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PllRKXOLOGY AS ArPMCABLK TO THE Horse. - Mr. T. J. Lewis observes, that while rending Dr. Combe's celebrated work on Phrenology, lus nttention was particularly drawn to the article on page 205, rel at i ve to the horse. ' It is there shown,' it is said, ' that the shape of the brain, even n the lower animáis, indicates their gJod or bnd disposition. ' Almost every one, ' he continúes, is aware, that the valueof the horse is very much enhanced by his being docile and tractable. According to the article alluded to, whcn the oigan of Benevolence is largely developcd, the nnimal is mild andcile ; - when ït is smal!, heisvicious, illnalured, and untractable. In tho horso, the organ is placed in the middle of lbo tbrchead, a 1 i tile nbove the cyes. When this región is hollow, a horse is invariably vicious, and inclinod lo uile and kick. In mild and good-naturcd hprsèr, on the contrary, ihis part cxlends as far out as the eyes, oreven farther.' A Fair Offek. - Makea full estímate of all yon owe, and all that isowing to you. Reduce the ssme lo note. As fast as you collect, pay over to those you owe; if you cannut collect, renew your notes every year; and get the best söcurity you can. Go to business diligently, and bc industrious - lose no time, waste no idle moments - bo very prudent and economical in all things - discard all pridfc hut of acting'justly and well; be failhfnl in your duty to God; by regular and hearty prayer, morning and night atlend church and meeting every Sunday, and "do uno all men ns you would they should do unto you." lf you can, ahvays help the worthy poor and importúnate. - Pursue this course diligently and sincercly for seven years, and, if you are not happy, comfortnble and independent in your circumstancesome to me and I viril] nav all yout debts. - Dr Franklin.BeautiFUI.Coxsistexcy.--A few dnys ago, a sword was presenled by citizens uf Boston, assembled in Faneuil Hall, to Col. LH. Wright, one of the ofilccrs in the Mass. Regiment of Volunteers. Upon the very same spot in which be received the sword, prepareJ to execute the bloody deeds of war, bc had stood not many months bofore, side by side witb Wendell Phillips and others, ndvocating the abolition of the gallows on the ground of the inviolahilily of human Ufe. But the cicam of the joke (if such serious business can be cal led a joke) was, tliat the porson who presented the sword in an eloquent war speech, was no oiher iban John A. Bolles, Esq., who, only a short time since, receivcd the prize f rom the American Peace SociETY,for the best essay on settling national disputes by a Congro=s of nations. - Chrislian Cilizcn. Tho bill substitulingbiennial for annual sessions of the Legislaturc, bas become a law in Maryland. There will be nn clection hold next fall for members of the Legislature, who will meet in session in the December following. There will then be no election for members till 1849, and so every two years.Cassius M. Clay. - A. letter f rom a jontlemau furmerly of this city written tiear Saliiljo states tlint Cassius iM, Cla,y , ivas so.much overeóme with gjrief, at being. madp a prisonor by the, Mexicnns that he wept. a, marv oC hia spirit jjic] apibition, sudi a terminalion, of hïs adventure to Mexico must hnve been galling in.the extreme. The lovc of notoritity seems to be an inordinate and craving.passión with him, and with tlie hope of altaining a large degrce of it and with it the influence to carry out other great designs, hc riskeil the loss of Üie approbation of" liis forme r admirers, mul stnked his fortune on the chances of a brilliartf.cnreer in the war. Without the fi.rsi opportunity to flesh ltis sword. ho is consignec to an ignoble captivity, to enduro the odium which has nltaplielto him fav cxnbarking in the vvac without the possibil ity of retrieving his reputation by any miWnry e-xploits. He liad ampie cause to wecp. - Gazetlc.The American Peace Society heroby offer a premium of $500 ibr the best Re' {icip of the present War with Mexico tbe Essays to be presented in ibur tnonths after the close of war, and the premiumi if asy essay is dcemed worthy of it, to be awarded by the Ilon. Simon Greenleaf, L. L. D., an j the Rev. VVilliam Jenks, and Rev. Francis VVayland. The public property and stores on the Rio Grande nt the Brazos, Matamoros and Camargo, it is said amount to six or se ven mjllio.ns of dollars - -besides an immense quantity qí private mrrchand'e ; and fo.r the protection of tliis, there are probabiy only f rom 1500 to 180Ü men, scattered in detaohments - the strongest did nat exccedTÜO. Applks to Knglahíd. - Mr. Cbpistian Happy, n farmer npar Iludson, N. Y.,sent a large quautity of nples to England last full, packed in harreé, with lcijn dried cut straw. On their nrrival tliere. they oponed perfectly sound, and fair, and some of therp sold as high as 812 per barrel, The whole netled him $5 ppr barrel, after deducting all expenses. ArrOINTMENTS BY THE GoVKR.VOR. - James L. Glen, of Gass counly, Actíng Commissioner, and F. II. Witherell, of Wayno county, and Alonzo Fe r ris, of Genesee county, Commissioners to select a site for tlio capital, &c, under the act to provide for the removal of the sent of government, approved March 10, 1847. A correspondent of the Tribune says of the appointmenls made by the President since the adjournment of Congress that out of 184 Captains, lst Lieutenant, and 2d Lieutenant, 41 Cnplains are from the slave States to 15 from the free - 23 lst Lieutenants from flave Stalesto 8 from the free - 57 2d Lieutenanís from the slavo States to 32 from the free.Tom TiiuMii. - Tom Thumb having made afortune of over half niiiilüon of dollars, has determined to " retire," after having visited ihe principal ciñes of the Union. He so annuunces in the Couricr - Enquircr. War Piety. - The Democrat published nt Columbus, Miss., has the following: By some mistake a piece of poeiry, headed the " Song of tho Sword," appears on our first page. It soems as if in our absence, vhcn, it mny be, the boys were out of copy, ibis song was selected to fill up a place. We never sasv it until it was too late to make the corrce.tion. It does not express our sentimcnts. It is Whiggish, and véry bad poetry withal. We go for giving the Mexicans heil, whelher Ghrist be oui guide or not. We go for wliipping them thoroughly, any way ; and wc must do it, or stand disgraccd in tho eycs of the civilized world. To Take InkOutok Linen. - Take a piece of mould candle, or common candle will do ncarly as well, melt it and dip in the spotled part of the linen. It may then bo washed, and the spots will disappear without inj iry to the cloth. - Bost. Times.Bokn TO Commani). - There nre nów five Major Generáis iu the U. S. Army - evenj onc of them Jrom the South ! - There is Mnj. Gen. Scott, of Virginin, " " Gaines, f rom Louisiann, " " Tnylor, from Kentucky, " " Cumming, from Georgia, " " Benton, from Missouri. The two latter have dcclined serving, but of all those mentioned as likely to fill their places, not ono is from the norlh. The Racine Advocate publislies the following text and unique context : 11 Canst thou send lighlnings, thot thcy may go, nnd say unto thee, fiere we are ? " - Jou. " Yes, Sir-r-e-e. - Professor Morse. At a recent term of Courl in Worecster, Mass., there were 194 complaints and 155 persons plead guilty of rumselling. The aggregale of fines is supposed to be about 10,000. The population of New Orlrans, nccordingto the Delta, is: White 61,636 ; Frec Colored, 12,980; Slaves 12,914; total 92,399. About 3 000 slaves in the third Municipality, not included, swell the boltom line to nenr 96,000. In 1840,according to the U. S. Cenaüs, it was, 100,000, The. President has justappojnted a Jiew batch of military ofijpers consisiing of 1&5 - l-30of thcm fr,QTfi tjip Slaye and 54 from the free States. This is right,for it is about the proportion ofiinftuencc wliich the %t nor the rn douglifiice"'7 are wiUhig to take up wilh, in managing, tlip aflairAüflliQ general government. A Nkw PaiNTiNG Press. - Hoe & Co. Ne.w York, have invente! and put intp supcessfuloperaiion at the. oílícc (i the Philadelphia Ledger, o. poyqr press wliich achieves the. wonderfoj result oT working iwelve thpusandisKeean hour. Instead-of arranging tlie foim in.lhe usual way, thp typos are ' made up ' in geptions of a, large cylinder, one revolution of, which hijings oiT four legibly printed sheeis.. Tlie press beforc known in this country can only work bet ween three and four thousanil sheets ftA Uo.ur,. Th,ischine employs. four feeders and íour ílyers, and yorks. as rapid,]y os they can nogsibly put on and tak e oiTlhe paper.. A new invention is described at length n ah cxchange. It is n " portable cotage," the manufacture of which is carried on inCincinnati. Tl.abuildcr has a "depot" devoted to the construction of these locomotivo dwcllmg?, and advertises to setl thern n $30 each, and put them up on any described ot in the bargain.. - He likewisc agrees to take them duwn and move them to any other part of the cily, with the conteut-s, and put them up in the same day; so thata. family can break fast in their domicil and takc their vening meal in a new location - the expense pf the job being some six dullurs. Description op a Good Wike. - Sho hdn't no carfor nusic, Sam, but she hada capital c ye for dirt, and for poor folk's that's much beller. No orie seeso mnch dirt n rnv house as a fly coyldn't brush offwilh bis wings. Boastirig gals may boast oftheir spinnets.and of tboir ytars, aje taüqnnhs, and their cars for 7uisic - bu{ givc me the gal. I say, hal lia an euc for dirt.-Sam -S(ic. Míj. Gen. Patterson has sent from Tatnpico a living collection of rare and curious plants, which has been receivea at Washington and placed at the Patent Oílice. A machine has been invenled in New Jersey which will work p 400 pigs of lead per day into Muskct balls, with the aid of a single man !


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