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Prospectus. Herald Of Truth

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The Journnl5 of the dny aredivided nlo thre clnsyes- :ihe Seciarian, the l'nrtiznn, und the Pop luar. üf tho filtren hundrrd serial psMicntion inorr lund, I hnnw of bnt iwo oi timo whiel pretend to bo devoto J lö ;he Cnuae of Truth on nll suhjects, unrestrnirtod by secmriart ut panici: interest, or by dcsire, froin seliish motivee. to pienso iho grcntest number of reader. Tliose which nrc nol controlled by some religieus sect, or pliiicaJ pnriy. or nther society of esclusivee, aro decidedly of the popular closs, nd will (iciótid no catfse, huwever ood, if it be innvorobly tgarc'ed by the rnnus : nor pubiish the honest opinions ot nny individual. i they be oppasod; to the ecnernl spniiinent. Henee, 'he Peritii cnls of the lnv, do not mnintoin au iinreserveil illecioncc toTruih. on thp trinmph of which depends the grentest good to the luiman fíiinilyv- Tho Canse of Truth demanda Journals cV'oiwl to hor interest!, throngh uhoc pages the. Otpuhis ol every candía mind enn be broukt before tho public nnd iliorouuhly cnnvfised it wil! be devorad to interest of Religionf Philoiopny. l.norftture, Scicnoe nnd Art. I4 will review eufh yj }1(. uew publu-ationa as sr


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