Retiring Teacher Marion L. Reed Honored By Eberwhite School, May 1975

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 24, 1975
Teacher Honored - Mrs. Marion Reed's third graders at Eberwhite School presented her with a special memento Friday during an all-school assembly to honor her as she prepares to retire this June. The youngsters each sewed their names and various designs onto individual patches which were then assembled into a quilt. Mrs. Reed, who has taught third grade at Eberwhite for 20 of the school's 25 years, helped organize the school student council and acted as its advisor for many years. Active in many teachers' organizations, she supervised some 38 student teachers during her career. The school faculty will honor her at a reception June 1 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the school, and everyone who has known her is invited.
Ann Arbor News, May 24, 1975
Teacher Honored - Mrs. Marion Reed's third graders at Eberwhite School presented her with a special memento Friday during an all-school assembly to honor her as she prepares to retire this June. The youngsters each sewed their names and various designs onto individual patches which were then assembled into a quilt. Mrs. Reed, who has taught third grade at Eberwhite for 20 of the school's 25 years, helped organize the school student council and acted as its advisor for many years. Active in many teachers' organizations, she supervised some 38 student teachers during her career. The school faculty will honor her at a reception June 1 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the school, and everyone who has known her is invited.
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