Governor G. Mennen Williams Attends University of Michigan President Harlan H. Hatcher Inauguration Ceremony In Hill Auditorium, November 1951
Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 27, 1951
Gov. G. Mennen Williams (left) and Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, retired president of the University, were among the 48 dignitaries who sat on the Hill Auditorium stage for the inaugural ceremonies. Here they are seen as they march in the procession down the aisle to the stage.
Ann Arbor News, November 27, 1951
Gov. G. Mennen Williams (left) and Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, retired president of the University, were among the 48 dignitaries who sat on the Hill Auditorium stage for the inaugural ceremonies. Here they are seen as they march in the procession down the aisle to the stage.
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