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Notices: To All Subscribers

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Al the recent Annual Meeting of the StUe Socieiy, Mr. Chns. H. Siewart ntroduced a resolution, which was unan-, mously adoptod, setting forth, that in view of the emborrassments aitending the publicaiion of tlie Signa) of Liberty, tlie publisliers ought to raisethe price of the paper to Two Dollar a vear. This proposal ofMr. Siewart, and the nction of tho Socioty, were cntirely un expected by us j and though the state of our ofiairs wm truly represented by him, we have he.sitated considerably lo follow nut the action recommended. But for somo reasons wo wil) menlion, we have conoludrd to adopt the prcscribed course, The credit price of ihe Signal has never been less than Two Dollars, nr.d th majority of our subscribers are paying, and have nlwnys paid, at that rate. To them, therefore, the chango will make qo diñerence. The only class to be afleoted are those vho wish to pay in odvance, and vvho )nid last year at $1,50 per volume. Owng to adifíerence in ojr arrangement?, nfterthe 17th of April next, when the resent volume expires, the price will be fwo Dollars to all alike ; and we shall expect pny as nearly in advance as may )e. But to obviate all occasion ofdiscontent, we will give those who wish an opponunity to pay for future volumes in advanco at Si, 50 a year. Any person forwarding ndvanced pay pkkmols to that time, shall have the paper at $1,50 a year. The small sum of Three Dollars will pny for two years. Thus, ihose who wish to have a paper at a chenp price, can have il at a low rate, if they piense. We thinlc none can complain of such ni ofier. After the I7th of April, the price to all others will bc Two Dollars a year. We wish it distinctly understood, that we neither ask nor expect donatioxs from any one. All we want is prompt tay from every subscriben We shall publish tho paper so long as the pay will enable us to do it, and no longer. Our embarrassments, from the beginning, have been owing to the want of prompt payment. Many excellent brethren, of good property, have had the paper for years without paying any thing thus far, olihough often solicited. We make no complaint of them : but we menlion it as the grand source of all our embarrassments. We are determined to avoid it in future : and we hereby give notice that on the 17th of April we shall ernse from our books ihe names of nll subscribers who shall then be indebted to us one yeai or more, and forward ther accounts fbi collection. Furlher, we shall continue the same process from week to week throughout the yeir, so that no person shull owe for moro than oneyear's subscription. In this way, those who pay, can have the paper : those who do 710 pay, cannot be supplied pt our expense. As we do not intend hereafter to employ a coliecting agent, we wish all persons to forward remittances by mail, or otherwise. Letters, enclosing Two Dollars or more, inay bo sent by mail at oui risk and expense.


Signal of Liberty
Old News