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In iliis village, on Thursdny eventng the 15th inst-., Mr. L. C. Goooale, publisher and proprietor of the " Michigan State Journal," nged 42 yttars. Tho friends of the discoased ars iatittrtl to attend his funeral oh tomorrowr fSabbath,) at half past 10 oMock, A. M. tn Geiiesoe, Geneaee Co. Fob. 2é, Mrs. Sarah Goodkll, vife of Chestcr Goodell, in tbc 57th year üf her age. Slie was a consistent and warm-hoar'.ai Christian, an ornament o the church oL of which slre wns a membor and a sympathizing fricnd of the down-troddoa s!ave. Mr. Bibb will recollect rhe tonder and overwhélrning intorest with whlcli .lie oncO Jistencd to his narrativo - sogrcat as a'.moit to overcomo hír bodiíy poVvers. Her los ís deeply felt, not only by a large circle ef surviving relativíis, bul by the church and society t which sho belongod. She diod in peace. COM. ín the same place, March 3Uth, Mr. Ciiesteu Goodell, husband of the former, ih the 60ih yar of his age. Mr... C. by hiií deuth has left vacant a pkc& which it ís fearedwill notsooa, bofilled. He was one oF Zion's most foíthfhl armorbearrs. While heahfc, panmtted, hitplaca in the sanetuejt nnd thO prayv meetiug was akva.y.$. filled! He waa a, warmadrocato ond s-uppnrter of human rights. Hov tngftúer with his wife, wa. a finn bfríeerin fhe doctrine of Christian I]oíaiess,.and their hearls wore doep. ly unbuedi spiritu Ii rcosoiv held uut: to.lhe Easf, cmd lie felt asleop wi!h. ; the full assffranc e and the joy ful anticipa:ion. of a bl'isful iminortaítyv ht ibis viflage, on fhe I4th,. of Corvjumption, Mitcuell Backer, Attor' ney and Counsellor at Law, axpé 31 yeafs


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