasons. It is nol for their interest to do sor Fact 8. A rmjority vote ín eaoh of the non-slavehoMing States can elect an antisïavery Presiden though thal majority be bul one votff. Fact 9. A mnjorify vote in ench of the Legislaturas of the non-slaveholding States, can elect a majority of the Senators in the U. S. Senate when Iowa nnd VViscDnsin shcll have been adwitted. Fact 10. A majority voto against slavery in the Cbngressional Districls o k tbe non-slaveho'ding States generaly, i oan elect a mojority of Representativesto Congreso. Tlius a mojority of the voters o( the North can do nll that cnn be dne by tlie National Government under the prasent Cunstitution to abolish Slavery.