Body Of Dexter Youth On Army Ship Docking In New York Today

The body of Lt. John Weese, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Weese, of 10425 Jackson Rd., Dexter, is being returned to this country today aboard the U. S. Army transport Eric B. Gibson, the War Department announced. The vessel was due to dock in New York this afternoon with caskets containing 1,753 bodies of men who died in the European theater of war. Lt. Weese was 24 when he was killed over Normandy while taking part in the Allied invasion. He was a pilot of a P-47 Thunderbolt fighter plane. Enlisted in Air Corps He enlisted in the air corps Aug. 5, 1942, and was sent to England in March, 1944. The former pilot was born in Ann Arbor. His father is a veteran of World War I. The youth lived in several sections of Michigan before returning to the city with his family in 1938. Prior to entering the armed forces he was employed as a machinist with the American Broach & Machine Co. here. He was engaged to be married to a local girl at the time of his death. The former pilot was born in Ann Arbor. His father is a veteran of World War I. The youth lived in