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The Anniversary

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i he altendance was not quite as Jarge as wc had hoped, owing, we suppose, in a measure, to a severe and driving snow stor.T), which carne on just before the commenccment of the meeting. The number of enrolled delégales nppears to have been about 60, representing twelve or thiiteen counties. The proeeedings were of the most hnrmonious charactcr, and indicated á fixed determinalion in the members lo hold on in their politica courae without devialicn to the right o the left. The voting for a proslavery i Whig candidate Tor Congress by 150 Liberty men óf Culhoun county carne up for animadversión, and received a universal condemaation. One of the resolutions involving sub siantially this question - " Is it proper for Liberty men to vote for any but Libertj I candidates in any case1' - was discusset wilh considerable interest. Eider Harris brouglt up a case in Batile Creek where Liberty men had voled for a candidato of onother party for the purpose of essentially subserving the cause of Temperance, and he approved ofit. F. Denison also spoke in support of the principie. He might chooso between two good thingg but did not believe in a voting for one cvil as less than another. This view was opposed by Mr. Stewart al length, asi would be impossible lo draw the. dividing line. lf we might leave our party for one good purpose, we inight foranolher, anc thcre would be an end ofit. Besides, by voting for cnndidales ofone proslavery party or the olher we built up that pnrty; and the result of tho contest, secured by Liberty votes, was publshed as a " Brillinnt Democratie Viclory," or " Grcat WhigTriumph." He argued with much forcé that no party, assuch, can prosper, ui.lessitadheres closelyto itsnominations. Dr. Gallup.VIr. Trench, Dr. King, Eider Twiss, and others spoke on the same side, and the resolution passed unanimously. The question of extending ihe " Other Iniorests" was brought up by Mr. Trench, a delégate froin Eaton County, and on a resolution to define our position thereon, the project was unanimously rejected, the Society being unwilling even to discuss it at length. The Editor of tho Signal being present, and having been slrongly suspected of thishoresy, was called upon to define his present views thereon, which he did with much cheerfulness. He said that about a yenr and a half since he had bestowed the best reflection he could command upon the condition nnd prospeets of the Liberly party : that he became satisfied that it had then arrived at a point where two roads opened before it, one of which it must necesáarily travel: the one Jead more and more fjom the proslavery parties and fróm all connection and intercourse wiih them, nnd those who were for travelling i:i it contemplated the abolition of Slavery by uniting all renl patriots in one powerful, permanent antislavery party. The other road turned n a direction which would bring the antislavery nrmy into ncar and continua! proximity with the other parües, which would produce such an interchange of feelings and views, thal the nnti-slavery men would ultinmtely be found laboring in counexion and co-operation with those parüos for the aboiition of Slavery, and the Liberty party organization would finaliy be superseded by other combinaions of anti.slavery men. He had been decidedly in favor of choosing the road first mentioned. He had urged such a course on the party. It had met with a refusal from the great mase, who were bent on travelling the other road. Hehad as yet found no reason to question the correctness of the views he had thea advaneed : bui as they had been decidedly rcjected by nine-tenths of the Libertv party, he was not disposed to press them any more upon their papers or Conventions. Still less was he in favor of the seecssion of a small minoriiy from the main body of anti-slavery men on account of this diflerence of opinión. Ttis was a measure vhich he had never advocated, although it had been proposed in various quarters. He had full confidence in the final triumph of the anti-slavery cause ; the signs of its progress were never more plainly discernible than aHhe present time ; and he expected to continue to act -withthegreat mass of nnti-slavery men in every efficiënt way, reserving to himself as an individual the right to propose and support any new modes of accompüshing thecommon object which circumstances might seem to render advisable. ín the ovening the financial operations of thè past year wcre discussed, liberal donations were mnde to the Antislavery fund : and the society öeparnled in the fulness of hope and good feeling, wih mutual confidence in each other, and a determinatien in every individual, toabound more and moro in antislavery works and faith, through the coming year.