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A'thought occurs lo me now, whicb impressed itself strong on my mindatlhc time Mr. BentöN made his address on the Liaut. Gctieralsliip. This concluding scnlence was, if 1 recollect right, tliat lic would have so conduclcd this War ihát the soldier would have had " the battle-storm for his embroco, tlie field of honor for his bed, and the lofty Cordilleras fur his monument and his f;une." It scomod lo me tlion as if the Devil. who sometimes appears asan angel of light, lent his stolen garmenis to ornament his own principies. Against such high 'thoríty, and such a lofty peroration, 1 wbílld hunibly suggcstthat the ' batllestorm' is hut a poor sub: Ututo tlic kiñdlier embrace of a wi.c and eíiiTdrén, aV'óün'd thö coúhge fi reside. Tlic field of honor is a poor bcd, worsé llian tho meiiicst pallet of stráw, paiiiculaily wlien we remcmber that thc blankct is clotlcd blood. ' Ridtr and liorsi:, fríerul ;i d lb?, in onc red litiri.i! 1jIí;:!1 : " (Htrt llic ii)low is the bodies of dyiug tncn, " gronning for want of;" und os for lhdCürdilleras monument, tho grafs üliall not grow green o its top, on tho lonely sold'mr's grave, ere hh niemory rota, or melts omong the líameles Ihousands, whose bones make the i'Otiiids of the la der, by which mad aiñbitioh wbuld cliinb lo the lrcc-idency. Abndrréd be War, and blessed be the peacc-makers ! flów different stinli he feej on the bed oí' Drath, who ha.-? gene ti bou t doirig god, healing the ivóunds ófbmkcn lieuits, and ppuriñg oti llie breasis of mourniiig humnnity, Ui e oil of consóluiioñ, frorn liim who haá spérit his flecling monients of life in scatlering premature deatlj and unneecssary misery over n world alrendy too far fallen f rom the


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