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Report: Of The State Central Committee Of Their Proceedings...

Report: Of The State Central Committee Of Their Proceedings... image
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Soon after the appointmentoftheCommiitto thcy received a. very genera1 assurancc ihnt a system of lccturing and organization would be highly acceptabie, and would be eustained, and being themselves convinced of ihe necessity of some cftbrt, they ndopted the sysiem, known as "the State Agency System," and published in detail through the Signal o Liberty. Early in April lost Mr. S. B. Tread well was engaged and put inio the fielc as State Agent. On the flitof May Mr Bibb was uniied with him. They con tinued to lecture 1 ï 1 1 November, visiting during the interval nearly the entire State. They delivered lectures, effectec organizations,and did whatelse they coulc for the They labored with a zea - a faith - and an effect - which entitles them the grateful consideraron of Liberty friends. Your Committee also engnged Messrs Hough and Plumh of N. Y. for tho inonths of September nnd October. Mr. St. Clair, who Ieclured in Berrion, anc Cass, may also be considered thoir agent, having been paid out of a fund pledged to the State pur poses The Committec also delivered many lectures in the northern counties by their Chairman,and distributed Antislavery doe' uments, and Extra Signáis through the Stato generally. Their correspondence was heavy and continual. It cannot be doubted that the result of this effort has been to diffuse more Antislavery lightand intelligence through our stato than was ever im parled in any previou8 year. The largest meetings assetnblcd ovory where, and from Bibbs' lips heard their fust Antiblavery truth. - All wore interested, nnd many converted. The new countiea of Van Buren, Allegan, Barry, Ionin, Eaton, Kent, and Clinton. Also many parts of Shiawassee, and of astern counties on that lier, had the subject for the first time presented to them. The fruits of tho effort are not yet gathored. Seed must remain in tho ground some lime ore it swell, burst and regetate. The Antislavery seed of 1816, has to remain on its moral soil its appropriate period. The doings of party, and the events of time, seen by the hearers of 1846, in the new aspect of Antislavery view, will water and fructify that seed to yield its legitímate fruit,and In 1848 will ba first gathered the full harvestsown during tho past year. The Committee regret that at this moment they are unable to render a preciso account of their recoipts and e.penditures. They solicit the indulgenoo of this Convention. Their Chairman, who was conversant with the details, was necessarily absent from the State. His absence was unexpectedly and greatly prolonged by illness in his family. He returned Dnly in time fbr this Convention, and was unable to procure his papers from Detroit, The Committee, therefore, can only render a general statement from recolleclion, but which, however, will nat be far from fact. Within 2 or 3 weeks they will present the full and precise faets n a regular acount, and will submit it for- i auditing to a committee, whose appoinl e ment they solicit from this Convention. It will be seen from the subjoined state't ment that even though every doller ï- pledged to the State fuud sha!] 'be paid f, yet there would remain a deficit oí abou t, $130 lo meet the liabilities. Butitis g certain that at least 25 per cení, will not be paid at al!. Il is feared that is too small a calculation, but even al it, the t Committee woulJ reqtiire about $400 to h clear iheir engagetnents. il C. M. STEVVART, 3 H. HALLOCK, n J. D. BALDWIN, S. M. HOLMES, '■ WM. CANFÍELD, Central Commiltee. f General Statement op Account from Memory.