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Potters' Guild Sale Is Sunday

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The Ann Arbor Potters' Guild, which observes its 25th anniversary this year, will hold its annual Spring Sale on Sunday. The event is scheduled from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. on the grounds of the Guild's building at 201 Hill St.
The Spring Sale is one of the Guild's oldest traditions. It originated on a trial basis and modest scale years ago. As the interest in handcrafted objects has increased over the years, the Guild's production has multiplied and diversified. This year's sale offerings include thousands of ceramic items from standard functional stoneware pieces to less conventional, experimental ones. There will be raku ware, porcelain, lusterware, jewelry, and pots especially for children. Wheel-throwing will be demonstrated all day.
The Potters' Guild was organized in 1949 by ten local potters. Its first home was the coach house of the Maynard Street Nickels' property which will soon be razed for McDonald's Restaurant. In 1952 the potters set up their first Spring Sale in the alley between the coach house and the rear of the historic Deke Shant building. This alley was referred to in early Potters' Guild ads as "Potters' Alley," and is to be converted to a public promenade this year.