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The Constitution Of Wisconsin

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The fundamental law of this new apl:cant for admission into our confedero:y. contninssome novel peculiarities. Itgives the üovernor thepowtr of reoing all bilis, under restrictions similar o those of the Preáidential veto. Representa i ves to the State Legislaure are to be eiec'ed annually ; Senors binnially. Each member is to r:eive as a compensatiun two dollars per l'erri forcnch day's attendunce during the ir-t fortv days of the sesión, and ono loüar n day for eacb day's attendanc luring tho remainder of the session. The Stale is divided into five judicinrr ircuits, in each of wbich h to be organzpd iird held a Circuit Court, by n sinjlejudge. The five circuit judg's comiose the Suprime Cuurt. Lach circuit udge is tp be filected by the votrs in the :ircuit, in which he is obliged to resido ifter his eleciion. No circuit judge ia o huid court in the same circuit, morO ihan one year out of five. Tribunals of conciliation are to be orgnnizcd hut without the power of rendering ohliga'ory jtidgmeuts without the consent of parties. Testimony in equity cares is to be taken in !iJ:c rnanner as in caves at Iaw. Thoe wIjo have the r'ght vf suifrago iro included in four classs.s : White citizens of the United States. White persons not ciiizens, but who ïave declared !o be citizens by lar of Congres?, and all civilized Indians not nenibers of any tril.e. There is to be a State Superintendent 7or ihe sunervi.-iun of public instruction ind permanent provisión for commoa ■chools. Libraries are to be ostablished, one st least in each town and city, to be supportcl by müit-jry üneir.r.d finés asse-iscJ fw breach of the penal laws. All banking is prohibited by persons or corporations wiihin the State, or as agents of Hireign bnnks. Corponitlons are forbioden the privilege of receiving deposits, of d!s"íounting n tes or buying billsof exchanga. The circulation of any paper money, under the denominalion of en dollars, furbidden afier 1847 ; and if any under the denominaron of twenty doMnrsnfier 1849. The faitH ánd credit of the State is forbidden to be pledged for carrying on nny work of interna] improvement. The credit of the Staieis never to bö lonned in aid of any individual or corporuiion. The State can never contract any debt greater thfin one hundied thousand dollars, and not then, except with the consent of two-thirds of the Leg'slnture - and the law aitthorizing ir, shal! hiy an annual tiA suffieient to pay the annual inteie-.t, and alsoa tax sufficiout to pay the principal in five years. All property of the wífe, real or personal, owned at marri;ige, or acquired afier, is to be her separate property, to ie for lier separate debts before marringe. Forty acres of land, or any lot of lof o a town or city, not excecd'ng on thoinand dollars in valu?, is to bo ex empt, as a homestuud, fVom sale or cxec iti n. No divorce shall be granted except by judi -ial process. All leases ior a loúger period than twenty years hereañeV made, in tvhich rent is reerveJ are to bé vuïa Any person engaged ín a duel, is disqualified frnm holding office. The queátion of cilling a Convenlion to reviié fhe Constituiion, is to be submitted to the people evcry ten years.- Thfiquestion of extending the righi of snffrage to all persons ín espectire of color, is to be voíe 1 1 p n spp;.rately by th peojile, when hey vite upon the quchtiou of adopting theïr Constijution. Thso exercises which engage Woth body and rninJ ard the most conduciy.o to health. The sun is 1,300,000 times krger than our globe, ffüd distant from tlie earih 94, 50Ü.OÜO miles.