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Prospectus. Herald Of Truth

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The Juurmls of ilie dny ore divided inlo ihrea classes- the Sectariai'j the Faniz.ii), and tho Popular. UI the ritteen liundrrd serial publication inorr land. I Know of but two 01 toree which I iviend to be devote I to ihc Couse of Truth on 11 siibjccts, unreotrained by eecmnan or parlizan interest, nr by desire, irom selfish motives, to piense ilie greatest number of readers. Thosa which are not comrollrd by some rehgious sect, or p 'lilicitl party, or olher sociely of exclusive, me ol ilie populnr cluss, and will defend no caase, however good, il" it be uiil'avurably regared by ihe maïs ; nor jmblisli the honest opmions of any ndii!unl. il tlu-y be opposcd to ih general aeniimciit. il en CO, 'he lVriodivttli of ihe iliiy, do not maimain an unreserved slleieiauca loTruih, on ihe iriunipli of which depsnds the grcntistgood to the liuman iamily. - i'íie Cause of Truili demn.ids Journnls devoied o her inicresis, throngh whoe piges ihe ihomjhtt ol every cnndiu niind can bc brought before th public and thorouhly canvnssed. It wiü be devoteil U) ihe inierests of Religión, Thilosopiiy, Li tarot ure, Science and Art. It will review such of ihe ncw pubheations ai are of atibstuniial value. and cftoyasa all questionublo doctrinns that may be pulilishcd. l'hilosophera itavü demonsfraicd ihe infinite Wisdom and bouiidless Uenevolence of God in coutemplating His Phyital Univer6e. and ii is time the sama demonstraiions vere niado in relation (o the Mental Wprid. In the former thesublimest Order is maniffit, while ihe Inner, the dehasement nd niisf nes that afflict k mankind, imiicnie tho deepest confusión and dlsorddr. He ia nol responsiblc for the evils of ihe Mental Umverse, lor originaied iliem, and by man they can ooi] will in.' removed. The discussion of the lavn of our mental and pbyatcal orgnnizition, and hr hecessny of obedience to ihem. as ihe only mode óf regeneration. will C0H6II1UÍC a particular faiuw of the Ukiuld oe Tküth. It will cnyio vigorously in .ïll iho Reforma of tlic J;iy whicli are oiinded in Truih. und aa il will ' hope all ihinja' nnd 'believe all ihinp,' lor the final triumph of Humanity ovtr all f vil, the only limit to its nspirations will be the en lire redemption of ihe Human Ruce. The Heiahl ot Tiuih is pubiished monthly, in Cincinhntj. conainij eiphty octavo pngea. neatly piinied on fine paper. It will compiige two volumes annnnllv. of 40 paees each, nnd will be oH'ered on tbe fo lowinL' liberal terins : One jearlv suhpcripiion, $:{,00 ; Two copiea -rj ycar. $5.00 , Fve c tpii-s per yetr. 11.00 ; Ten copies per ydir, .-J(),00 ; Twen'ty copies per venr, $30,U0, Oirers of twetity copir for tho extraordmniy lovr pricc ol $-20. is made tothota .iljue who form nc!u!i nnd mder ihe work to be kik to' the name ol the Post Ofüce. A liberal discount will be made to Agents. The Her ild of Trutfa is placed on a firm by severnl individúala of great pecuniary power, it will appeur prumpily on tho first of each month. Papers copviucr ihis Prospecius a few timta will reccive ihe work. L A. HIÑE, Editor. Cinc nntit'. Jan. 1, HI7.


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