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Important Treasury Order - Free Freights For Ireland And Scotland

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- Elihu Burrïtt Iho learned blackstniih, is making n philunthropic tour in Englnnd. In re pl y to a letter to Lord John Russeil, he received the foilowing order, which he expressed tlirough ío Liverpool in time for the stcamer : Treasury Ciiahbers, Feb. 3d, '47. Gentlemen- ï am commandcd by ihe Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Troasiiry, to acquaint you, and in reply to your letter of the lst inst,, addressed to Lord Jolin Russeli that the Lords will be pnepnred to pay the freighl of any provisions orclothing which bencvolent persons may send to Ineiand, or to the distresscd districts in Scotlaod, on proof being aíforded thaí the articles were purchased from the produce of private subscriptions, and have been appropriated to charitable objects. I am gentlemen, Y ou1 obedient servanf, C. E. TREVELYAN. CC70 A friend writes us from Clinton County: il The Liberty vote of last fall for Clinton County wos put down at 19 or 20. That was the amount of the Senaorial vote. Through som e oversight, no otes were printed for Senator. The nurnbea of Liberty votes casi in this county last fall was betwecn sixty and seventy-"


Signal of Liberty
Old News