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Illustrated Botany

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VOL. Il, 1847. ED1TED BY J. L. COMSTOCK, M. D.f Author of Botan y Natural P.ilostp'y. Chcmislry, Jtiineralugy, Gealopy, Natural liutory, P!iyiijlo%y, etc , nssistctl I3Y J. C. COMSTOCK, ESQ. The 8iicoe33 of tl. o Üiustrated Boiony ii no longer on experiment, fur ulihongh it hos been in i xis'i'iii-u bul one ytar, il alreoiiy has a circnlal, on of abüiit five ihuusand, a suflicient number to warrnni iu support, which cannot be aaiJ of nny oilior work of ihe kind. Indeed, it itho only wir'; of ihia chftrocier puhlishcd in ihia country, which promises stnbihiy and n longl:lè. Wu tlunk prospecta of ihesecond yor of thi Botany nre vory fl.ittering, One renson lor thu opinión id, thti ftcj t'ini ii is now very popular, havíng a Jnryt; aírele of t rienda." Anoiher ory importmit reason ia. ihe securiiijr u! an Ediior lor the cominc year. whose populmity na nn suhor in tl. o vnrioua brunches of Natural Science, s so sxtensive os to lc-ave h3 nnme familiar tu iveiy Btudeiil n iIih gcience in tliis countir.- . We iic fully snti8Íed that the Bo:ony wtll, unJer the present Eüilora. bear the snveroat cruiïm, nml wo iiicnd that il aliall becume the itandard work. In the course of its publicntion, t will contaiu in Imroduciion to the Niwurnl Syt:m of Botaiy, a thurough Trc-atiec 011 ilie mieresting and niportont branch of Vejietnble Phvsi)logy. Noices on Fossil IJoiany, and descripltuns, botb rieniific and popular, of numeroua peciea of )ldnts. th propertiua of which. medicinal and. jsrful, will be Inlly explained. In shnrt, it ta inendt-d to present a complete view of the l.itrst inri most important fncl9, discoverics, and lfaeo ies, m every departmonl of the scionoo. The whole illustrnied by splcndid colored enpavings, taken froni Nature, full siie, and finlïhed ui ihe nighest siyle of modern art. This work ia deaigned to bo erninently popnlar in te npplication, and there is enough of time which ts etrnnger than fiction cbout il lo rendar it, in no ordinary degree: ir.tereatiug and osirucu ve We do nnt intend to confine otirtalveg to th liotanicni de?criptioii8 of each plant, but to makt il a thuioughly ejentíñe work, in all the departriioaíí oi Botany. Tt II a!so gire intormarion on the culti v.itiüii of planta and Üowlts. In 4 word, it will compuse the whole icionce. We give below the ftee opiniona of the prew. Fr m ihe Christ'n Adv. & Jour., cdutd by T. E. Bond, M. D.The printed specimens nro really cxquUitely lono ; nnd ihe great marvel with us i, how iL vork can be añbrJcd at ihe Ion price of $3, ptr innam, or iwo copies lo an address for $G. En;ravins bc cheuply multiplied, but paimings in. t he execuled aep'irmely, and without tb aid f labor saving macliinery. It wtlL give us re,;l !ensure tú announre ilie sncceesiva nurubers oi' In beuutilni periódica!, ns we havo been led to .huik tiie stujy of Botany no( only on innocent ecreatton, Lut ominemly promotiye of pietjr. Fiom Exciiungo Paper. ILLTSTRATÈD BOTANY- Nunbersix of il.i-. very preiiv flural work has been roccived, and is, ns uaunl, ñllel with )l:iies representing naiive uud foteign flwfrs. nnd with maner nlaung llereto. VVq hnvo horctufnre spoken in itirms of cuinmondation of iliiswotk. VVo think r. superior to any thing of the kind puhliahed. ILLTSTRATÈD BüTANT.- To all loTom of ilio beautilul in Natura and Art, we comoiend (hts work us emineinly woniiy ut patronage.- Ar. 1". Tribune. ILLTSTRATÈD liüTANY.-Amonff tb vanous pufliotion8 thut float uur country... w. seo none that we onsider ot more intrf:. to the riorist or ai.mirer ot Nature, thnn ilio lünstiatuit Botany. Il ia illustrateu with from four to sn. engravings every rr.omh. handsoniely qoloredi. rupresenting the plant truo 10 natur. lis reading n.ntier is descrip.ive of tho plnrus rairciontd, mnking tta valuableas wett.usbe.iuti ful worJkvTERMS.. Tliis work wül be pnblishod roonthly. wi;h, Irom six to ton flowers, handsoinely pninted, in cach number. Pnee, $3;00 yoar, or tvr H. es sent to one adiiruss tor $5,00. Cf A vcry liberal liscjunt all'nvoü to ajent."" J. K. WEULHAiN., PublbUer & Proprior,, No. UU, Nssau-sJ. Janvary I. 1647. P. S. Kdiiorn who Fiavc pabliVheil onr Pro' peclus for the C t year, will j) publish tlia nbovo for ih second jrear. B. Publishcrs of nowspapers w!io wlia wül sivc ihe heve ilirec insortioiis, shuit recoivo ih Work one yoar.


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