Lab Work, University of Michigan Dental Hygiene Program, April 1962
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 1, 1962
LAB WORK: In the dental caries laboratory, dental hygiene students use microscopes to determine the number of lactobacilli in the mouth. Judith Nichols (left) watches as Dr. Philip Jay, chairman of the dental caries department, gives an explanation. Carol Palmer watches him and Mary Measel (foreground) studies another plate.
Ann Arbor News, May 1, 1962
LAB WORK: In the dental caries laboratory, dental hygiene students use microscopes to determine the number of lactobacilli in the mouth. Judith Nichols (left) watches as Dr. Philip Jay, chairman of the dental caries department, gives an explanation. Carol Palmer watches him and Mary Measel (foreground) studies another plate.
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