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From The War

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The New Orleans pnpers represent the conduct of the volunteers in. tha.t city as perfectly outrageous. The Trapia vays ? "On Tursday last ayoungman namod John Leborio, was shot ns he was returning frnm : fishing excursión n the Iówèr part of the city, by one of a party of volunteers by whom bo was root, U appcars that they demnnded vhat flsh the yourg umn had taken duriqg the day, an.4 on bis refiising to do so shot him dead. The same dn}', a slave, tho property of Madame Veau, was met in Parliament street by some of the &ame volunto ers.and. s'abbed so severoly that Iiq died in a few hnui's aftor. VVjiat the slave hnd done or how lie cnme in contact with them, we coujd not lean;." The Cinninnnti Commercial publishe a lelter fr-om a gpntjèmuri in the army nt Monterey, dated Jan. 5, 1847, Irom which wc extract the fuljowing. Capt, Cutter gots njong as usual - drunk onc half his time. He was in tho guard-house Inst night - n punishment whicjj ti oanimon soldier takes as ypry digraceful - and what should a captain think of it ? There was n time once when every mnn in the company would freely have laid down his life for liis sake; but things have changed sinoe we ]e(i Louisville." The New Orloans Tropic of the 25th says : " On Safurday night nnd dunng í parí of the Sabbafh, írainedin torrenis, nn.4 the country around the city is delugccj. The 2d regiment of Mississippi nnd the 9d regimpnt of Pennsylvania volunteeru, wcre encamped at the Battle Ground, a few miles below the city. Those brave men, who nbandoned. the pqrsuits of civil life and n:J the endearments of house and friends, to aid in tl)e prosecution of the war, were exposöd lo a piules storm and, drcnching rain. Jnstead of comfortabU quarters being fqrnished ihem by the officers chargeíj wiíh this duty by the governnient, they yvere encnmped on a piece of gt-ound submerged and up to their knees in mud and water. We have been waiied on by a gentío? man nttached to the company of Pluim delphia Rangers, who informs us thqt the company to which he belongs, as well as i he Camsron Guards and Stockton ArtiU lerists, have lost nearly all their blankotí and other property, having been swept away by the waters. The state of thing is shocking to humanity. About two hundred of the Pennsyiva.nians have left the camp and have carne up to the city. Fifteen or more left last evening on one of the steamersfor 'home, sweet home :' and we are informed thal many more will start by the first oppor? tunity." Tampico dates of ihe 16th, have beerj received at New Orleans, with inteiltgence of the loss of the ship Ondaca, abou 30 miles south of Tampico, hoving on board the 2d regiment of Pennsylvanja volunteers, under CpJ, De Rusy.


Signal of Liberty
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