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Waddy Thompson's Opinion Of The Mexican War

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It is greatly to be feared lliat, with ther mosl uniied and cnergetic efForfs to prosecute the war, we are yet Par, very far, from the end of it. That which is generally meant by an energetic prosecuiion af the war, is the advance of our armies lo the city of Mexico. That I believe o be possible, but by no means so easy and une.xpensive an achievement as many suppose. But, if we had possession of :he :ity, and had an army there of fifty thou3and men, should wo then have " conuered a peace," as the phrase is 1 Are we, in truth, any nearer the conclusión of the war ? Have we not in fact therebyindefinitely -protracted it ï l could only answer the last one of ihese questions affirmatively. The enthusinsm fur volunlecring has had its last parxoysm. Nothing will cause another, unless (which Heaven forbid !) some disaster befall our armies, and then our Deoplo will rush to the rescue. - Mow long will our armies have lo encounter the privationa and toils of such a service, and our people its cost 1 Ifl were to venture a prediction 1 would sooner say ten years than any shorter period. We havetojdeal withtwo races.the Indian ana the Spaniard, most reniarkable for indomitable forlitude - cali it obstinacy, if you please - in our enemy. In like circumstancesourselves, we should cali it fortitude and heroic virtue ; and so the world will cali it in the Mexicans. VVhat motive will Mexico haveto rnake peace ? Thus for, the war has not injured, but in every way benefitted her. Why will it beotherwise for the future ? I confess I cannot see. Cerlainly, tho possession of the palace of the Montezumas - if any such palace exisied - will have no such effect, but one exactly opposile. It is nol by stinging nnd irritating her with nettles that Mexico is to be brought to terms. Nothing much short of utter demolition will muke her sucoumb. Are we prepared to go to that extreme? The spirit of the nge, jusiice, humanity, policy forbid.


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