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From The War: Insurrection At Taos!

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St. Louis paper.s four d:iys in advauce of the mail, have been received at Pittsburg with dates from Santa Fe, convey ing important intelligence. Tiiere hns been an extensiva Mexisan insurrectioi nt Ttios. All the Sonniards who evincec any sympatliy with the American cause had been compelled to escape. Gov Bent, Stephen Lee, acting Sheriff; Gen Ellicott Lee, Harvey Seal, and 20 Amer icans were killed and iheir families dis persed. The Chief Alcade was also ktll ed. Tlus occurred Jan. 16th. The in surgents hnd mnde formidable hend nnc the disaffection was rnpidly spreading. - The nsurgenls were .-ending expresse out all over the country to raise assiüt anee. The number engaged in the outbrea! at Taos was about 600. They were us ing every mcans to inciie the lndiansto hostilities, and wpre moking preparntion for taking Sunta Fe. The Americans n Santa Fe had only nbout 500 efiectiv men. The rest were on the siok list, o had left to join Col. Doniphan. Suc' being their situation, they cannot send ou succor, as they are hardly able to defem themselves.It s thought that Santa Fe must be captured, u5 neither ihe fort nor block houses are completed. It is announced as the intention of the insurgents who captured Taos, to take possession of the governmetit wagon train, whish is carrying forward our supplies and thus cut off all communication. The representations made to Col. Doniphan that Chihuahua would be an easy conquct, wereevidently intended as deluions toentrop him, nnd beget a spirit of security and lead hirn fnr off into the interior whero he might be entirely .cut off. It is the universal opinión in Santa Fe that il General Wool had gone direct to Chihuahua, there would have been no trouble in New Mexico. Col. Doniplian hnd possession of El Passo on the 2öth of December. Letters have been received from the government of Chihunhun, stating thit Gen. Wool was within 3 day's march of the capital. This doubtless was another ruse, to allure Col. Duniphanon in confidonce an J cut him off from all chanceof escape, or of falling back on Santa Fe to relieve t in its emergsncy, The Mexicana are bokl in their tone, and confídent of capturingCoI. Doniphan and his commnnd, wbich consists of aboui 000 men - 500 of them being of his own ruops, the fust regiment of mounfed Misouri volunteei; and adetachment of 100 men (rom Santa Fe, under Lt. Col. Mitch11, of the 2d regiment, consisiing of 30 ïen from Clnrk's liattalion of light artüery, under Capt. Hudson and Lt. Cribbs, nd2d from Cul. Price's regiment and Col. Whitlock's battalion. They assert lat they will massacre every Amerieao n New Mexico and confíscate all tbeir ooda.


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