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In Senatk, March 1, ihe bill to regúlate proceedings in cases pending in ehancery and the cirouit court and to atnend the raviseci Statutes was taken up. Mr. Noble withdrew the proposition to retain the chancery court for one year. Tho question Leing on a motion made by Mr, Eaton to recommit with instructions to amend the bill so as to provide for transferring the powers of the district oourt to the county court ol such countios as tho commiitee mny think advisable, The motion was negatived, and the bill passed, yens, 45, nays 9. The Houso bill to locale the Capital coming up, Lansing was stricken out. - Eaton Rnpids was proposed and lost. - Flint wus lost by the casting vote of the chairman, Mr. Cook, the vote standing ten to ten. Detroit was lost by the same vote. Shiawassee was proponed by Mr. Fenton.March 53, the President pro tempore appuintod Messrs. Fitzgerald, Dentón and McReynolda aa the select committee to vvhieh was to be referred the bill to amend the charter of ihe Insurance Bank, and to recharter the Farmers.' & Mechanica' Bank. In the House, March 2, Mr. H. W. Tnylor moved thal the bilí to incorpórate the Marshall woolen milis be recommit-. tcd, with instructions to. strike out the amendment made in committeo of the whole, which makes the stockholder personally liable for debts contraoicd by the corporation. Mr. T. believed thatsuch a clause was unnecessary for protection of the people as it could hardly bosupposed they would contract debts lo the amount of their prop. eity investod, that suoh a liability wauld prevent the investment of capital. Mr. Adam thought the stockholders should be held liable, It would induce thom to appoint ngents in whom lhey h"d confidence. Withou! this liability, they might purchase all the wool of the coun try, send it oíF, fail, and leaetheconsequences on the people. The moiion was lost, yeas 24, nqys 35, ín Sgxate, March 2, the location of the Capiiai was talked about. Lyons and Dewitf, were proposed.March 3. Ponüac, and Howell woro proposed for tlie Capital. Lieut. Governor Greenly having bccome Governor by the reáignation ofGov. Felch,he took leave of the Senate. Detroit was proposed for the Capital, as were nlso Ann Arbor, Coldwater, Caledonia, Corrunna, and Springvvells. In the House, March 4, a motion to adjourn on the llth inetant, was agreed lo, 14 to7. On motion to amend tho charter of the Michigan Railroad Comuany, the chair decided that it could not be amended except by a two.thirds vole. This was questioned by H. W. Tayloi but was sus. tnined, veas 58, nays 2.In the Senate, March 5, Corunna was ngain propused as the scat of government, as woreCaledonia, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Detroit again, and Dewitt. March 6, Marshall, Lansing, Corunna, Marshall, Flim, üexter, Owasso, Mar. shall, Eaton Rapids, Jaakson, Snginaw City, Detroit, Goppor Ilnrbor, Caledonia, Jackson, Eaton Rapids, Ingham, Dotroit, Eutou Rapids, Jackaon, Albion, Ann Arbor, Marshal!, and Lyons, were successivel y proposed, discussed and voted on, as proper places fop the location uf tho capital. The Senate bilí to lócate the capith! was takon up and Corunna, Mount Clemeus, Caledonin, and Flint, wereproposed, when the committoe rose, reported progress, (] ) and nskod loave to sit again,In the House, March 6, several bill.s were passed, and thirty-five bilis indefinitely postponed. ín the Se.nate, M.irch 8, the bill to locate the capital was discussed. A similar farce to that cnacted yesterdnv was repeated. Lyons, Eaton Rapids, Marshall, Albion, Cnlodonia, Copper Harbor, Detroit, Jyckson, Charlotte, Caledonia, Owasso, and Lansing were proposed. Lansing was agreod upon bv the folluwmg vote Yeas - Balch, Bush, Cook, Danforth. Dentón, Eldredge, Fitzgerald, Kibbe, Maynard, Robinson, Thurber-H. Nays - Allen, Coe, Fenton, Green, Lathrop, MeReynolds, Parson?, Rix, Schwarz, Toll - 10. Motions were then made to strike out Lansing and insert Detroit and Marshall, but they failed. In the afternoon, motions were made to recommit the bill with instructions to strike out Lansing, and nsertCaledonia, Ann Arbor, Lyons, Kalamazoo, Eaton Rapids, Detroit, and Albion - all of which 'ailed. Tho House went into committee of the whole, Mr. Johnson in the chair, who afierwards reportpd baqk tho following bilis : Bill to amend an act for revisirg and consolidating tho revised statutes of 1846. Ordered to a third reading. Joint resolution proposing certain amendments to the constitution relating to he legislativo dopartment. Mr. H. W. Taylor proposed to amend by providing for biennial sessions, whichwas adopied, yeas 38, nays 14. Mr. Hx W Taylor ofTered an nmendmentproviding fbr single senator al districtsv vvliicli was carried. THe com.mUtee had, a.dopted an amendmwit )KíiÚng (he pay af tnembers to two dollars, a day for 40 days, and onedoUur a dny for 20 dnys afier. My Goodrich moved a substitute for the nroendment, that pay of niembers shnll be three dollars a day {br forly days, and one dollar a day far the iernainder of the session. Mr. C. II. Taylor nnaved to strike out one and insert two, which was carried. The amen.drn.ent sa arnontit;d was negatived. Mr. Dviggs moved to strike out and insert threc dollars a day for thirty days, and one dollar a day for thirlydays thereafter. Before the question was taken, The House aHjourned. The Detroit Adveniser sas :'The Legilative pay stopped on Fri3ay. by ihnt improvident Hmitqtion to 60 iays, passed in the unexperioncod confiJence in theearly part of the session, that the business would not requlre 80 days ! The rapid impulse given to business by this pay, will be seen in Salurday's House proceedings, Sorne score or more of bilis which have occupied os many days of ihe session, and prabnbly used up near -910,000 of the people's money, were indefinilehj posiponed without Q hearing and al most without objection, There was a general sweep, and the good and had were alike carried awny in the irresistable no-pay current. We have neverseen the House work so briskly or accomplish so much in a single day (lo say nothing of the wisdom of its do ings) as on Saturday, when the pay wu reduced to nothing ! In the anxiety t doup the business rapidly, it even resoh ed to meet a half hour earlier in the morn ing and afternoon, While the destruc tion of bilis was most drea,dful and im placable, there were some feelingallu sions to ihe blighting influence of ' n pay" upon darling measures, and i.o and then a more daring member venturei to declare that he would have liis S3 a day, Sundays included) for all the time he was legislating, any law to the contra ry noiwithstandlng. On the whole, however, there was a very ' expressive silence " on the pay question A demonstration on ihat subject may be expected hereafter."March 9. Mr. McReynoMspresentec a petition ftm John Norvell and others for the incorporation of a bank with a capital of SX.OQO.OOO. Uoforred to oommittee on Incorporations. Mr. Mclleynolds, from committee o incorporations, reported a bilí to incorpo rate the Michigan Association for the im provement of the breed of horsec, whic! vas twice'1-oad and ordered tobe printed The subjeot 'of the Capital coming up again, the Senators explained all arounr the reason of tlieir voles - ♦' defined their position," as they term it. Mr. Coe moved to appropriate a sum of money to build a telegraph from Detroit to Lausing. Lost.Mr. MgRynolds moved to recommit with instructions to insert Marshall. Lost, 6 to 14. The bilí passed by the following vote: Yeas - Balch, Bush, Cook, Danforth, Dentón, Eldredge, Fitzgeraki, Kibbc. Maynard, Rix, Robinson, Thurber - 12, Nnys - Allen, Coe, Penton, Green, Lathrop, McReynolds, Schwarz, Toll - 8. In the House, Marcli 8, a variety of miscellaneous business was transacted. Alarcli 9. Mr. Noble, f rom judiciary comniittee, yeported back the bilí to amend an act for revising and cotisolidating the general slatufesof tho state in relation to circuit and county oourts. Mr. Johnson moved to recommit the bilí with instructions to strike out the sections which give additional civil jurisdiction to the county courts. The niotion prevailed, yeas 33, nays 28.


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