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Wellman's Illustrated Botany

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VOL. IL, 1847. ED1TED BY J. L. COMSTOC?, W. ft,. i4tiW o" Bottnnj Njturul P.'Uustp'y Chegtis'ri, ülincrulogij, Gio'uvy, Xitiral Ui to.r, Jth)jilogij, etc , iJïiitcd BY J. C. CÜM STOCK', ESQ. The success of the liiu.-trated Uotany is ni onger an exerimt.ut. íur i i 1 1 . o u s n il liua been n cxia't'iice bui one yenr, il olrtaüy lia a cucu■_tiun ot jliuiii (vu tbouaa'nd, u buiüc-ioih uumbr lu wnr.ant ita support, w..ioh mniKii Lm suitl .f any .jilnr work oí ilie kind. Indeed, u it-iii nly W( t of ilus chsracicr pulJished m ihi cuun r. , wh;cli promiiá s a'jiliy and a long l.lo. Wc tliml; the rospcct- ot the ecuiid year oí ih IJoiany aro veiy fiaue iug. One roamfi for thia )pii)iui) is, the Jat ( tutu il 3 now very populur, loviiig a larue circle oL.l rienda. Anoiher rery mportaiit rcMson is, ihe teeurinf of all Editor or tiiu c nniiig jrear, vrhuw populariiy u un autlior in iho vjriuiio brunches of Natura! Scicnce , ü so ij eiisive as xo lenve liis name familiar tu fvt-iy a.U'icnt in sciencc in this cotiniry. - Wo are l'uliy satisfit'd thal the Do any will. under tho present Eiiiiora, bear ihe sevcrest criiicU:n, and wo inferid that it shuil bccome iho Kindurd Wurk. In ilie CDurse of is pubücation. it will contaia nn liiirodjciion to iliu Natural Syttjín of Botany, a tíioroiigh. Trwitisa on the mercsiing nnd iiiiportant brancli of Vegetable i'hvj..!ogy. No i'ccd on Fos8! 15.j-.-uiy. and desenptiuu?, both sciumifíc and popular, of numerous species of plantj, the propenies of wliich, medicinal and itseful, will be lully ix. 1 line". In shori, il is ÏUtendcd to present a compleie view of ihe Intc-st and most iinpurtaai facts, discoveries, snd tlieoliep, in cvery departnitni ol the s-rience. Th whulo illuatratu'l by splendid colored engravings, taken froni Nature, full ze, and finislud in the highest styïo of modern art. This work is {'ened to be eininenily popular in ui!. and tliere is enough of that wiiich is Btranger thnn fiction about it to render it. in no ordinary degree, iüteresting and initructive We do not intend to confine ourselveg to tho holanical dtscriptions of each plant, bul 10 mako ita tlioroughly ecientific work, in all the deprt- ments of Boiany. It will also give informaiioa on the culti vatiui) of ptants and flowiri. la a, vrord, it will compuse ihe hole sdence. Wo give Uelow the fiee opinions of the pres?. Fr m the Christ'n Adv. &, lour., c-Jicd by T. E. Bond, M. D. The printed specimrns nro really oxquisiteljr ■ ïoi-.e ; and the great mirvel wiih na i?, how tho wrk cun be afforiled at the loiv price of %3, ptr annurn, or two copie to an address for $5. ngravingt! enn be rhe.nply niultiplied, but paintingx must bu e.xccuted ecpirately, and without the aid of Inbor-anving mncliincry. It will give us reil plensuro lo announce the attccessive nunibeia of hs benuriful penotical, a wc have heen led In ihink the suijy of B tany not only an innocent recreaiton, bul eminomly promotive uf piet. Froin E.xcliange Pnpero. ILLTSTRATPD BO TANY.- Xuñber x of tlisveiy prertv foral work hs been received, and s, ns usual, Ulied with plaies representing naiivc and foreign fl-iwert, nnd wiih maner rlatins; ihereto. We have hrrctofore spoken in terni8 of commcnrlntioii of tliis work. We thiuk it superior to any thingof the kind published. ILLTSTRATED BOTANY.-To all lovera of the beautiful in Nature and Art, wo commend ihiii wurk ns cniineiitly worihy of patronnge.- :V. F. Tribune. 1LLTSTRATED BOTANY- Among tha vnnous publications tbnt float our country, wo wn none that we considerof more nierest to th floiist or aomirer of Nature, than the Illnstrated Iiota.iy. It ia Ilustrated with from four to six ent'ravmgs every month, handgomely cülored, rcprescniinü the plant true to nature. lts readn% matter is deacrip ive of tho plañís repreeantcd, making ie a vaiuable as well as bc mtiiul work. TËRMS. This work will be pu!)Iihed montbly. with from e:x to ton fiowers, h.indsomely painted, ia each number. Piice, S'Ï.OO n year, or iwo copies sent to one ddrees for $5.00. llZr A very liberal discount allowed to agenta. J K. WELLMAN, PubüsUer & Propriotor, No 116, Nassai-st. Januari I. 1847. P. S. Èfitiirn who have puMished our Proapecius for the ñ st year, will pienso publieh tha nbnve for tliAaécond yunr. N. B. Pntilishrra of newepnpere who who will give the nbeve thteo insortioní, shull receivo iha wurk one year.


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