Polio Patient Sharon Downing Receives Treatment at University Hospital, January 1948

Published In
Ann Arbor News, January 21, 1948
Helped By March Of Dimes: Funds contributed in the March of Dimes campaign are used to help infantile paralysis victims such as four-year-old Sharon Downing, shown above with Nurse Evelyn Worsley receiving treatment in the pools of the physical therapy hospital. Physical therapy treatments, like the one being demonstrated with Sharon, are designed to strengthen nerves affected by poliomyelitis.
Ann Arbor News, January 21, 1948
Helped By March Of Dimes: Funds contributed in the March of Dimes campaign are used to help infantile paralysis victims such as four-year-old Sharon Downing, shown above with Nurse Evelyn Worsley receiving treatment in the pools of the physical therapy hospital. Physical therapy treatments, like the one being demonstrated with Sharon, are designed to strengthen nerves affected by poliomyelitis.
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